I've been seeing several similar over the past year. Just purchased this:
http://www.laundry-alternative.com/prod ... Wonderwash - Price was good and I was very impressed by the video of the tv station that tried it (on the page above).
Haven't even taken it out of the box, but when I have a lazy day, intend to try it - I'm perfectly fine with putting things outside, or hanging in my shower. This impressed me because I don't need lots of water (important when boondocking!) Love the foot pedal one posted, though -
I figure with my workamping, I won't use this as much as I would have some other years, but intend to have the times when I will again. Hopefully I'll like it. Will let everyone know when I try it.
“Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~
"He who treasures the small things in life has found the path to true happiness"