Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 7:04 am
Yep it's Friday and it doesn't count for me or a lot of others. I still have to work tomorrow.
I am up and semi mobile, hopefully as the morning progresses I will be moving more freely. Jeepers I ache all over! That's what I get for being a lazy bum this past winter. Tho to tell you the truth I'm not sure just how much walking would have done for me to get me prepared for this job. Walking would have helped my legs and back but sure not my arms and shoulders! I guess I should have been lifting weights over the winter!! Then I could muscle the dishes out to the buffet. Today will be day 2 and I am determined to survive the second day of work. Or at least I'm hoping to.
I don't know what the temp is here at the moment but it's sure chilly in the trailer. I'm sitting here with a sweatshirt on and get the shivers every few minutes. Both fans were running and blowing when I got up as Kelly had left both on. Brrrrrr I did turn mine off as it blows directly on me while I'm sitting at the table but Kelly put up a big grumble as the noise of the fans cover what little noises I make. Can't do anything about the light so she covered up her head!
I need to go get a shower and while the idea of nice hot water is inviting the thought of getting nekkid to get under that hot water does not thrill me. But I will have to suffer the goose bumps until I'm under the shower and then until I'm dressed. Have to do it before Kelly closes the bathrooms too. No favoritism played here!!
Got coffee waiting on ya'll and the pot is all set ready to make another one. Only have a little 4 cupper. Will probably pick up a bigger pot this summer as Kelly has been stealing my coffee in the mornings. Hope ya'll have a great day and enjoy doing whatever it is that comes your way. Stay safe everyone!!
Love to all
Yep it's Friday and it doesn't count for me or a lot of others. I still have to work tomorrow.
I am up and semi mobile, hopefully as the morning progresses I will be moving more freely. Jeepers I ache all over! That's what I get for being a lazy bum this past winter. Tho to tell you the truth I'm not sure just how much walking would have done for me to get me prepared for this job. Walking would have helped my legs and back but sure not my arms and shoulders! I guess I should have been lifting weights over the winter!! Then I could muscle the dishes out to the buffet. Today will be day 2 and I am determined to survive the second day of work. Or at least I'm hoping to.
I don't know what the temp is here at the moment but it's sure chilly in the trailer. I'm sitting here with a sweatshirt on and get the shivers every few minutes. Both fans were running and blowing when I got up as Kelly had left both on. Brrrrrr I did turn mine off as it blows directly on me while I'm sitting at the table but Kelly put up a big grumble as the noise of the fans cover what little noises I make. Can't do anything about the light so she covered up her head!
I need to go get a shower and while the idea of nice hot water is inviting the thought of getting nekkid to get under that hot water does not thrill me. But I will have to suffer the goose bumps until I'm under the shower and then until I'm dressed. Have to do it before Kelly closes the bathrooms too. No favoritism played here!!
Got coffee waiting on ya'll and the pot is all set ready to make another one. Only have a little 4 cupper. Will probably pick up a bigger pot this summer as Kelly has been stealing my coffee in the mornings. Hope ya'll have a great day and enjoy doing whatever it is that comes your way. Stay safe everyone!!
Love to all