Roku options?

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Roku options?

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:47 pm

I am looking at Roku at WM. There is one on sale but there are other options. I have no clue what the differences are. I would just want something simple.

The one that is half price for Black Friday is theRoku LE HD Streaming Media Player with High Speed HDMI Cable and Simple Remote.

The other options are Roku Express, Roku Express 4K, Roku Ultra LT, Roku Premier 4K, and some others.

Those of you who have Roku, what is the best option? I have no idea what any of these descriptions mean.
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Re: Roku options?

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:26 pm

I have ROKU. They all work exactly the same. The one difference is the remote. Make sure the remote that comes with it will turn your tv off and on and manage the volume too. I have this one. Has voice and also has the volume up and down and turns the tv on and off. It is on sale now on Amazon ... 161&sr=8-1

I really like the ROKU channel which is free (most are with ads but that is ok) have been finding lots of old shows on there that I missed first time around. You need to put the app on your phone as there are just some things you cant do on your tv. Like arrange your channels (roku calls them channels not apps) When you sign up there is a spot that asks for your credit card number if you scroll down just hit the "skip" no credit card required unless you want to buy something I guess. I didnt give them my credit card. I have two ROKU tv's and 2 Samsung smart tv's that I have my ROKU's on. I also have the Firesticks but I dont use them as I like the ROKU much better.

Hope this helps

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Re: Roku options?

Postby Bethers » Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:02 pm

I have the Roku premiere which is/was a cheap one. Works just fine for me. It doesn't have the on/off etc on the remote and that doesn't bother me. Sometimes I need the TV remote to change to watching over the air or cable channels. But for the price on the one Karen showed, if go for it if purchasing now.
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