Good morning Everyone !! I shouldn't be on here, time to move on and several things to do, but coffee first !!!
Said good bye to Sarah last night and then came in wishing I could stay longer. Maggie and I, must do our last walk, for this time, along the Tn. river. I don't plan an early departure, no rush, have a couple of places to stop in mind for tonight, don't care how far I get. I really shouldn't take forever getting to my next stopping off place though, but I refuse to rush too.
Have a great day everyone, enjoy every minute of this day, remember as Soos says it is only here once, so please enjoy !! Several are traveling besides me, so take care ladies and stay safe,
I posted and saw time was way after 9, it is not that here, MUCH earlier, couldn't have you all thinking I am really slow , it might be that time when I leave though, if I don't get moving,