Vacuume packed milk

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Vacuume packed milk

Postby asirimarco » Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:55 pm

We finally found vacuume packed milk again at a Kroeger - a must for us to have around as I very seldom use milk but when I want it it is nice to have. The brand is Lil'Milk by Farmland. It is liquid and comes in 8 ounce containers, 3 containers to a package. It can be stored without refrigeration for a long time, just on your shelf. However once you open a container it goes bad within a week. Thats why I don't get the quart containers. It can be found in the baking section of most stores by the canned milk. Hate to have to buy a quart of milk, use a cup then have to throw the rest of it out cause it spoils.
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby Bethers » Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:40 pm

I'll have to look for that - I have been buying powdered milk to use in recipes, etc - cuz I don't drink milk and was throwing it away every time I bought it for one little thing. Thanks for that info - I'll look for this.
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby retiredhappy » Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:52 pm

Thanks for the info. I, too, don't drink much milk and hate throwing it out. Will definitely look for this for cooking.
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby avalen » Sun Oct 05, 2008 4:45 pm

I've seen that stuff at my grocery, is it like real milk or like canned milk?
If its like real milk and I could put it on my cereal, that would be great stuff.
I like real milk but its expensive when I waste so much to spoilage
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby asirimarco » Mon Oct 06, 2008 7:12 am

could have sworn I answered this yesterday but guess the gremlins got it.
Yes it is REAL milk and it is 2%. Tastes just like regular milk - I can't stand the taste of skim, powdered or canned milk and I like this. Also comes in chocolate. Really handy to have around. Especially for cooking.
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby SeeyaGal » Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:12 am

I have had this kind of milk before and I like the whole milk, it looks like the cartons of soy milk but just a bit smaller. I got hooked on it in Mexico. I found it in bulk in Valdez Alaska and had enough pkgs for 3 gallons of milk but because it is super pasturized it does not have to be put in the frig till you open it. Great way to stock up on milk , I'll have to see if I can find some more and stock up. I usually buy mine in Mexico for 83 cents a carton
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:48 pm

Also another brand is Parmalat. That brand comes in whole, 2% and skim,.... in either the quart or small sizes. Small size comes in the three-pack. I always keep some on hand. Be sure to check dates! Tastes exactly like fresh milk.

Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby bikerchic777 » Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:56 pm

I bought this stuff in a military commissary when I lived in Hawaii in the early 80's. They kept recalling the milk for pesticide contamination, so I tried Carnation powdered milk...Yuck! I discovered, however, if I mixed it with the milk in the cartons, and drank it very cold, it was pretty good. Had to do what I could to stretch a dollar!
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Re: Vacuume packed milk

Postby kelpie » Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:09 pm

I found this at WalMart also and those are pretty much everywhere. It's usually over in the baking aisle near evaporated milk and such
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