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PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:08 am
by Nasoosie

Another beautiful, cool, sunny day here in the Adirondacks has dawned. I am hoping to go swimming (lounging) in my pool sometime today, as the days of swimming weather are on the wane now, for sure.

Yesterday, as Joe and Mandy were otherwise occupied, I helped Wiley move the old diesel generator out of its shed down at the pond, and move in the new propane one. I was afraid he might need a hand, if only to call 911 should the things fall over on him, or something! We devised pipes for rollers, used come-alongs, and the tractor to accomplish the deed. The old tractor no longer has enough oomph to lift the old diesel into the trailer so he can truck it to his cousin for repairs, however, so hopefully today, Joe and his tractor can finish the job.

Last night the kids and my neighbors, Issy and Dick, celebrated Richard's birthday with pizza and beer around my pool area. I tried something new called Jeremiah Weed, also known as Lightning Lemonade----a malt beverage without the sting of others I've tried, but with all the zing! Flavor is weird, to say the least, but not bad after the first shocking sips!

Coffee is hot, and there is cold pizza for breakfast this morning, so sit a spell and tell us about your day!


PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:59 am
by AlmostThere
Morning, Soos! Glad the poolside party didn't include campfire dancing! :o :lol:

I haven't been outside yet but yesterday AM I could easily see my breath. I'm fearing our Summer (what's that?), is going to quickly move into Fall. Looks like we might get some sprinkles late tomorrow. Been a while since we've had rain.

Yesterday my wonderful neighbors revamped my front flowerbed. How nice it now looks w/o the tree and uneven bricks around it. Now I have to plant some grass before the weeds take over the spot.

Also yesterday I went to watch my GD's showdeo at horse camp. She did really well as did all the campers. Such a huge undertaking with all the little campers and huge horses, and the group leaders are all volunteers, too! The only place to sit was a rock wall on one side of the corral. My one butt cheek got pretty numb towards the end and I had to move about. I think the wounds are healing as it feels like the stitches are starting to pull. I did have to ice it when I got home.

That's it from the 'evergreen state'!


PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:06 am
by dayspring39
Good morning Soos and everyone else... is a beautiful day here in Normal... I have coffee but I'll pass on the pizza thanks anyway...
After seeing the two senior centers yesterday I have a lot to think about...It will give me a lot to think about for the next little while I have started making lists of my costs now and when I would get rid of if I were to move... The last time I moved I said I would never move again but that was 10 years ago and this is a new day...
The move would allow me to use my motorhome as long as I can drive which will be a long time I hope...
Enjoy the last days of summer and all your travels be safe please,


PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:52 am
by Irmi
Good morning ladies!

It's almost still morning on the east coast, so I thought I'd chime in and say hi.

I've had a busy morning. We're back from our shopping trip and the groceries are put away. I've blanched, peeled & seeded the tomatoes and made a large pot of spaghetti sauce. I just took it off the stove so I can put it in the Ziplok baggies to freeze. We'll be eating good again this winter!

We will be calling Schnaitman's later to see how the watermen did crabbing to see if we can buy some crabs. I hope they got enough, otherwise I need to get a meal together for dinner.

I need to get off here and get some more things accomplished. Have a great day everyone!


PostPosted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:30 pm
by avalen
well good morning ladies, and of course its almost noon here but have been up for a long time getting laundry done, trip to the bank and then the store. Chores are done for this week, now I can play on the computer for a few hours before its time to go
to work. First week of school went as expected, and I'm referring to the way the school district does things. I say that with a
whole lot of sarcasm cause they certainly don't do anything that would make sense. Living life with my daily chant.....get through
this year, get through this year, get through this year.
We've had alot of humidity the last few days but not enough to rain :-( so its feeling pretty yucky outside.
I feel a snack coming on so off to the kitchen now for a bite to eat.
Have a great day and be safe.