Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

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Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Barbzeee » Sat Sep 13, 2008 4:32 am


Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad....Beth, is safe and RetiredHappy (Karen) is safe too.. Marslet (Sharlotte) you are ok and Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) hope you both are ok as well.. I know talking with you said, if it looked like it was gonna get bad you two would head out... Pray that all of you and all the others that are in the Texas area are out of harms way... Last night I just couldn't sleep listening to the news.. I mean I had these visions of a huge wave just over taking Galveston... ..but honestly, I never understand why people stay.. I mean what's the thing about braving out the storm... is it me ? I don't consider myself one that feels I have to prove my courage.. I mean think about it.. if something happens and you die...who did you prove it too ? it must be me.. I mean I'm still not getting this picture.. Now I can't wait for daylight to break through so I can see how all this storm played out.. and just pray I won't see many that lost their lives...houses can be replaced..lives can't.. ok enough you all get my picture

Liz... thanks for showing us those talented Ladies.. aaaaaah Cedar and your friend Kathy.. mean when we get you both at our GTG you'll perform for us... can't wait...just love listening to all kinds of music...makes for a great campfire...Liz looks like you and your fur babies had a good time too !!

Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan) are in Ocean City, Wa... park looks really the set up.. kind of like you are secluded.. cozy.. bet the cats like it :) Jenny you and Dan find some really neat places to stay at... aaaah and it's one of those memberships.. Finally I hear someone that makes out with them... most average people lose ... you have to really look into where you go and how often too... for me it was never a good deal...

MollysMom (Trudy) making your way up to Oregon..we are all following your journey.. have you stayed at any State Parks.. and did you say how long your work kamp is set up for.. Hang in there Trudy.. perhaps you can get to meet up with Jenny and Dan... hope you all make the connection .. would be fun..

Sparkle has landed back at the Lodge !! Hey Sparkle, I agree .. when you leave and head down through Vegas.. ya have to stay in Vegas... I stayed at Sam's town... it was very reasonable and walked out my rig and right into the casino...hey that's not a bad thing... had a great time too.... but we are all anxious to hear this story... The On Goings At the Lodge !!!

Campfire just got more wood !!! and of course more Brew ..all kinds actually and oooooh yeah...

Marslet (Sharlotte) That Emma.. oh my stars.. what a cutie and I can see who will win out !!! That's all I gotta say .:)

RVGranny (Lori and Ernie) Made the Chicken Corn Soup... (don't look for the recipe cause she's one of those just throw in the pot ) Hey Lori... you can name it as you throw it in and maybe .. Ernie can type it up LOL I have a couple of cook books from PA Dutch Country Kitchen.. and I remember having that at one of those Lancaster.. was good.. !!!

RetiredHappy (Karen) Your heading back to your Winter Park, and I can't blame you.. that's what it's about... if you're not happy where you are working.. why put your self through the aggravation.. not worth it.. Never works out too many bosses and all different methods.. Ouch.. You gave a good notice and they can't complain.. So put this on your list of not a good place to work... but good place to stay ...

Ok, I hear in the background the news so I'm gonna grab my cup of coffee and sit a spell... Sista's keep dry and for all those joining me.. pass the cinnamon buns.. oh I didn't tell ya... our Canasta was a blast and desserts were just too good...don't have left overs...but did make a batch of cinnamon buns.. well I didn't but Pillsbury did..:) I cheated.. LOL hey, they still is good.. Echo, Mtntophoundz, RVGranny, Cedar, and all the rest plenty of room ifn't ya like :)

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe...

God Bless

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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Echo » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:57 am

Oh my goodness! It's Saturday morning, I'm up and have to go to work. Blech!!!! :x

But anyway. Gooooood Mooooorning to all. hehehe

I'm freshly showered and sitting back down here with what is now my 4th cup of coffee. Ahhhhhh, it's a life inducer to be sure. I'm working 4hrs today and Kelly isn't. Humph! She got up at 6:30 to run to the potty, came out and stole the laptop while I was taking my shower. What a good mood she is in this morning? Ya think it's cause she isn't going into work today :?: Any other morning if she were up this early she would be a freaking bear, but no not today. LOL She has now went back to bed. And I need to get dressed and out the door. I'm taking the bike to work today and need to get air in the front tire. ~sigh~ That dang slow leak about drives me nuts.

Gonna pick up sandpaper and some paint today so I can get my stuff painted. And I am most certain that I will find more than enough to keep me busy this weekend. Oh yeah, I need to put up some new fencing where the neighbors dog chewed thru it. Better that than busting the neighbors butt and causing hard feelings and a war. :|

Hope everyone has a great day and that all on the Gulf Coast have stayed safe.

Love to all
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Echo » Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:58 am

OHHH Dang it I forgot to grab a cinnamon bun. Best get it now before Beth gets here!!!!
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Cedar518 » Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:24 am

Good morning friends!

I'm up late today,.. well that's ok as I don't have to go to work today. I'll head over to VT this a.m. to go to a great old time fair. Must get new batteries into my camera (I use rechargable batteries) and get some b'fast and then hit the road.

Thanks for the mug of coffee Zeee,... it's great!

Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby avalen » Sat Sep 13, 2008 6:49 am

good morning
ahh glad its saturday
flipped on the tv first thing to check on Ike, I pray everybody got
out of the way.
Coffee is done and I'm off to read posts.
Have a great day ladies
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby oliveoil » Sat Sep 13, 2008 7:53 am


We worked at our warehouse all day yesterday------& got out just as the flood waters were slapping over the HWY------ won't be able to get back in today because of high water---- flooding all over our part of Kansas today----- have not heard about the workings of Ike on the coast yet--------hope all are safe!!!

I totally agree with why any one would not leave when the storm is coming---- :o :roll: ----the TV news interviewed some who had their beer & were hold up & all ready for the storm------ & I thought well if that isn't the height of intelligence!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: And why would the news interview people like that in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:? :? :? :? :? :? :? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Hope everyone is safe------- later OO
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Sunseeker » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:18 am

We are getting massive winds this morning and hoping all the heavy limbs stay on the huge Live Oaks in the backyard. Our house isn't near any water per se, just a lake about 1/2 mile away. If that should crest, we will have plenty of warning in the park that borders it.

So for now, we are finishing breakfast and getting ready for saturday morning house chores, but will be keeping a close eye on things and listening to the weather channel. It actually sounds like the Chicago area and Northern Indiana are in bad shape today too!

Everyone be safe and follow your instincts when it looks like it's time to vamboose.
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby retiredhappy » Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:52 am

As usual for around here, we haven't even had any rain yet. Don't know what it is about the weather forecasters here but they do a lot of "IT'S COMING, ITS COMING" then nothing happens. Frustrating.

We have a lot of evacuees here at the park. All the hotel rooms are full. They even put someone next to me in the empty host spot. I feel sorry for people with pets. Another good reason to have an RV. We've had so many people call for cabins but they can't have pets in them. Those of us in the office were sort of telling people who came in for cabins "what pets?" But yesterday one of the head honchos caught someone in the cabin with pets and went ballistic. Told them they had to kennel them immediately or leave the cabin. All the kennels in town are full and he knew it. Told them if they stayed it was a $500 fine. Talk about no heart. That was another reason why I decided to leave. I just can't tolerate assholes. Even the office manager is frustrated with the nonsense but has no control.

I, too, don't understand why people are so stupid as to try and ride out a storm. Altho I suspect there are folks who just don't have the money to leave and pay for a place to stay.
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Bethers » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:22 am

Safe and sound here. With the way Ike turned we didn't even get any winds above normal for here. The island is also safe and sound, even the ferry is running to it - so I'm headed back there later this morning.

One of my good friends is hunkered down north of Houston, and I haven't heard from her since last night - so please keep Denise and her family in your prayers with all the others in Ike's path.

Oh, and Echo - how did you know I love cinnamon rolls? Yep, grabbing myself a couple.

Went with my friends to a "hurricane party" last night. We played a game named Scat (never heard of it before) but I left the party $15 richer :)

Have a great day all.
Last edited by Bethers on Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Liz » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:23 am

Good Morning everyone! I've been watching the weather channel and praying too. Glad so many of you from the area are checking in to keep us informed.

Today we're having a big family gtg at my sister's in honor of her birthday. Roe and Bandit will have to stay outside or in the MH because one family member is allergic. So we took them both on a long walk this morning to compensate.
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby dpf » Sat Sep 13, 2008 9:45 am

Good morning...watching Ike on the news and just gave myself a good healthy kick in the butt...I've been whining around that it's drizzly outside and I wanted to finish transporting stuff from one rig to the other...I am sure the people in Ike's path would love to only have to cope with my little weather inconvenience. Happy to hear all of you are pretty much out of harms way. Praying for your safety.
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby Paulette » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:06 am

hmmm, thought I posted a reply but it disappeared...

Good morning all. Just got off the phone with my step-sister who lives between houston and galveston...was worried about her all night. They fared well. I agree about folks deciding to stay, but in her case, she has 4 greyhounds, 3 cats, a bird and a husband who is oxygen 24/7. She has been looking since June for a place that would give them a room and no luck. So, what are her options? Drive and stay in the minivan? And Barb, she is like you...her pets ARE her kids! There is no way that she would EVER leave them. Well, if it had been a higher category storm, I'm sure they would have hopped in the minivan and headed somewhere. She did have storm shutters put on her house last year, and they have proved their value! She said the street and lawns across the street were flooded, but she was okay.

Myself, I'd have packed up the MH and high-tailed it!

Barb, thanks for the cinnamon roll!
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Re: Saturday Morning, I pray the News won't be too bad.

Postby avalen » Sat Sep 13, 2008 10:53 am

retiredhappy wrote:As usual for around here, we haven't even had any rain yet. Don't know what it is about the weather forecasters here but they do a lot of "IT'S COMING, ITS COMING" then nothing happens. Frustrating.

We have a lot of evacuees here at the park. All the hotel rooms are full. They even put someone next to me in the empty host spot. I feel sorry for people with pets. Another good reason to have an RV. We've had so many people call for cabins but they can't have pets in them. Those of us in the office were sort of telling people who came in for cabins "what pets?" But yesterday one of the head honchos caught someone in the cabin with pets and went ballistic. Told them they had to kennel them immediately or leave the cabin. All the kennels in town are full and he knew it. Told them if they stayed it was a $500 fine. Talk about no heart. That was another reason why I decided to leave. I just can't tolerate assholes. Even the office manager is frustrated with the nonsense but has no control.

I, too, don't understand why people are so stupid as to try and ride out a storm. Altho I suspect there are folks who just don't have the money to leave and pay for a place to stay.

maybe your boss needs to read this...
New law puts funds at risk if animals are not in disaster plans

Kimberly Geiger, Chronicle Washington Bureau
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
(10-10) 04:00 PDT Washington -- States will be required to help evacuate pets during a natural disaster such as a hurricane or earthquake or risk losing federal money under a bill signed Friday by President Bush.

The bill was prompted by reports that as many as 50,000 pets were stranded during Hurricane Katrina. Rescue agencies have been criticized for the "no pets" policy that required pet owners to abandon their animals or defy evacuation orders and stay in the disaster area. Nearly half of those who refused to evacuate said they didn't want to leave their pets behind, according to an April poll by the Fritz Institute, a nonprofit agency involved with providing humanitarian relief work.
"Katrina gave us insight into the lack of preparedness for people and their pets," said Michael Markarian, executive vice president of the Humane Society of the United States, an animal advocacy group that rescued thousands of abandoned pets during and after the hurricane. Markarian said that even disabled people with guide dogs were being forced to choose between their pets and their safety.
Though many states have responded to criticism of the "no pets" policy and now incorporate pets' needs in their evacuation strategies, the federal law will require all states to present the Federal Emergency Management Agency with pet evacuation plans before receiving federal funds for emergency preparedness.
The law also authorizes FEMA to provide additional money to create pet-friendly shelters and provide special assistance to pet owners.
"People victimized by disasters should not suffer needless additional injury by having to abandon their household pets or service animals to their fate," said Rep. Tom Lantos, D-San Mateo, who introduced the legislation after seeing television coverage of a young boy being separated from his dog after Katrina. "This country needs the force of federal law to protect people in large-scale emergencies who own household pets or service animals such as guide dogs."
A new state law sponsored by Assemblyman Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, assures that California will be in compliance with the new federal requirements, Markarian said. California's law requires state emergency agencies to coordinate with the Department of Agriculture -- which has jurisdiction over animal rescues -- to create a statewide policy for pet evacuations.
Markarian said the lack of coordination among FEMA, private rescue workers and Louisiana's agriculture department complicated rescue efforts during Katrina. "There was no clear policy on how to deal with this issue, and many responders showed great courage and compassion ... but we cannot rely on individual acts of kindness," Markarian said.
A Zogby poll from October 2005 reports that Americans, by 2-to-1 ratio, believe that rescue efforts should include plans for accommodating pets, though only 4 percent say government agencies such as FEMA should be responsible for performing pet rescues. Instead, 42 percent say animal rights groups should conduct rescues, and 40 percent say the task should be shared among private groups, government agencies and individual pet owners. A majority -- 54 percent -- say they disagree with the "no pets" policy used in Katrina's aftermath.
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