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Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:13 am
by Colliemom

From the sounds of yesterday's Morning posts, it seems like everybody enjoyed their holiday weekend. Now it's time to get ready for the next one, for those of us who are involved with family, friends or parties for Christmas. I got my first Christmas letter in the mail yesterday. This gal always mails early.

It's 7 a.m. here in northern Michigan and I have eaten a bowl of cereal and a bowl of strawberries for breakfast, the girls have been out and back in and a load of wash is in the washer right now. Catching up on the laundry from being gone all week. Still have a couple of boxes to unpack today.

Ran errands and took care of some business yesterday, so am back to normal routine now. Was thinking of going down to a craft shop about 50 miles south today, but there is a big storm going across the lower part of the state and it's going to come up to just about that 50 mile point. Will be changing from heavy rain to snow by end of afternoon, so not sure I want to go down there. I need a new printer here, so may go printer hunting today instead.

Seems funny not having snow here this time of year. I have lived here for 32 years and can remember when first moving up here permanently and even before that, we would have as much as a couple of feet on the ground by Thanksgiving some years. Now we are lucky to see it before Christmas and even then no guarantee it's going to stay around through that big week for the resorts up here. At the moment we are over our average amount for November even though none on the ground and it looks like December may be a bit snowless for awhile yet. Makes it easier to get out and about, that's for sure. Took the girls over to the park yesterday and let them walk and snoop around. They enjoy that. Will probably do it later this week again.

So, I guess it's time to be off and get this day underway. Have a nice day all.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:37 am
by Nasoosie

It's cooler and overcast here today, but still a warm (for me in November!) 60 something degrees. We had a bit of rain as the cold front went through yesterday, so things are looking extra green today. It won't be a swimming day, unless the sun comes out full on and warms it up more, but it'll be a good bike riding day.

I cooked my turkey and stuffing yesterday, so now I have tons of leftovers (my favorite part of turkey-cooking) and a carcass to make turkey soup with----another of my faves!

Melissa sent me a link to a medical complex with a bunch of docs close to this house, so my goal for the day is to find me a general practitioner who will accept my insurance combo of Medicare and Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Will see how that goes.

I hope you all are having a good after-the-feast time, and managing to get back to the status quo.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:48 am
by Liz
Good sunny morning from McIntosh. I'm looking forward to a mini gtg here this week. I think she's bringing the cold from the north with her. Lows in the 40s and high in the 60s expected all week. Better than the snow in the South though. And the sun is shining.

Good luck finding local doctors, Soos. You have good insurance, so shouldn't be a problem.

Don't worry Sue, I expect your snow is coming soon. Those were beautiful pics you took in the Upper Peninsula.

I'm planning to make a vegetable lasagna for dinner, so will get crackin'.

Stay safe & have some fun today.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:22 am
by Brewsterivy
Good morning on a rainy cool morning with lots of clouds and talk of thunder rolling in tonight. Time to get out the calming pills for two of the dogs.

Liz, I looked up McIntosh because I had no idea where it was and found it smack in the middle of Florida. You seem to be near Cedar Key which I have heard is a great place to visit. I have always wanted to go there but not sure if it is truly a "laid back key" or sort of a disney-esque replica. Have you ever been there? Florida has so many different climates and landscapes from the Everglades to orchards to horse farms to Disney and then to the beautiful Atlantic and the Gulf. Something for everyone.

Sue and Soos - it is nice to see that you are enjoying your homes and taking advantage of the weather when you can.

I am sort of in a funky mood today and not sure why so I will sign off and sulk while I eat chocolate... :cry:

Carol Brewsterivy

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:31 am
by Birdie
What a beautiful cold, 42*, bright sunny, not a cloud in the sky, morning here in San Antonio. Wind came up this morning so it won't be fun driving today. I think maybe I'll head to Liz's place for dinner tonight :o . I'll bring the salad and garlic/cheese bread for all of us Liz :lol:

Carol that is a neat campground where Liz is.....I got to see it this past February and it has a great location for about everything.

Have had a great week downtown with my long time friend, Red from Tucson. We were doing the tourist thing on the Riverwalk, Alamo, Market Center and hated to see her off at the airport yesterday. We had great weather for the most part. We did get the cold front thru with some rain, but we just waited for it to stop and then went to play.

I am headed north today, but will stop and gas up and buy groceries before I get to the campground. Only need some milk and diet dr. pepper. Time of the year for me to go find my flannel lined jeans too. I hope that the weather stays mild here in south central Tx this winter....otherwise will have to move farther south :lol: .

Hope all on the road have safe journeys and get where you are headed and start the fun making process. If you are where you are supposed to be, get to having fun.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:35 am
by asirimarco
Good morning to All from foggy, foggy Huatabampito The sun tried coming up but has now completely disappeared. Been have an argument with PhotoBucket but will see if I can post a couple of pictures of suns effort.
Just as it came up and then disappeared into the fog again.
We will probably leaving here tomorrow for points south - most likely Mazatlan for a little bit then surther south to Aticama for a while - eventually back to Mazatlan to meet with some friends in January.
Then who knows where. Bill wants to go on to Guadalajara to get some more leather.... I'd like to go to Guanajuato just because - but not sure about taking the Alfa there - but have done it before and all was fine - depends on the weather.
Right now we have the heat on .....Shouldn't complain - I see where our home town is getting snow today. Brrrrr.
The seagulls are all lined up out front on the beach waiting for Bill to go out and feed them.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 9:55 am
by sharon
Thanks Birdie, but the fun is over for a while. :cry: Made it home yesterday with a beautiful ride home, no wind and light traffic. Nice change. Got Hope unloaded for the most part and now need to go get all of the sand out of her that I brought home with me. She looks like I brought half the sand dunes home with me. The weather was gorgeous out there, one windy day, but I'll give Mother Nature one bad day out of nine! :D

Got a call from Greenville Chrysler while I was out there....seems Libby is indeed illegal in Ca. The manager told me I had 2 options...option #1 was to register her out of state. Not an option!! Option #2 is they find me another car exactly like her. That's an option I can live with. So I guess they are looking. My case manager from Chrylser told me it would be easier to find one in a different color...I'm partial to the silver after having her for a few weeks out here where I live. The dust hardly shows on her and the other 3 colors are dark...a purple color, black and charcoal. The charcoal is the only one that kind of matches Hope, but it's still gonna really show the dirt. I live on a dirt road in a breezy area....guess that says it all! So in the meantime, she's parked in the garage until they find one. I'm afraid to drive her, the sheriffs in this area really keep an eye on tags, and in Ca you only have 10 days to register. I sure don't need a ticket on top of the rest of this hassle!

I have jury duty starting Monday, always a favorite way to spend the week. After a week if you haven't been picked for duty, you're done for a year. I really need to talk to them and see if there's any way they can push my duty to April or May for next time, it's about the only 2 months I don't have to much going on.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day today and those traveling drive safe!

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:47 am
by Readytogo
Where's the snow????? Weather man said we might have gotttena dusting, but none! Havent watched the local news yet to see if maybe Sarah got some up north of here. Would have been nice to see just for a day, feel Christmasy! Yesterday was one of those days. Water blew into basement somehow, hasnt done that in the 40 some years I've had this house! Pets found it first since I leave the door open for the kitty to get to his box. So got up to muddy footprints ALL THRU the house! Then haircut lady cut my hair too short ( for me), other people seem to like it but too short for my liking. Always seemslike everything happens in one day! Everyone seems to be either traveling safely or settled in getting things done! This is a want to get out day, so I think ill go to the indoor flea market later. Everyone find womething fun to do today. Wendy

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:13 am
by Redetotry
Another gray day here but rain seems to have stopped, we didn't get snow or ice which is a very good thing, so I'm doing retail therapy online to entertain myself. I want a pair of ankle boots but, I don't want a flat heel and of course all the new ones are flat. I did find one pair and ordered them from Zappos only to be disappointed as they were beautiful but too narrow :cry: Now I'm on eBay looking at vintage.
Birdie I'd love to do the riverwalk you mentioned, I've always thought that would be interesting but I'd like to go by boat, is that possible? Sounds like you and your friend had a good time, I love seeing friends I've know for a long time seems like you can just pick up where you left off the last time you saw them with ease.
I saw a man who had been a student when I worked on a college campus this week and we hadn't talked in ages. It was so fun to see him, I remember the first day he arrived, he came in my office and I was smitten with his southern charm and good looks. He asked directions to one of his classes and I immediately offered to show him the way :lol: Forever after he was know as My Sweetie and I made sure he never lacked for a student work job. Of course this was several years ago and he was an older student so not that much difference in age. I still keep in touch with some of the students I worked with thirty years ago, where does the time go!!
Guess I'd best stop lolly gagling and do a little work then take Wendy's suggestion and go look for something fun to do. I did make a nice breakfast maybe I'll count that as my work for the day!

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:20 pm
by dayspring39
Good Morning from windy cold Normal... I may be here for the winter do not know... I called the park manager to see if he could winterize my motorhome before the frigid cold comes later this week... I am not sure what I need to do the job myself...
Today I go for x-rays so maybe I will know more later this week on how the healing is going...
My grandson got out my new chase that I ordered from Camping World... it is very nice and made very sturdy... great for me... and extra wide... I got it for $79 it was normally I think $150... now they do not mark it down as much... another incentive for me to be on the road!!
Carol those pictures are nice glad the sun is shining someplace!!
I trust everyone will have a great day...

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:36 pm
by Liz
Brewsterivy wrote: You seem to be near Cedar Key which I have heard is a great place to visit. I have always wanted to go there but not sure if it is truly a "laid back key" or sort of a disney-esque replica. Have you ever been there? Florida has so many different climates and landscapes from the Everglades to orchards to horse farms to Disney and then to the beautiful Atlantic and the Gulf. Something for everyone.
Carol Brewsterivy

Carol, Cedar Key is a neat little historic fishing village with a lot to offer. It does become very touristy at times, like during their festivals. The town has attracted artists and writers. Her's a link with photos: I haven't been there in a long time....would be fun to go again.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:26 pm
by Acadianmom
BJ, now would be the time to visit the River Walk in San Antonio, it would be all decorated for Christmas. I went on a bus tour there about 15 years ago. It was beautiful. There are barge like boats with seats you can ride on but I didn't. I don't remember how much it cost but it must have been more than the bunch I was with wanted to pay. We went in a lounge on the River Walk and Shiner Bock beer was being promoted and they gave everyone a free one. It's a dark beer and I was the only one that liked it so I was feeling no pain by the time we left. I haven't lived that down yet.

I went to the Shoe Station store before I went to the GTG looking for some new black shoes. They had some Clark boots I decided to try since most of my shoes are Clarks. I liked the tall ones but figured I would wear the short ones more. They are very comfortable but not a tall heel.

It got down in the low 30's last night but is sunny and 69 today. It's suppose to be warmer the rest of the week until Sunday. Rain again and cold on Sunday.


Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:00 pm
by Bethers
BJ, you have to walk part of the Riverwalk in order to take the boat tour :) It's a good tour, though. Have done it twice now. It's because of that tour that I found the little church that still has services in German (as well as others in English). But, the Riverwalk needs to be walked as well. I love it - touristy or not.

I have today off. Doing nothing much. After several days of rain and more rain, Peaches was thrilled that we got a good walk, and off-leash romp. But several big dogs were here and off leash and she thought that was too many big dogs at one time, so wouldn't play with them. Of course, she's not a big player, but they were running, and that's what she loves doing with others. Oh well. She had fun and I'll try to get her out once more before dark - geez, that means pretty soon lol

Some of the primitve camping sites here are under water from all the rains. Those sites sit right on the edge of the water, and probabaly get covered several times a year, I'm thinking.

Honey wagon was by and dumped my tanks today, so time for me to start filling them back up. Quick shower in a few mintes. If I'd gottem going early today, would have taken one quickly before they dumped, but well, you know how that goes. Sleeping was so much more fun (or necessary).

Tomorrow, finally, I have an overtime day. Not going to be nearly as many OT hours this year - means less money :( Easier on the bod, not so easy on my coffers. They emailed that they need a few people who can stay into January and I'd consider it, except I need to be in TX by the end of the first week of Jan. Going to check my schedule closely before possibly replying.

I'm rambling - hope everyone has a good day. For most of you, it's 1/2 way over - for me - still in it's infancy.

Re: Last Tuesday of November

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:49 pm
by AlmostThere

Melissa sent me a link to a medical complex with a bunch of docs close to this house, so my goal for the day is to find me a general practitioner who will accept my insurance combo of Medicare and Blue Cross-Blue Shield. Will see how that goes.

Soos, your insurance should have a website inwhich you can check for Drs/offices in your area that take your insurance. Just a thought...