Morning! Only 10 in the AM here on the left coast! Just peppermint mocha coffee so far. Would love to share your oatmeal, Birdie! Yummo!
We've had light rain, on and off for the past couple days, but the temps are getting up near 50 so I'm ok with that....for now.
Saw a robin in my yard last week. REALLY? In early February? Just not right. My grass in the backyard is almost needed a good mowing, too.
Got my teeth cleaned yesterday. Xrays, too. No cavities but I have a tooth with such a huge filling that the thin walls are starting to give out, so agreed to get it crowned before that happens. There goes a huge chunk of RV play $$. Will start the prep on Monday evening, 6PM. Strange how my dentist is open till 8 on some nights, but caters to the working. They open at 7, too.
Looks like I will be attending horse camp over Mother's Day weekend!
Still awaiting word, but my DD is attending with one of her girls and will see if grandmothers are allowed to attend with a GD as the youngest asked me to go with her. We get to sleep in cabins. Should be a hoot!
I'm so excited for you Sarah! I bet you lay in bed each night thinking and thinking about it. Going over scenarios etc.
And Sandersmr, attending an RV show! Oh, what fun. Wish I had someone to attend one with. I think there is to be one next month in Portland.
I had a "chat" via Facebook, with my nephew. He was born with spina bifida in the mid 60s, and is now having all the complications associated with it as one ages. His spine has curved to a backward S shape and he fell on the ice 3 yrs ago at work and has 3 bulging discs that the Dr can't do a thing about because of his spine curvature. Also his kidneys are acting up so had to have them checked every few months. Just so sad as he's such a great guy. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers, please.