Good Morning Everyone,
Thought I had better make a morning coffee post in here before you all think I got buried in a snwdrift or something. Seems a few folks are waiting for me to start this thread in the morning here. So it's started Actually, I haven't posted cause I really don't have much to post about these days. We all get tired of the same old, cloudy, cold, more snow type posts day in and day out about this time of year. As is, the current weather at the 45th is cloudy and 24 degrees. Been having normal temps with a little drizzle mixed in.
Was really nice some of the others who are down at the GTG in FL last nigh on Chat. Sounds the GTG gang is having a blast.
I haven't really been doing much of late. My one big toe has been bothering me for over a week. Sore for a few days and then kind of going away, only to flare up agaian over the weekend. Got all swollen and very tender. So a trip to Dr. was ncessary yestrday, along with X ry and lab tests. We are pretty sure it's Gout. So I am on steroids for a few days and the change is already remarkable. Swelling is going down, tenderness is gone except for one little area. Everybody on chat last night was asking me if I was drinking too much Oh yeah. Well, actually there was that New Year's party of Soos, and then her birthday party night. And of course the talk of all the different types of Bota Box wines on the sites here and Actually I may be eating too much shrimp
The girls haven't been happy these past couple of days. No walks.Unless you want to count how many we have taken to the door and back every day They have been spending a lot of time outside. I've just been staying in and resting the foot more than anything else, catching up with posts on the sites and doing some research of various kinds on the "Puter" here. But if all goes well, we will take one this afternoon. I go out on Monday and hobbled behind the snowblower to clear out the accumulations from last week. My nice neighbor across the road was plowing his little drive out and he always pushes the snow at the time of my drive off for me, which is really nice. We got to talking for a minute and I told him about my foot problem and the fact I was going to let the neighbor next door's drive go for a few days. He went over and made two passes with the plow for me. Neat. And she came up yesterday, so it was timely. I will go do her porch and steps perhaps later today or tomorrow. She is only here for couple of days and heading back home. Stays with a close friend up in Gaylord.
First though, I am going to "work" this morning for a little while. Some friends who own a bed/breakfast motel around the corner from me here, asked if I could come in and help them out this morning for a couple of hours or so and then again on Friday. Some of you may remember me "doggy sitting" their Golden "Sparky" late last fall. Hubby has been having problems too. Found out he has a blood clot in his lungs which is clearing up and he also wound up with Gout as well. So he could use a ittle extra help this week as they have a full house. She works as an LPN three days a week, so I am going in on her work days. I usually strip and make up beds and vacum while he does the dusting and bathrooms. Doesn't take us long to do a room. On Friday he said he may have me stay longer and I might be doing a few rooms on my own as well as a few other things to get them ready for the weekend. Nice thing about this, extra spending money They have a couple of guys who come up from Ohio every weekend to snowmobile and have become very close friends with them and their wives. These two guys are both named Bob and they are now the motels "official securiy staff" as they call them. They help out in the dining room serving coffee and keep the breakfast bufet rolling among other things. Chatting with the other guests, dispensing advice or innformation and even helping cook breakfast this past weekend when hubby was so sick. Great guys. So they will be on "duty" again this coming weekend as well.
So for a while here, I will be on the machine, catching up and then I am going to run a vacum around this place too. Then time to head to work. After lunch hopefully I can take the girls for a nice walk. Have a nice day all