Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Barbzeee » Fri Jul 18, 2008 12:45 am


Surprise it is Friday and yes it is Morning too but I haven't gone to bed yet.. so I figured .. I'd post now and this way when I do go to bed and I know I'll over sleep.. I won't have missed you !!! LOL See, I'm always thinking ahead....well today was a crazy day for me and as you see it hasn't ended... DH bought me an Ice Maker.. yeppers ..he got the Magic Chef.. as the other one I wanted they didn't have.. soooo guess what.. I'm still waiting for it to finish making ice so I can go to bed..oh and also waiting for my hair to dry LOL see many things happening which is keeping me awake while Mr Minute Man is sleeping LOL don't know who got the best part of this deal...???????

Anyway.. as I'm checking through.. goodness our rooms are filling up.. Glad to see all you gals.. friendly faces and oh such neat places too... and tours of Rigs.. and helping with names alright...

Beth put in and other column.. Gadets..oooooh now you know I love Gadgets.. this is gonna be such a fun place.. always active and great inputs...

Liz.. or should I say Lizzie.. likes my tales.. LOL well there not to terrible tall but do make for good laughs...

The PA GTG is tomorrow.. and I'm just bursting with energy.. sure hope I don't take a nap.. !!! but I will make sure you all get all the dirt.. you know ...Hedda Hopper here.. ain't gonna miss much... LOL

Paulette.. you packin....I'm a gonna meet ya on the highway...LOL you are bringing your critters .. I'm sneaking out the back gate on mine.. they are staying home.. and I know I'll never hear the end of it... LOL...

Hey Sunshinecruiser.. (Carolyn) Glad you made it here.. we are so happy to have you with us.. and yes gal.. we can't wait for your good stories on your full time life style.. I know where you are now.. that area you have a lot of the gals that you all should be having a GTG ...Im sure Fernie can get one in the making.. she's good at them

Sparkle.. she's with us.. now you know you all in for treats on that... I mean Sparkle can get some good ones going... I just can't wait to read all her stories...

Sunseeker ( Jill) you make sure when you and Tommy are coming to Jersey you give me a holla.. cause I'll make sure we connect as well.. love meeting all of you.. as I feel I know you all such a long time..

Mtntophoundz.. (Mollie) enjoy that camping with the family....I know you were excited to get that call.. get packin those are those famous last words...

Cedar is off on her get away too.. and you know that gal sure can tell us a lot of stuff.. LOL boy look at her post.. she's on fire...LOL Hey Cedar .. miss ya already... but I know you'll be buzzing when ya come back..

Ok,... now I'm almost done here and I've got a few more things to get going... but... hey.. my table is growing and that's a good thing... You are such great gals.. it's a pleasure to have you with me...

Ok.. place matts in place .. cups set.. glasses too.. ready for some action.. Pot will be perking and the sun will be peeking out before long...ooooooooh my.. LOL I'm not much of a nightowl.. whoooooooo me LOL Echo.. you take charge.. you serve ....and Gentleladybear..(Nan ) I know you'll be right next to her.. you too are the early birds... LOL...

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe..... I'll see you all soon...

Ok dear gals.. it's time.. and I put this neat tag.. cause I thought it was needed...

God Bless

Barbzeee and Crew

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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Echo » Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:47 am

Gooood Morning everybody!
Well dang Barb your getting an early start by being late! :lol:
I'm glad it's Friday for sure. Haven't made up my mind yet if I'm gonna go into work tomorrow morning or not? Could use the extra money in the paycheck next week as those are the checks that will be used for rent. ~sigh~ Have told Kelly that if she wants she doesn't have to work and can sleep in tomorrow. She's under orders that if she decides to not go to work in the morning that she is not to let them talk or browbeat her into working. She hasn't said for 100% if she's taking tomorrow off or not??? But my bet is that she will!!! ;)
I can just bet that the gals that are going to the GTG are just about all set to unhook, pull in lines and hoses and head for that campground. Oh how I wish I could be there!!! But over 4oo hundred miles and over 8hrs of travel isn't in my stars at the moment. If I could do it? My goodness, I would be strapping my little tent and sleeping bag on the bike and heading up the road as soon as I got out of work today.
Got stuck yesterday with working 2hrs of mandatory overtime. I love how they do it. At about 3pm they announced that all of our 30, 60 and 90 day collection depts were required to stay and work for an extra 2hrs. Boy you talk about some upset people. sheesh It's like that place figures you don't have any kind of life outside of their doors. Hmmm? Well they know that you have a life but.......
Well it's time to go drag Kelly's butt out of bed I guess? I haven't heard any movement in there. But then again I've been out on the porch while Shade wandered the yard. Told her to go poopie and she ran right out there. She thought she was gonna fake me out. She did a really slow cruise of the perimeter of the yard, sniffed everything she wanted to sniff but didn't do anything. I bet she'll be glad to see us get home tonight and that there wont be no fake outs about it! :lol:
Hope ya'll have a great day.
If'in your going to the GTG this weekend? Please drive safe, have LOTS of fun and take BUNCHES of pictures!!! We are gonna expect a picture of each and everyone of you!! No hiding behind the camera!!!! ;)
Who is a work camper of 4 seasons,
and now has a truck & travel trailer to live in!
Co-horts: daughter Kelly & 'Shade' the Pom.

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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Redetotry » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:16 am

I hope it is wonderful weather for the GTG and everyone has a safe & happy trip! Get some rest Barbzeee! I know what you mean about trying to sneak off, like that's going to happen, they will be waiting by the gate, giving you their best sad eyes stare hopeing to change your mind.
Echo hope you can get a few hours off this weekend to play or just relax.
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Liz » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:21 am

Good morning everybody,

I'm off to Mt. Dora with my Christian Women's fellowship group today. Bringing my camera just in case, and if anything interesting to see, I'll post you a picture or two.

Those of you going to the PA gtg, I wish you safe journeys and fair weather.
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Sunseeker » Fri Jul 18, 2008 8:38 am

Morning all...
Wish they had a 'sleepy' smilie, that would be mine today. We went out to dinner last night and I embarassed myself eating crablegs from the buffet. I can sure pack them away and don't know when to quit! It was a nice dinner though and very enjoyable. It was a casino buffet so afterwards we stayed to play the slots. I won a little, but Tommy spent his ration and sat with me and cheered me on. That sure was fun, but we didn't get home till late. The girls woke me up before I was ready so I'm sittting here typing and yawning while I wait for the coffee to finish brewing.

For those of you on your way to the GTG, please be safe. I hope you have wonderful weather and lots of hugs. The rest of us will be thinking of you and wishing we were there too.

Well, time to get my day started. Whether you're working or playing today, hope you all have a good one! My brew still isn't finished, but what the heck, times like this is what 'pause and serve' is for, right?
Sunseeker Jill
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby retiredhappy » Fri Jul 18, 2008 9:05 am

good morning all. 2nd cup of coffee - eyes now open. Hope all of you going to the PA GTG have a ball - lots of pictures so the rest of us can feel like we're there, too.

Echo, take the day off. Sometimes your spirit needs to recharge.

Well, got to go to work. Enjoy the day.
Karen West
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby AlmostThere » Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:38 am

Hey, ladies!
I made it! I see lots of familiar faces/names so feels like home already!
Yes, have fun and be safe at the GTG this weekend. Pics plz!
Hugs to all!!
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Carolinagal » Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:11 am

I had planned on posting on this, early, but slept in a wee bit and Maggie, said hey, time for our walk. Had an 8:30 app. to have my rig checked over. I plan to leave Sunday morning, like going through Chattanooga then, not as much traffic or those big trucks. Week days, can't travel through there at the time I like to, because of work traffic, and I don't like to cause those poor souls problems or get in the way.

I love your Good-morning Zeee, and will be counting on it, to keep me up to date. I don't have a laptop, so will be using others computers or a library to try to keep in touch, this trip. I'm excited to be going, but just finding this place, gosh hate to be leaving too. Anyway, when a computer is available, will be heading right here to see what's happenin'. You do a great job, and i enjoy it so much. I have enjoyed this forum period, never thought I would , but seems there are some terrific people in here and Liz, said it could be addictive, She sure is right ! Those on the GTG, prayers for great weather and the most fun any of you have had for ages. I'm off to get a haircut.

Have a great day All !!!!!!
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Sunseeker » Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:32 am

We'll miss you Carol! Have a wonderful trip and be safe. Keep a journal so you can get us up to speed when you finally get to log in again. I hope you find great weather and cheap gas prices. :)
Sunseeker Jill
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Bethers » Fri Jul 18, 2008 11:39 am

Carol, I'm so glad you're enjoying the forum! That's what it's all about to be here.

And I'm also looking forward to hearing from you as you can on the road. Remember, we like pictures - so you're going to have to practice adding them :) Most important, though, just have a good and safe and fun journey.
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby SeeyaGal » Fri Jul 18, 2008 1:55 pm

Good Morning..or should I say good afternoon :lol: Woke up at 8A.M. DH was already up and playing on one of the puters and cats had been fed and content. Needed to get fresh water and dump the gray so we packed everything down and moved the RV. We have to fill more and dump more when the grandkids come to visit us. Gads I relish a full-hookup when they come to visit!!
Gloomy skies this morning but I'm not going to complain we have had great weather this month in the NorthWest!

Going to take the kids to my Mom's on Saturday so she can get her Great grandma Fix and I need a much needed HUG from her too.
I am so glad I solved my own problems and did not dump it on my Mom!
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Re: Surprise.. It's Friday.. and yes it is Morning really early

Postby Sunseeker » Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:12 pm

You sound pretty perky today, Jenny. Looks like sleeping in a bit agrees with you. Have a pleasant weekend and try to relax a bit. No one needs all the stress you've been under lately. {{{{{Hugs}}}} to both of you.
Sunseeker Jill
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