I have blueberry-flavored coffee brewing this morning as I had to down 8 ounces of water (shudder) to take my Fosamax this morning before anything else can pass my lips. I HATE having to drink water in the mornings once a week.....was supposed to have been yesterday, but more often than not, I forget! Am going to ask doc if I can switch to that once a month type, Boniva, or whatever they call it, and maybe I will remember better!
Temp is now standing at 20 outside, and quite cool in here as I slept soundly and fire went out in the night. I have my kerosene Monitor heater running, and I can't see my breath any more! No wonder Molly and the cat were both on my bed this morning, burrowing deeper into the covers!
We have a half day of regular classes at school today and then parent conferences this afternoon. Lucky kids get to go home at 10:30!
Hope everybody has a good Thursday wherever your travels take you! Coffee is ready now, but I still have to wait another 20 minutes before I can drink some! It sure does smell good!