Nobody’s talked about Christmas gifts you got for your RV. So I’ll share this nifty gadget my daughter gave me. It’s a camera tripod (called Monster Pod) that will stick to anything in any position, even upside down. My daughter remembered how when in Alaska we took so many pictures of ourselves using a timer and had trouble finding a level place to set the camera. This little tripod will stick to a tree limb, a rock, or anything.
I stuck it on the post of my house to take a picture of me washing my RV today.
Here’s that picture:
Here’s the goo that sticks to anything and then peels right off.
It has its own carrying case with hook and strap (sold separately of course)
My daughter ordered it from an airline magazine but there is a website:
Now here’s another not-so nifty gadget.
It’s a binocular and digital camera combination. I thought it would be nifty until I tried it at my daughter’s house Christmas day. What I saw was an awesome flock of sandhill cranes flying in formation overhead. This is what I got with the camera.
Obviously what I saw was not what I got. I’ll reassess this gadget after I practice some more, but meanwhile, don’t waste your money on this gadget.