Let's start our day with a good morning here.


Postby Colliemom » Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:00 am

Hi Everyone,

It's 8:45 a.m. Where is everybody? Sleeping in mornng? Up and at em, got a million things to do morning? Up and just being lazy morning? :lol:

Whatever. Colliemom is up and had breakfast of egg/cheese omelet and sausage patties, topped off with bowl of strawberries. Not I'm snooping through the forum checking out to see whats' new.

Cloudy and chilly mornng out there this morning. Supposed to have sunshine later today. Back to our March highs of mid 30 to mid 40's. Rain coming in tomorrow afternoon and Monday. The snow up here is pretty well gone now, except for areas in the deep woods where the sun can't get at it as good as it can in the open. And also in areas where it has drifted or been piled by plows or blowers. Seems funny driving down the roads looking at mud and bare ground after these past few months of white everywhere.

Picked up my lamp at the repair place yesterday. Switch was shot. Cost me a whopping $1.73 to get it fixed. Then I went to Hobby Lobby to pick up a bottle of craft paint and some foam brushes. Spotted a neat remote control holder in the woodcrafts section, so grabbed that too. Will stain it and put in the TT to holdl my remotess. Spent $4.63 for all that. Then off to Home Depot to pick up one more tile for my counter top project. A big .30 for that. All told I spent $6.66 yesterday. Last of the big spenders :lol:

Since I cleaned house yesterday, I can enjoy myself today and work on my projects. Will finish up the counter top, make myself a name plate for me for that Camping Sign and put a coat of stain on the remote holder. Then the girls and I will take a walk later on. We took our dailly one yesterday and then later on my neighbor picked me up and we went to my church for their fish fry dinner. Met some others up there.

So I'm off to enjoy my day here. Take care all. Hope you all have a great day whatever you do.
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Postby dayspring39 » Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:20 am

Good Morning... will be very sunny and warm here... seems strange that at home their high is our low... less than two weeks I will begin my way homeward... that will be good... will see Mitch along the way... am excited about that...

I was going to wash Bright Hope but I have some sort of pussy rash that itches between my middle and next finger... have an antibiotic cream from last year when my forehead was raw meat... think my hands need to not be in any chemicals now...

I actually have a working (NOT LEAKING) water heater... it was two small washers that had become old and brittle... the owner only charged $50 because he said he had been so busy (he was busy last week going to Daytona beach) 'me thinks' he is not working very methodically... oh well it is his business...

What ever your day holds face it head on and may the wind be at your back...
Last edited by dayspring39 on Sat Mar 19, 2011 2:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Ladyhawk » Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:52 am

Sue, your breakfast sounds much better than mine. I had a dry bagel and coffee. Too lazy to fix anything this morning.

I'll be cleaning and doing homework today and figuing out new ways to puppy-proof the home. Not sure how he manages to find things I thought were well-hidden. Now, if only I could train him to find the stuff I'm actually looking for...
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Postby Liz » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:02 am

Saturday's Super Moon:

Today the moon is passing closer to the Earth and will look bigger than it has for 18 years. This is a pic of the Super Moon as it rose over Clearwater Lake last night, after a gorgeous sunset. No pic of the sunset, as my connection is too slow for pictures. Had to be very patient to get this one.

We had a little excitement at the cg yesterday when two moms took a parcel of kids out on a hike and got lost. They had no water with them, but one of the adults did have a cell phone and managed to get a call through. They brought out a helicopter that flew overhead, then two sheriff vehicles with the bloodhound team. The kids were found after walking over 9 miles, and except for needing water, food, & tick checks, were none the worse for wear.

Our hiking is limited to short hikes, as Joselyn is wearing a "boot" as she recovers from a tendon tear in her foot.

Hope everyone can get a glimpse of today's Super Moon!
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Postby Irmi » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:28 am

Good morning everyone!

Sue, it sounds like things are starting to warm up in your neck of the woods. I've seen your fall pictures and winter pictures, now I can't wait to see your spring & summer pictures.

Kathleen, when do you plan on being back in Normal?

Ladyhawk, good luck with puppy-proofing your home. What kind of dog do you have?

Liz, I can't wait to see the moon tonight. I'm so glad the hikers are ok.

I spent Thursday night and most of the day Friday with my parents. I fixed their dinner Thursday evening, took Dad to a doctors appointment Friday morning, then we stopped off where he'll start taking physical therapy to make his first appointment which is this coming Monday, stopped at the grocery store and took him to the BCBS office to see why he hadn't received his bill for the next year. With all the medical bills he & my mother are incurring, he wants to make sure that is paid in full. I fixed a big pot of soup which was their dinner last night and they should still have plenty of leftovers. My sister from NC came back to stay with my parents through tomorrow. They have 5 doctor appointments that I know of next week, so hubby will probably take them to those. Mom has a terrible cold and feels miserable. I was taking Zicam and Vitamin C the whole time I was there because I really don't want what she has. My sister from NC was talking about taking her to the Urgent Care center in that area to see if they could do anything for her. So between Mom & Dad, they are a real handful right now.

We are having a new roof put on our garage and hubby & BIL are framing that up today. We're going to have red tin put on it to match the new roof on our house. It'll be nice when that is done.

Take care & have a good day doing whatever it is you're doing.
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Postby khenrie » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:24 am

Good morning! Sounds like you ladies are off to a great start! That moon last night was spectacular - looking forward to tonight.

SO EXCITED! Randy is off moving the RV to the tire store to get all tires replaced and then to our house! When I get home this afternoon, there should be an RV in my driveway, if all goes well. And we MAY be sleeping in it tonight, as our renters are finally moving in today.

My bedroom at the house is completely empty. My spare room is a MESS with all our stuff that I now need to sort through for yard sale, RV travel, storage and trash. THAT is what I will be working on this weekend, after I get done here at the club at 3pm.
Choose to be happy!

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Postby mtngal » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:54 am

Another rainy day on the West Coast. The valley is getting a break this morning, but not here in the foothills. And another wave coming through tonight. It's the latest spring I can remember. These aren't spring showers, it's snowing just up the highway. The lilacs always bloom with the daffodils, but not this year.

Next Wednesday I'll be flying back to Texas. Very excited to see DD and DGD again. I'm so hoping to go on a couple short camping escapes with them this spring.

Great moon Liz! Please post more tomorrow as we aren't going to see it here! :D

So many birds out in the rain.....hummers, bluebirds, flicker, robin are some I can see from my window. And a beautiful gray (tree) squirrel.

Hope everyone has a fun day!
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Postby Bethers » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:24 am

While I was looking at the moon last night (camera not with me) a fawn ran across our paths. Peaches just stares at deer. And at burros, etc. I guess she only wants to chase the little things - squirrels most of all. I'm going to try to get a moon shot tonight - and a sunset shot - hope it's as beautiful as last night. Birds are being elusive as to getting pics this week, and, of course, didn't have the camera for the deer last night - but have got raccoons and possums this week :) And had a great day in Savannah on St Patty's day. Wow, do they do up St. Patrick's day here! It's a several DAY celebration - still going on.

Hopefully tonight I'll get my blog updated from the final week in Florida and then this trip here.

Have a great day all.
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Postby avalen » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:49 am

good morning ladies
looks like a nice day out, gave son a ride to work as his bicycle needs some repair. He bent
the axle somehow and swapped it out with a whole different tire setup from another bike
but says its not right. He's gonna have to get that done cause I'm not giving him a ride
all the time, he knows how I feel about using my gas when I don't have to. :x Mean mom
sometimes draw the line :lol:
Putting a load of laundry together for myself so I'll be set for the next work week with
clean uniforms. The towels and linens can wait until I'm ready. Don't want to overdo myself
and have a relapse. This was a miserable illness!
Coffee is fresh and a little toast on the side will do me fine for breakfast. Would sure enjoy
some fresh canaloupe but the ones I checked out at the store the other day were too green.
Need to put a little more meet on my bones as my muscles have started to waste and get
all mushy. Think I'm a little malnourished lately but as I get to feeling better and regain my
appetite will try to rectify that.
Ok, I'm done with blabbing. Ya'll have a great day and be safe. Wash your hands often and
don't get sick :D
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Postby AlmostThere » Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:18 pm

Still AM here!! AND the SUN :D is shining!! It's almost blinding it so bright! Almost as bright as the moon last night. It was like daylight out at 2AM.
I've taken the pooch out for his walk. I generally let him go where he wants as he doesn't get walked as often as he wants as we both are 'fair weather' walkers and we've had record rainfall this winter. ;)

I had a good visit with my DD yesterday! We picked up the girls (2 GDs) from school at 1 as they had to meet up with their church group to head up to Redmond, WA for a weekend kids get together. After dropping them off at the church and seeing them off, we returned to my DDs for a rousing game of Scrabble. We are both word game lovers so we had fun with allot of laughs. My SIL was suppose to arrive back at the Portland airport at 4 but after getting to the Phoenix airport he found he left his suitcase at his mom's!! It has all his work badges in it that he needs for work. He's an Alaskan Airlines employee and also flies on AK Air so needed his badges for ID etc, too. So he spent another night down there and is at the airport right now, hopefully boarding his flight home.

With this wonderful, warm sun, I really want to get started on the yard, but it's like walking on a soaked sponge still, so needs a few more days like today to dry out. And I'm sure it's not gonna happen. I haven't seen the weather report, but I'm pretty sure today is a fluke. We'll see. My glass is always half empty. :?

Got the final bill for my cataract surgeries, $1258. My insurance paid 2/3s so I'm satisfied, I guess. I'm loving my new sight!

I picked up a new camera the other day. The Canon I had was a piece of junk. It was the kind that used AA batteries and I got tired of going thru batteries like water! It finally got to the point where new batteries lasted one day! I bought a FUJIfilm Finepix with 12 megapixals and, oh, I forget the zoom part. It also has a touch screen so no more fiddling with pushing a million button combos to get what I want. We'll see how I like it after I use it a bit.

Wishing everyone a great, peace filled day!
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Postby Nasoosie » Sat Mar 19, 2011 1:44 pm


I came back to St. Cloud last night to spend the weekend in the 'country' and to watch the SUPER moon rise tonight over this huge field that I mowed this morning for the kids. I just love to drive their lawn tractor, and am getting very spoiled by it! This afternoon I will go to Win Dixie, my favorite store in the south----always get good things at great savings. Then back to the trailer to get ready for the moon rise. It will still be a bit light when it first comes up, as there was still a lot of daylight last night when it showed up. I am counting on its being an hour darker tonight, so we shall see. It was extrememly huge and wickedly bright last night, too!

Lots to do, cows and calves to watch shuffling around the outskirts of the fields here, teeeny little baby ones toddling around after mamas. I took a picture of the one Goog and Melissa called "Tommy Hilfiger" as he appears to be wearing a white vest as they show in Hilfiger ads! I hope it turned out, and, if it did, I will post it later, along with some of Super Moon!

You got a great picture last night, Liz! I will try tonight, although I hate my camera with no see-through lens. Glad they found those crazy hikers! Weren't they on trails??

Kath, hope your itchies heal up fast!

Hoping you all are having a fun day, watching that moon come up tonight, and spring become official tomorrow sometime!
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Postby Redetotry » Sat Mar 19, 2011 4:29 pm

I'm way late today but thought I'd pop in anyway. I'm looking forward to the full moon tonight, hope we can see it as it is overcast right now. I spent part of the afternoon shopping the sale at Macy's for pants but came home with 3 sweaters and a skirt all for the grand total of $23.44, now that is my kind of prices.

Winnie is much better today, still not quite sure what the problem is but they started her on antibiotic and after the first one there was a definite improvement. Since she improved so fast they are thinking some type of a urinary tract infection that didn't show up in all the tests. I slept on the couch with her last night as she can jump off herself if she needs to go during the night, will be happy for us to be back in our bed tonight!
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