K23210 on QVC LOL..
Yes, it works ! It's an Acrylic Pitcher.. very attractive on table.. that has an infuser tube.. now the picture only shows it half way.. but one I got.. has slits all the way up.. and yes, I put lemons in and filled with water.. over night in frig next day I had nice flavored water.. not over powering.. and the fruit can stay in the infuser .. almost 2 weeks.. I'd say real world like maybe 10 days.. but .. no seeds LOL
Yes, I got it off QVC LOL of course you know I'm a Gadget Junkie.. but now I'm going to do a few other goodies.. like Strawberries and Kiwi... aaaaaah refreshing thoughts.. lots of grand ideas..
Spend a buck and save a few (for flavored drinks)..
Okie dokie my donation for this week so far !!
God Bless