Portable Gas Grills

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Portable Gas Grills

Postby IrishIroamed » Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:30 am

I'm thinking of getting a portable gas grill for camping. I have a never used 20# (I think) propane tank that could be used instead of those small green propane things they usually show with portable gas grills. I know I'd be replacing hauling charcoal around with propane instead. Less worries about making sure the coals are really cold / out before dumping them.

My question(s) are:
1. Can someone please explain in dumbed down language I would understand what BTU is? Does it mean one grill could get hotter than another? Does it have to do with how fast the grill would heat?
2. Someone (Mitch maybe?) has a Weber and seemed to like it. What other brands do you have (that are not hard wired into your rig).

I don't need a fancy, smancy grill. Just something for quick burgers, Italian sausages, etc for dinner.

Any info would be helpful. Thanks ladies.
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby gingerK » Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:31 am

Well, you've seen the one I have; runs on the small tanks but probably could run on larger ones (might need a pressure regulator to do so). Got it at Wally world for about $35 I think. I've had it for years and years. Can't help ya with the BTU's thing.

On edit: just remembered my DS gave me one of those RVQ grills last year, when he was cleaning out his shed. It's the kind you see in the CW fliers. I just stuck it in the garage and haven't had a chance to check it out to see whether or not I like it. If you want to borrow it and try it out, you're welcome to do so.
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby IrishIroamed » Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:02 pm

OK - here's the simple explanation of BTU's from the building maintenance guy...(fake BTUs for the examples)

Think of a house furnace, a small condo may need a furnace that is 1000 BTUs and a large 2-story house has a furnace that is 2000 BTUs. Both furnaces are capable of heating up to 72 degrees, but the larger home needs a bigger furnace to warm to the same 72 degrees. So I'm thinking the gas grill BTU's would be small grills vs larger grills. Both heat to 400* but the bigger grill has to heat more space, so it needs more BTUs. Makes sense to me (short of asking a HVAC guy).

Now, about the portable gas grills you may have?.......
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby mitch5252 » Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:48 pm

I use a small Weber charcoal grill.

Cheryl's explanation about BTUs was spot on.

Vickie has a Weber Q series (I'm not sure which model).
I believe she likes it a lot.
I have a Weber Q here at the house and it's built like a brick something 'er other (a phrase my Mother liked)
Been out in the TN sun and winters for 12 years and believe it or not - the electronic ignition STILL works!
From the outside, looks almost brand new. It has really held up.
RV dot net has always spoken highly of the Weber Q series..

And that is the sum total of my gas grill knowledge.
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby gingerK » Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:06 pm

Ok, I stand corrected regarding the grill. This is the one he gave me.
http://www.campingworld.com/shopping/it ... blue/35188

I don't know whether or not I like it as I've never even looked it over. Just put it in the garage last summer. But that thing is heavy as heck as I remember.
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby MelissaD » Fri Jan 29, 2016 11:14 pm

BTU's are a measure of heat. When talking a stove/burner the higher the BTU's the faster and larger pot it will heat.

You already have a gas tank for your camper. Some campers come with a gas line for a portable grill with a quick disconnect for easy hookup. No extra gas bottle to tote around. Since there is a regulator on the campers gas supply you will not need a regulator on the gas grill. This is called a low pressure gas grill in the RV world. There is also a conversion kit to allow you to swap the small green bottle for a hose connection to the RV's gas supply.

http://www.cabelas.com/product/Camco-RV ... 337172.uts

This might help explain things or options available to you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ef9SWPwYfY
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby Birdie » Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:13 pm

I really like the Weber Q series and the Coleman grills. The thing I find is that they both are very heavy. Being conscious of weight and how often I use it when not at gtg's, I opted for a slightly smaller, small propane canister for heat, and have found they work for me. Certainly love charcoal for taste, but I really have to work on the heat and cooking when using them. The coals are a real problem for cooling and disposal....also when a burn ban is in effect, some parks don't allow them for use, but propane is okay. My little grill is normally about $20 and the last one I had for about 5 years. This one I have had for 4 years and it looks like it still has several years left in it. It is very easy to clean which means little worry about ants, other bugs and critters wanting to find that great smell!

So, I think it will depend on weight, amount of usage, full timer or part timer, cost, ease of cleaning and what you cannot live without! Good luck on your decision.
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Re: Portable Gas Grills

Postby IrishIroamed » Sun Jan 31, 2016 4:18 pm

Thanks for the info ladies. I bought a Coleman at CW yesterday. Much lighter than the other grills they had and I've seen elsewhere. I'd say between the charcoal and the old grill, weight is amount the same. 11,000 BTUs too which is good based on the BTU info. On sale too.

I never even gave a thought to burn bans Birdie.

Thanks for the video link Melissa. It led to some other videos on how to refill the 14 oz propane cylinders which looks easy enough too.
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