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Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:55 am
by Barbzeee

Okie Dokie..It's Thursday and yep...It's Morning... wow...I can't believe how fast this week is seems like yesterday ...but of course..silly yesterday was today......LOL ok..I'm again off in the wild blue yonder and getting sillier by the that means...look out world.. I'm loose as a goose...mmmmm don't have any gooses in my art work..perhaps I'll go gandering.. hahahaha..see I told ya.. I'm in that mood to play on words again.. So with that folks I can not be responsible for any thing I write... Oh Yeah ...Smokin'....mmmmm now what's happening in with the gals...let me go check this out.... aaaaaah a few new members I see....

Seeya Gal...(Jenny and Dan) is here and of course she finally got her as for her Driving that Beast as she calls it...well...a horse of another color.. and here she tells us all about Dan being the Driving Instructor...LOL Jenny.. does that mean .. Not for You !! LOL Hey we all know how that is when it's someone we love wanting to teach us anything hahaha.. I have the opposite problem... my DH won't drive ..unless under as he puts it... duuuuuuuuuuuress... (southern influence )

Hey Hi to Carolinagal... (Carol) We were beginning to wonder .. LOL But finally we got to see you in print.. Yeee Haw..!!
Welcome and any friend of LIz's is a friend of ours....!! and we are anxious to learn about you.. come visit in the coffee room and sit a spell .. I'll have another few more cups added to the table... and pictures yeah.. we love em' Liz is certainly good about those.... again Welcome...!!!

Redetotry...(BJ) When you is Redetogo.. Just give us all a shout..cause we'll be certainly on the look out for all you goodies..and hey...don't forget this coming Winter..we'll be getting another GTG in Florida ..Ya all come visit ya hear !!
Loved that name too by the way.. You's got talent there gal !!!

Cedar..(Nancy) That was really some neat pictures by the Lake.. I mean to tell ya..with what you were saying about your long friendship.. kind of brought me back in memories myself.. and it's good to have them.. and gosh.. I looked at that table.. was them there real plates LOL You know I had to notice..pretty blue numbers...LOL oh and yeah a bit of the bubbley...aaaaaaaaaah now it hit the spot... Good Girl ...and I'm sure your friend ..She enjoyed it too !!!

RetiredHappy (Karen) Hey gal that was some bike ride you too... loved that path.. but the Rubber Knees..well I had to laugh cause I'd have none.. I mean I wish I could still ride..but then is there a bike seat wide enough for me..let alone my legs .. hahahaha... but girl.. I could just picture you with Rubber Knees.. tooo much .. YOu do it in style I'm certain of that !!!and what were them white little flowers that smelled so good...uh mmmmm where's their picture.. next time hey !!!

Mtntophoundz (Mollie) Isn't it wonderful.. camping and the family enjoying it.. oooh and your young man already with the girls LOL cute isn't ...Now even if it's just a few miles up the road... What a great plan for all to just be together and what a bind it sure becomes.. enjoying each other and nature... love it...

Sunseeker (Jill) When you know when you are coming to New Jersey.. we'll get intouch with each other..and sure enough Gal we'll have that cuppa maybe two... Love to meet you both... That's a definite !!!

Uhmm Paulette.. I saw that picture of yer Critters and Yes, how could I not miss that ..Object in the Middle.. mmmmmmm yep.. it's s fuzzy alrighty... LOL YOu have your little stuffed wooosie.. hahahaha... it all comes out..before ya know it... You have your wooosie.. I love it... and by the looks of those two.. on that bed.. They sure do too... and by the way.. Who like the Bailey's Irish Cream...(I do too) LOL See.. oh and look at that puppy.. I mean Marley.. is a cutie too.. Oh you has got a house full.. too much Paulette just too much !!!!!

Liz... you too ! hahahahaha... now some how I have to tell you.. I still ain't over the Where's the kitty and that look your Roe has.. when he was peering out at us.. Like ya left him out of the fun.. LOL

Jan Jer ..(Jan) Cola's are also accepted.. My DH has his caffine that way too... !!!

Gentleladybear..(Nan) it's so good to have you posting.. really missed that... !!

Ok Gals it's that time again and for those I missed..well there's always tomorrow...and my table is set...Ok Echo.. you pull that chair on up and let's hear all about it... That David jumping over that fence..Oh my stars.. that had to hurt... mmmm

Ok..Coffees on and I know we're just gonna have some good stuff today.....

May your Adventures be Great Ones and your Journey Be Safe too

PSS.... Add on... Ya gotta try Cedar's Peach Biscuits... I'm a tellin ya.. you'll smack your lips.. them is good ...had them last night !!! Simple and Easy too

God Bless

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:30 am
by Cedar518
Goooooood Moooooooooooorniiiiiiiiiiing Barbzeee and crew!

I'm up and that's about all i'm going to say,... stayed up late last night watching "Steel Magnolias" ... again,.. was nearly 11 before I went to bed. Unusual for me.

So I'll be brief this a.m. as i stumble around the house getting my o.j. and coffee,..

Everyone have a great day, ok?!?!

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 5:42 am
by Echo

Yep it's Thursday, yeehaw. One more day left in the working week for most people. I'm of two minds if I am gonna work Saturday or not? We could use a little extra money in my paycheck but it's been awhile since I've had a Saturday off. Last time was when we went to Atlanta to the Ikea store. And as of this morning they are saying that Saturday is suppose to be a good day weather wise? Of course ya'll know how that goes. Especially now that I've thought about going for a bike ride!
Went to bed a little early last night, I was pooped out. Funny how stress makes ya extra tired. But I paid for it this morning. :x My bladder let me know at 5am that it was time to drag my butt out of bed! Dang it! Just not worth it to get up, go to the potty and then back to bed with the alarm set to go off at 5:30. And Shade? Once Mom is out of bed she of course says it's time to go outside and do her thing! ~sigh~ So I thru on my one-size-fits-all kafftan, turned on my coffee pot on the way by and we went outside. Boy oh boy, let me tell you all that as soon as I heard that coffee pot beeeeep I came in and grabbed my first cup of the morning.
My David seems none the worse for his leap over the fence gate. He and Jenny went out for dinner last nite. He came home with a new haircut. Good looking boy even if I do say so myself! But now he's got these horrible looking pig bristles sprouting off his face. ewwwww I'm not much of a fan of beards. :P They look good on some guys but gads I can't stand the feel of the things!!!!
Ok, need to get off my duff and get dinner started and get dressed. I'm throwing country style ribs in the crockpot with bbq sauce. Yum! Haven't made up my mind what I will do up to go with them tonight? But at least they will be cooked. :) Got a good price on them last night at the grocery store. LOL Only went to the store for T-paper and ice cream. I'm a menace in the grocery store. If only I could figure out how to survive without going to that place? We could save oodles of money!!!!!!
Ya'll have a great day.

Love to all

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:27 am
by Mtntophoundz
Good Morning all! Boy I didn't want to get up this morning. Its cool here and my bed was warm. I am doing the silliest thing this morning. I am timing myself to see how long it takes me to do my online stuff and drink a cup of coffee. I do this every year before school starts back so I will know what time to get up. Isn't that sad. Right now I think 30 minutes is going to do it. Oh the goal is to also be the only one in the house awake. I like my quiet time in the mornings. Is anyone else like that? Today I am going to fold some laundry and then probably take it easy. My days are numbered for the summer and I want to be lazy as much as possible.... hehe Ok enough babbling.... Have a great day all!!!


Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:34 am
by NakedPupsAndMe
Morning All! Im gearing up for a day of kids & dogs so I'll need extra caffeine and some chat time to get me thru. I'm keeping 2 of my nephews for a while the morning. 9 & 10! And they are wide open. Tihs afternoon I'm getting 2 little rescue pups. They will need some serious attention I'm afraid.

We are planning a little trip out in the RV next week to a nearby lake. Never been to this campground, but then I've only been to 2! :D Not sure if I'll make the trip or not. I don't know about going with 6 dogs, 2 adults & a 14 yr old! Might do the campground a favor & stay home with the 4 legged babies.
Hope you all have a great day & thanks for having coffee with me.

Micki & the NakedPups

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:21 am
by Liz
Good morning everybody! I made it to coffee time today. Got up to no electricity, so had to wait for that to come back on to make coffee. I was up way too late last night reading the forum. Everytime I thought I was through one of those icons turned red again...

Mtnhoundz...when I was still teaching I used to rise at 5 a.m. just so I had some quiet private time to enjoy my coffee, newspaper, bible reading & meditation, etc. I didn't know about the forum then. I'm still an early riser out of habit. Of course, Bandit and Roe let me know it's the crack of dawn too.

Echo...two good reasons for a trip to the grocery store at night...TP and ice cream, both life's necessities. :lol:

Micki, bless your heart, two more rescue pups. I know you'll be busy. Do tell us all about them when you can.

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:00 am
by retiredhappy
Good Morning all. Am here with my 2nd cup. Debating going bike riding again - should but have to work up the energy. I'm still plugging away at painting. Am spending way too much time on this forum. But its so much fun to just keep reading about what you're all up to. Echo, go for a bike ride - your spirit needs it. Think I might just put my awning out, sit in my chair and read a good book. Okay, dogs at the door staring at me. Who owns who?

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:05 am
by khenrie
Good Morning all! Yay, I finally made it. It'll take me till next week to get caught up on all the happenings around here, as today I am preparing my business to be left in hubby's capable hands for the weekend while I head to South Dakota for a family reunion. Should be interesting driving with my two girls and my oldest's boyfriend. This may determine whether he can "hang" with the family or not :mrgreen:

Should be off and running tomorrow morning by 9am!

So, catch up with you all next week.

So happy to see you!!!


Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:32 am
by Paulette
Hope you have a great trip Kim. That's gonna be a long couple of days! But always feels good connecting with family again!

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:08 am
by Sunseeker
Morning ladies. I'm really late getting to the table today cause I started reading at the top of the forum today and it took so long. How wonderful that so many have made this shift and all are happily contributing! This has really become a great place to be. Well, I'm going to step away for a bit to see if I missed any postings. They keep springing up. How fun!

Re: Okie Dokie..It's Thursday..and yep ..Morning !!!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:52 am
by Bethers
I slept in again today- so nice that Peaches lets me - but the moment she sees an eye open - she's smacking me with a paw, saying - get yourself up, LOL. So shortly before 9 she and I took a lonnnnng walk, then back in to read the forum - and it's now almost 11, and I just finally worked down to the Morning Coffee post. Like is being said, everytime I thought I finished a room, there was a new post. I think I'm going to have to accept that some days I won't be able to read them all.

But I WANNA - I really do WANNA read them all - as each of them is so much fun, and telling me so much about each of you and what we do, etc. I haven't found a "skippable" thread or post yet. This is going to be way too time-consuming LOL but I love it.

Have a great day everyone - and Kim, you have a great time at the reunion and we look forward to hearing from you when you get back.