It's 8:45 a.m. Where is everybody? Sleeping in mornng? Up and at em, got a million things to do morning? Up and just being lazy morning?

Whatever. Colliemom is up and had breakfast of egg/cheese omelet and sausage patties, topped off with bowl of strawberries. Not I'm snooping through the forum checking out to see whats' new.
Cloudy and chilly mornng out there this morning. Supposed to have sunshine later today. Back to our March highs of mid 30 to mid 40's. Rain coming in tomorrow afternoon and Monday. The snow up here is pretty well gone now, except for areas in the deep woods where the sun can't get at it as good as it can in the open. And also in areas where it has drifted or been piled by plows or blowers. Seems funny driving down the roads looking at mud and bare ground after these past few months of white everywhere.
Picked up my lamp at the repair place yesterday. Switch was shot. Cost me a whopping $1.73 to get it fixed. Then I went to Hobby Lobby to pick up a bottle of craft paint and some foam brushes. Spotted a neat remote control holder in the woodcrafts section, so grabbed that too. Will stain it and put in the TT to holdl my remotess. Spent $4.63 for all that. Then off to Home Depot to pick up one more tile for my counter top project. A big .30 for that. All told I spent $6.66 yesterday. Last of the big spenders

Since I cleaned house yesterday, I can enjoy myself today and work on my projects. Will finish up the counter top, make myself a name plate for me for that Camping Sign and put a coat of stain on the remote holder. Then the girls and I will take a walk later on. We took our dailly one yesterday and then later on my neighbor picked me up and we went to my church for their fish fry dinner. Met some others up there.
So I'm off to enjoy my day here. Take care all. Hope you all have a great day whatever you do.