Smart phone screen protectors

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Smart phone screen protectors

Postby MandysMom » Tue May 21, 2019 2:07 pm

After buying new iPhone and being quoted $49 for them to add a tempered glass screen protector, I said no thanks and went home to do research. Stumbled across MaxBoost company who make accessories. Good reviews and Lifetime warranty for $10.99 for set of 3. Placed order and got it next day from Amazon. I have installed screen protectors before and the MaxBoost was far and away the easiest, cleanest install ever. They include with the tempered glass pieces, carefully packaged screen cleaning wipes and a plastic molded piece which snaps over front of phone. That allowed perfect alignment first try ! It immediately sealed to phone as you watch the air leave and adhesive attach. Very happy so far. They don't cover all new phones yet but close and are very responsive to messages. I asked about Chris's new phone and they said, not yet but will add that to agenda in next few days meeting (its a new model google phone). They also rewarded my review on Amazon by letting me choose a free gift- a car charger! that arrives Thursday.
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Re: Smart phone screen protectors

Postby Rufflesgurl » Tue May 21, 2019 3:20 pm

Good job Velda. When I got my XS iPhone, I ordered the 3 screen covers and screwed up my first try so took it to Verizon and
paid the $49 - much happier with their install - no bubbles. My son-in-law easily does all their screen protectors and offered to do mine
but I was near Verizon, so stopped in there.

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Re: Smart phone screen protectors

Postby MandysMom » Wed May 22, 2019 3:20 am

Actually when I had the old 5s screen saver put on by Verizon when it was pretty new, I walked out with it and by the time I got to the car it was bubbling and peeling up. So took it back and they tried again. Still had a couple tiny spots but at least it stayed on. My work with thus MaxBoist is flawless, no bubbles or dust etc. I'm much happier than I ever was with VZs work on 5s.
I did do a couple of things to help make it go well.
I laid out a clean microfiber cloth on work surface. I chose a room in my house with less air circulation and more hard surfaces to lessen dust in air: my bathroom counter.
I opened the seals on box and got items arranged.
I then carefully washed my hands with soap to get skin oils off and dried with clean towel.
Then I simply followed their directions carefully taking my time. It worked out even better than I hoped.
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Re: Smart phone screen protectors

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed May 22, 2019 1:35 pm

HA HA Velda, so you surgically implanted the screen saver................LOL Good job
Last edited by OregonLuvr on Wed May 22, 2019 10:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Smart phone screen protectors

Postby Bethers » Wed May 22, 2019 7:31 pm

I just laugh at the extras... I need to replace my screen saver. After reading your post I decided to do it. I found the extra screen saver for the phone before this one. I still haven't found this one. It should have been in the same place the one from the previous phone was. This rv isn't that big! I'm going to have to check under my dinette seat. I have no idea why I would have put it there, but that's my next place to look. But I have things on that seat right now so replacing the screen saver is taking a back seat again.

I'm glad you like your new one.
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Re: Smart phone screen protectors

Postby MandysMom » Thu May 23, 2019 2:35 am

Beth, sure hope you found the screen saver. I get so aggravated when I misplace stuff. Yesterday Chris and I could not find the Parmesan we knew we bought at Costco. We both remember bringing them in from car. Chris finally found the non refridge organic one still in our shopping bag which was folded to go back to car. The other I found at back of fridge after each of us had looked twice.!
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