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Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 6:47 am
by Birdie
Well, I made it through that awful Mississippi and Louisana weather yesterday and arrived in TX. Had to be having an angel on my shoulder as I came through rain that you could barely see the white lines, of course I was on the Basin Bridge when that started with the lightning, and then the red lights indicating traffic stopped on the bridge. Ended up being an accident and we single filed around pulling off on that bridge until you get further down. So I stopped at the rest stop there and did a walk around and prayed a little (okay, a lot). Drove on, and on, and on. Finally got out of the rain, fog, about the time I passed Vickie and Ronnie's turn off. I yelled a big "howdy", but with the strong gusty wind bet it got blown to Martha's place, which means Martha's "howdy" may have gotten blown to Carolyn, but then where is Carolyn's "howdy". Oh yeah it's probably down in Florida. Just looked outside and it is a cold (39*) clear, can see stars, Sunday morning.

Will eat breakfast, pull in the cord and hit the road. I want to go through Houston early this morning. Need to be sure I don't miss that I-45 North road. Will try to drive at least through Dallas today and that means a really long drive, again. If I make it that far I'll stay in Eisenhower State park in Denison, TX. If not, urgh, doesn't bear thinking about. Monday is forecast for windy conditions up that will try to make it today. Leave early, drive good, stops good for rest and I can do it.

Liz glad to hear you sold the yard yesterday and can go praise Him. Hope all you ladies in LA made it thru the cold front storms yesterday okay. Sounded like Martha could have had some ugly stuff. Hope you all have a good weather where so ever you are today :!:

Be safe, stay warm and dry. Have fun, then do it again!!

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:44 am
by Colliemom
Morning Birdie and all,

I'm glad to hear that you made it through all the rain. It is indeed no fun drivng when you can't see where you are going, going past accidents etc. And today you have more road to face. May the Lord's hand continue to safely guide you.

It's a beautiful sunny, but cold morning here today. Yesterdays mess of snow/sleet/rain finally left. Left about 4 inches of heavy wet snow in it's wake too, but it's all cleaned up. Was a bee hive around here yesterday with private plow drivers clearing out drives, neighbors out with snowblowers etc. And I even lucked out in that my neighbor across the road, cleared out the top of my drive and pushed the bank back for me and then went over and did the neighbors drive as well. I didn't know he did that until I went over with the blower to do it and found it all clear. Will thank him when I next see him. :)

My neighbor is here now too, so that makes it nice. I wanted to make sure her drive was clear so she can go to church today and she is awaiting a satelitte installation for TV service tomorrow, before she goes back downstate again. She plans to spend a couple of months up here this summer and will be back in a couple of weeks she said. She also said that her house has been shown three times this past month, so that's good. Now if somebody would just make an offer.

So this morning it's off to church and then out to breakfast. After that, I don't know what I am going to get into. I know the girls are going to want to go for ar walk, so maybe we will go across the highway. The one road is plowed by a private contractor, so it's probably cleared already. The county will not be around till tomorrow. This type of snow will make the road icy after it's plowed, but the warm sun will melt it off too. The county will throw a bit of sand down the middle which will then be tracked by the vehicles going down the road and spread around. And I think we are getting another snow mid week with snow potential. Ah, March.

And Soos, did you buy that camper or decide it wasn't right for you?

Well, time to go get ready for church. Wishing all of you a very blessed day.

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:18 am
by Bethers
I'm just north of Daytona right now - in the middle of Bike Week. Good thing I don't mind being around motorcycles.

But, Wendy, the site next to me has a dog way worse that Pepper as far as barking. I'll be glad to be leaving here tomorrow just because of him/her. Of course, the people in that site aren't much better - and don't even attempt to stop the barking. And yell to each other constantly. Was nice to take my hearing aids off last night. Am thinking of taking them back off while at my site today.

Cloudy with some chances of rain today here - Peaches and I have had one nice walk. I'm at Tomoka State Park. There's a lovely driving scenic route here. But, unfortunately, not any real trails to speak of at this sp. I went down the road to another state historical area yesterday - and walked over a mile from the cg to the store area and boat launch here - so there is walking, just not nice trails that I've come to like at the FL SP's. But it's a very rustic cg - which I do like a lot.

Birdie, you continue to stay safe in this mad drive. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Have a good day all.

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:21 am
by dayspring39
Good Morning Birdie and Sue... so glad you are moving right along birdie... my prayers are with you... Sue you are a busy lady also... glad you can do all you do...
CONGRATULATIONS LIZ so very glad you have finished selling everything you wanted to... and that your kids are safely on their way... wow what adventures are ahead of you... you will be planning and planning and planning for the next few months then on the road... God has been with you for sure...
My day was busy yesterday... got up at 6 not by choice... Shadow got me up so had coffee and got laundry ready then went to the laundry at 8:30 also took a shower over there as I have no hot water... then visited with Molly... came home and Debbie came over we played scrabble on her computer until dinner time... I made chicken stir fry the chicken was old so gave the left over to shadow and threw away the vegies... will get some new ones when someone is going to the store...
My new friends Juanita and Tom left for Mi yesterday as Tom has medical visits... he is one of the fellas that fixed things and taught me how to do the awning... he amongst several others... I can put my awning in and out by myself now wow that was an accomplishment... now I must learn about the stabilizers... how to get them down and up... guess we all learn about things on these rigs all of the time...
I trust you are having a great day... and Birdie (nancy) may the wind be at your back!!

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:29 am
by avalen
good morning ladies
typical Sunday for me, little more laundry, little more tidying up, bathing, and get ready
for work, and out the door I go. Weather is really nice and I'd love to get out there and
get some outside stuff done but I guess it can wait till spring break. (thats just a week
I think I've just about made my mind up to go out to the rv and get my washing machine.
Running to the laundry room all the time is SO not convenient with two jobs. I have no
problem hanging my uniform shirts to dry but will have to have a talk with son and make
sure he isn't going to abuse and over use my washing machine. It was the best investment
I made for my rv and I really want it to last me a few more years before something happens
to it. At this point I'm still thinking about it but it will have to happen on a day we both can
go out to the storage lot as I will need his help.
Got my room re-arranged yesterday, turned the bed the other way and now the girls have
more room to run around in the bedroom.
Time for more coffee, a banana, maybe a little strudel and call it good for breakfast.
Enjoy your day and I hope your storms lessen as the day goes on. Be safe and enjoy
your day.

I just discovered something.. when I hit the submit and you don't wait until you get that
message that it posted and you THINK you lost all that stuff you just typed, well...I hit
the "back" arrow until I came to the window where this post was and THEN hit the submit.
It worked, and I didn't have to cuss myself for trying to be in a hurry and lose all that I
typed. :D (think I had to hit the "back" arrow 3 times to find it)

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 9:39 am
by ali1257
Good morning ladies...thought I would saunter over and see what's up with everyone. We are settled into our new jobs here in D'Hanis, TX. We have met lots of nice and fun people. Looking forward to making friends with them. This morning we are off to our second church here in the area. Last week we went to First Baptist Church of Hondo. Today we are checking out another one. Knowing the Lord will land us right where we need to be.

The sun is shining but it is chilly. Am sure it will warm up as the day goes along.

Birdie where in Texas are you headed? I know its where your mom lived just can't remember the town. Again, so sorry for your safe on teh road. The wind seems to have died down here today.

Have a great day everyone!!!

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:19 am
by Ljpeterlin
Hello all,

Sorry I was not able to check in much last week while I was in Ormond Beach. The state parks do not have internet and I would not get into town until later to do my online work, so it was too late for morning coffee!
I had the best time with some new friends I met. Just don't do well with meeting people and moving on, I get attached.
I have been on the road for less than a month and having a ball. I am not getting as much done as I would like, so this week I will need to get some nuts and bolts work done!
My inverter seems to have stopped working last night, so I will need to get that fixed, and the oil changed, and taxes done....etc. Lots of STUFF to do!

I stayed last night in a truck stop outside of Waycross and plan on doing laundry and such and heading for the Walmart down the road for tonight's place to stay.
I am heading North to Kingsport TN where my good friend lives by next weekend, then to Micaville NC for the Habitat for humanity build.

Those of you driving, be safe. Hope everyone has a good day.

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 10:58 am
by Bethers
Ljpeterlin wrote:Hello all,

Sorry I was not able to check in much last week while I was in Ormond Beach. The state parks do not have internet and I would not get into town until later to do my online work, so it was too late for morning coffee!
I had the best time with some new friends I met. Just don't do well with meeting people and moving on, I get attached.

We think we passed each other at the dump station. How funny. Me coming in - her leaving. So sorry we missed each other! I'll be in GA - but a couple weeks behind you. We'll catch up with each other one of these days.

Oh, and my air card works fine here :)

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:33 am
by Readytogo
Hey everyone, I guess I bragged on the Ala weather too soon! Its cold (to us) again. Buth thats March! Soos, Im dying to know about the truck camper, whats up???? Beth, dont tell me pepper has met his match! I guess thats why i dont go much. He just wants to be doing what Im doing! Hes used to the camper, he goes in it all summer. Going to take a short little getaway to miss tomorrow. Everythings free and its a nice little short getaway, and I can engage in my favorite sport, peole watching!! After 19 yrs in Wmart, I excell in people watching! Everyone have a safe and fun day! Wendy

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:18 pm
by AlmostThere
I need to vent/whine, so here goes.....
Well, today's a new day, right? I love "do overs".
Yesterday went down in the books as a "I should have stayed in bed" day. I have been antsy for a while now to get Little Missy out of storage and bring her home, especially as I wanted to check the fact that I haven't been able to get the fridge to switch over to gas. So I went and got her. Pulled out of the lot and heard banging. Forgot to shut the doors to the fridge that I leave open when in storage! So drove the 5 miles home more slowly and parked her in my driveway, and the garage door opener I leave in her didn't work! Good thing I had my car keys with me with a key to the front door. Then noticed the outside duelly was going flat. I thought I'd check the pressure and when I removed the cap, air came spewing out! I quickly put the cap back on. I had called my neighbor, David, earlier to help me with the fridge, which he did and we got it going! He then checked the tire pressure and assumed the valve core needed tightening. So off to Les Schwab I go. Of course by 10 it's a madhouse! I get my place in line and wait...and wait...and wait. Over an hour later they finally get her in. I was told, and can't dispute, the fact that the valve extenders I had installed last year are nothing but trouble. I didn't do my research before having them installed :? . So they recommended removing them and putting on an "alligator" in it's place. What the heck to do know? Go ahead and put the gator on! Said it would take 15 mins. ;) 45 mins later he finally has them on at NO CHARGE! Said to come back another day and get the other side done cause it's just a matter of time before I have problems there.
Ok, came home and thought since it was so nice I'd take her and the dog to the state park for the day. Grabbed some water and the dog. Choco is especially freaked by the RV, more than usual. Poor guy is shaking so badly, but Momma straps him in his carseat and backs out of the drive and turns towards the street. Now I always have a bit of a tail strike when leaving so I was going slow and started to hear a drag sound...which got worse! :o By then I was committed so continued out to the street where I stopped and looked underneath and all seemed ok till I noticed the steps still extended and cockeyed. :oops: Looking to see that no neighbors are peeking out their windows at me, I then push the button to get then back. Halfway in they stop, Great!! So off to my good neighbor David's again. Ended up he and another neighbor man banged the bent stairs back, but it still wouldn't go in all the way. SO, I then put the dog back into the house and off to my RV mechanic! It's Saturday, is he even in on Saturdays? If not, I'll just drive the RV back to storage and let her sit till I collect myself. Well, they were open, but only their young son was there. He did seem knowledgeable, checked everything and couldn't find anywhere where it might be hanging up. Just seemed the motor quit working just before the steps were all the way in. He did hook it up to electric in case my battery was just not powerful enough to do the job, and still the same result. He was able to push the step in all the way by hand, so that's where I stand now. I took the limping Little Missy back to her hideout and came home. What a totally wasted day!! Oh, and I forgot to turn the gas off and also forgot the extension cord to plug her in, so guess I'll be visiting her again soon. ;)

I guess I really got a lesson on using "checklists" before getting behind the wheel, even if I'm in my driveway.
Whine/vent done! Whew! All is well in Lenora's world again. Now, Little Missy has a little booboo, but still loves me. I just know she does! :D

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 12:34 pm
by Echo

YAWN... :oops: Sorry about that. Dang yawning again. Didn't go to bed until ? about 2:30am and don't think I twitched until 9am when my bladder talked to me. So up I got and here I am. :oops: Haven't even been outside yet this morning. I woke up to Kelly doing dishes!!! :o Kelly hates doing dishes??? Then while I was in the potty she also took Shade out to go P???? She has my "Mom Radar" going full tilt! Hard to break that suspicious habit don't ya know! :lol: :lol:

Laundry is on the agenda today. YUCK, I hate going to the laundromat. ~sigh~ But it's got to get done cause for sure no one here wants to see ME running around nekkie... :lol: They'd probably call 911 or the EPA. ? Maybe even the Optometrist Organization to do something about the eye pollution. :lol: :lol:

OK, gonna go see what else ya'll been up to. I envy LJ going to Kingsport TN. It's only 1/2hr from home.... Birdie sure am glad you made it thru the nasty weather and yeah that bridge is something else in a storm. Stay safe on the rest of the trip. Hope everyone has the very best day that they can. Be safe everyone.

Love to all

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:27 pm
by mitch5252

Lenora, you sure did have a bad day! I'm glad it's over, and Little Missy is just a bit worse for wear.
Could have been worse, right? :D


Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 1:55 pm
by Irmi
Hi everyone!

Everyone has been so busy all weekend, as I have been, too.

Birdie, I'm sending lots of prayers your way for safe travel.

It's been a busy weekend here as well. Besides cooking for ourselves, I made German pancakes & sausage and took them to my parents house for their Shrove Tuesday dinner. I talked to them a while ago and they had some of the pancakes for today's lunch and said they would have the sausage for today's dinner. I guess I'll cook up some more pancakes & sausage to make sure they have enough for day after tomorrows pancake day.

The weather here, although cloudy, has not been as nasty as the weather guys said it would be and it's also mild.

Went to Walgreen's this morning to buy some more small hooks that I hang on the back of the linen closet door in the motorhome for my dangly earings. I've got them where I want them and hung some of my earrings in there. It's such a great feeling knowing that we'll actually be spending time in there real soon.

Please take care wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:18 pm
by Bethers
Lenora, since you bent the step, I suggest you now get some silicone lubricant spray (NOT WD-40) and spray them. Should do that occasionally anyway - it might just do the trick. And mine occasionally need my to gently get them started or push even with the motor from various bendings and when they need to be sprayed again.

Re: Sunny Sunday

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2011 3:10 pm
by Acadianmom
Birdie, glad you made it through Louisiana and all that bad weather. The towns of Crowley and Rayne had tornadoes go through and they are right on I-10. You are lucky you didn't get caught on the Basin Bridge. Until they lowered the speed limit on it there use to be some very bad wrecks and it would be shut down for hours. They still have wrecks but not as often. The police patrol it but there are some people that think they can get away with speeding.

Lenora, sorry about all your problems. I still seldom make it to the highway without having to stop and lock a cabinet or drawer. Your electric step should be wired so that no matter what the switches say if you turn the ignition key on it should come in. My step has a mind of it's own so I have to watch it sometimes. My motorhome is so low to the ground I am probably not spraying something that should be sprayed.

Our weather is nice today but a little cool. If I didn't have to go through 5 gates to get to the pond I would go fishing. There was a 2' Alligator in one the last time I was down there. I hope he left with all the rain yesterday and didn't have another one join him.
