Yard Sale Saturday

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Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Liz » Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:32 am

I'm up early so I can start moving stuff to the driveway for the community yard sale today. If I don't start before daylight, the earlybirders will be swarming over the stuff while I'm still in and out of the house. Hate that. If everything sells (never does) I will have done some serious downsizing. Might not have a dining table or chairs when day is done...putting this old one out there. :lol:

Coffee and oatmeal I offer you other early risers.
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby avalen » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:01 am

good morning ladies
good luck at your yard sale Liz
Today is suppose to be a really nice day, and I'm going to check into some other options
for living arrangements. Lots going on here, but I will save that for a separate post
cause I want feedback if you think I'm unreasonable.
A three day weekend, although I'm working today and tomorrow, Monday is all MINE! :D
Coffee is so good this morning, and think I'll have a little of that oatmeal. Ladies have
a great day and those that are getting ready to hit the road for the gtg, have a safe trip.
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Nasoosie » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:11 am


I see by the news on my task bar that it's -11F. at home. That's minus eleven. Therefore, this cool morning down here in Orlando doesn't seem too bad---no frost, even!

I made a quick trip back to the trailer to turn off the furnace and the hot water heater yesterday, as the forecast predicted a warmup. I also picked up my Christmas package from my daughter who mailed it to Goog's house, and two huge envelopes of forwarded mail. One of the things needed immediate attention via phone, so I high-tailed back here (after I played ball with Molly who can run free there for a while) where I have unlimited calling on a real phone. It was a notice from the Chase Mortgage Company that they still had not received any proof that this place is insured. That is bull pippies, as my agent faxed them the proof over two months ago. So he faxed them proof yet another time yesterday, and I called my agent, the insurance company, and Chase to make dang sure they got it all straightened around. Chase was going to assign me a 2500 dollar insurance policy if I couldn't prove I have insurance! Good grief----it's high enough down here in hurricane-land to begin with! Chase took over Washington Mutual this past year, and they have had things screwed up ever since. Sigh....I hate dealing with agencies like this.

I also have a head cold, which tried to take a dive into my chest yesterday....the first one I have had in about 5 years. But I think my body has it licked, as I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday. I know it was those danged pirates that gave it to me! I just hope neither Melissa nor Weldon got sick on their cruise to the Bahamas this weekend!

Today will be a rest day for me, although I will probably go to Walmart's grocery store to stock up on Recipe guts and some food for the GTG next week. My furnace here in the house is keeping me nice and toasty, although there is no sunshine out here as yet.

I hope you all have a great day wherever you are. Carol, I hope your son got you shoveled out a bit yesterday---it sounds as if you got more snow than my daughter reported they got up in the mountains of NY. I will have to look at a Casita to see what they look like---don't know as I have ever noticed one. I am actively trying to find a nicely-used truck slide-in camper for my return trip home and for use up there in the summers. If anyone spots one within reasonable driving distance from Orlando, please let me know.

Coffee is finished brewing, and tastes really good to my soreish throat. Stop in and tell us about your day!
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby flick4411 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:38 am

Good Morning Ladies! It's a cold mornng here in Central VA. Gonna be a stay-in day for me as well. Maybe go out to see how Foo Foo is doing...maybe take a cat or two out there as well. Tomorrow is FOOTBALL day, but I'll not start any Seahawks issues here today! :o

Soos, if that cold keeps threatening to dive into your chest, get the Mucinex going. This is best OTC medicine on the market. Amazing medicine... But I hope that the bug is nearly out of your system already.

Liz, by now you should be inundated with buyers. I hope you clear out the excess. This activity is on my radar this year as well. My cleaning lady also does flea market-type sales in spring and summer. So we've worked a deal so she will move stuff out of the house and take it to her flea sale later this year. Lots of chatchkees need to go...

Ava, enjoy a whole day off. How long has it been since you had an entire day to yourself? We have a three-day weekend and I plan on using Monday to get a bunch of things done that I cannot do when I am teaching...the list is pretty long! And then the rest of the week is back in the office--UGH!!!

For everyone else, have a terrific weekend. Hopefully, where you are it will be warmer...we are going all the way up to 45 today...WHOO HOO! Now I'm gonna try to catch up with some of the posts I've missed this week. Here's to a fabulous Saturday!!!

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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Colliemom » Sat Jan 15, 2011 9:04 am

Good Morning Liz, Ava, Soos, Li and all,

I"m bit late in getting up this mornng. Girls woke me up twice during the night to go out. Tessa especially, seems to think she can't go down the hallway by herself to ge a drink of water. Not sure if she doesn't see well in dark or is afraid the 'boogy man" is going to get her She's also very petrified of my Pergo and vinyl flooring despite my putting rugs down for her to walk. Somedays she fine and will just walk about on the rugs and others she get paranoid and is afraid to go the one foot or less between them Then I kind of have to "help" her along there. Crazy dog. My last collie Dancer was like that too, but not to that degree. I think Tessa pcked it up from her. Funny thing though, wnen Maize was here, Tessa walked all over the kitchen on the vinyl and thought nothing of it.

As predicted here, the "Alberta Clipper" has sailed through. i love those names they give these fast moving fronts from Canada. "Alberta Clipper", Saskatchewan Screamer", "Manitoba Mauler" depending on where the front originates. Left less than 2 inches here. But winds are supposed to pick up behind it and dump some Lake Effect on us. Light snow coming down right now. Not much predicted for this area, but Lake Effect can be funny stuff, so you never know. And colder temps coming too. These next two weeks are usually our coldest of the winter. And more storms coming next week about every other day or so. I am though, beginning to feel that this winter is going to be like last year to a point. Below normal in terms of snowfall. Will be interesting to see if we get our usual January thaw.

Liz, good luck on your garage/yard sale. Are you downsizing to prepare to sell your house or just "downsizing" the stuff in it? My next door neighbors used to have garage sales all the time at their house, so there were always a bunch of us here with stuff in it. They were both exceellent garage sale wheelers and dealers, and knew prices etc. They sold a lot of stuff for meas well as others. But now he has passed away and she has moved, so no more of that. But I am "downsized" as far as a I can go, short of selling the house.

So, since it's snowing out and going to act like winter here, I am going to dig into my projects. The kind I save for days like this. Paint the door frame between my breezeway and kitchen, put some stew beef on to cook and make the base for tomorrow's beef stew, work on my scrapbook and of course the girls and I will go for a walk regardless of weather, but short ones when it really gets cold. And it's time to start washing my walls,curtains,windows inside. Makes the house so nice and fresh smelling. So if I decide to market the house in spring, it will look all nice and sparkly. Since I just painted my kitchen and laundry room, I don't have to do them. But I am going to clean out my cupboards and lemon oil the outsides.

Ava and Li, I hope you enjoy your extra day off this weekend. It's always nice to have a three day weekend. There are a lot of people up here this weekend, especially snowmobilers. The trucks and trailers were rolling in all day yesterday. But of course not everybody has Monday off here. Just those who work in state and federal positions. Our schools do not close here, but some downstate do. And our banks are open as well. Pretty much business as usual up here.

Well, I'm off to get busy around here. Hate getting up late. Knocks out my mornng and then I'm up later in the evening and the cycle continues. I would rather go to bed a bit earlier and get up earlier so I can keep myself in "work mode" time.
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Forestgal » Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:41 am

Good morning all!

It's going to be a balmy 83 here today so I'm getting out in my yard to do some major work. I have a friend coming over so it should make the job more pleasurable. Haven't been in shorts since going to the desert before Christmas, so my legs are going to look pretty ghostly. :shock:

Tomorrow I'm heading to the beach with another friend and Jed to meet a bunch of other folks for lunch at a dog-friendly cafe. We'll all then head to a large park for a stroll. Since we aren't meeting until noon we may go a bit earlier and go down to the one dog beach in the L.A. area where Jed can run off-leash. He'll love it, and it'll settle him down some before meeting all the other dogs. If I remember I'll take pictures of our escapades. Monday's a Dr. appointment, so while I'm out for that I'll probably find something fun to do.

Our wonderful weather looks like it's going to stick around through the week, but cool down a bit -- high 60s/low 70s by next weekend. I do love So. CA this time of year! :) It's fun to just get out and run the roads, finding new places to explore when it's this nice. I could even take myself to the moutnains and romp in the snow with Jed if I want, but that's not going to happen this weekend.

On another note, I spent a bit of time on the phone with Verizon yesterday. I used to have my home phone and internet service with them. But I began having lots of trouble with my DSL and they weren't very responsive in getting it fixed. I went for over a week(!) without it and had to tether my cell phone to get online here at home. In November I switched providers, going to Charter for both my house phone and internet and haven't had a glitch since. But whenever you switch services there's always an overlap and as a result I had a credit with Verizon -- a fairly large one. Well, I've been promised the check for just about a month now, to no avail. Yesterday I finally found someone with a brain and she got to the bottom of it. Turns out I not only have money coming from my phone but from the internet service as well! It should be here by Friday, so next weekend I'll be getting "The Sewer Solution" for my trailer. I really like the ease with which it works and am tired of dealing with 3" hoses.

Okay, that's a lot of information for so early on a Saturday morning! :) I hope all of you who are bundled up have a wonderful weekend.

Laura -- and Jed

Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Ljpeterlin » Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:51 am

Good Morning,

I am getting a lot done this morning, and need to "strike while the iron is hot".
I am getting the house cleared out, whether it's sold or rented, need my stuff out of it!
I made 3 piles: things I am taking, things to be sold/given away and garbage.
Garbage seems to win out. So much STUFF, I did not need to hang on to.

I am loading up the RV, hope to get it filled with clothes and all by next weekend.
Calling Amvets for the things that don;t make the cut.
This will make my last week here a bit difficult, but I need to get the stuff out of the house
so I can sell all the furniture and show it to renters/buyers.

Hope everyone has a good day.
LJ Peterlin

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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby dayspring39 » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:12 am

Good Morning everyone... It will be a beautiful day here much sun and temps near 60... climbing temps for the next few days... will be good... I walked 1.6 miles yesterday... no side effects today that is great... (just a tiny bit in the back)...
Football for Jere this afternoon... he is leaving for a hiking trail tomorrow... I will catch up with him after the woman's GTG...
We will go to the store later and check out another RV park...
Oh Liz I hope you make enough money today to travel a good distance... Soos take care of that cold not good to have one with your problems... Ava enjoy your day... Sue I will be over for stew tomorrow... mm mm love that... the rest of you dear ladies enjoy your day...
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Liz » Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:59 pm

Nasoosie wrote: I am actively trying to find a nicely-used truck slide-in camper for my return trip home and for use up there in the summers. If anyone spots one within reasonable driving distance from Orlando, please let me know.

Soos, I pass by a truck camper for sale every week on my way to work. (Ack, did I say work? I meant church. :lol: ) I have no idea how old or what condition it's in, but you could take a look at it while you're up here next week if you want. It's parked in Orange Lake beside 441.

I did well ($250) on my yard sale. Remind me Kathleen to give you the $5 your little vacuum sold for. Sarah will be glad to hear the dining room set didn't sell, so there are still some chairs to sit on.
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby jemek » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:14 pm

Good Morning,
Well it is wet rainy and yucky. Our huge big predicated snow storm came and went overnight. Kodie was very upset and I should have just dressed her up at 11pm and went out and played in the snow. (we like snow). Imagine going to bed with 5-6 inches of fresh fluffy snow on the ground. The excitement in the house was...kids bouncy off walls. Then to wake to the the morning to NOTHING...yep the rain arrived about 3am..and by 8am it was all pretty much gone.

Now we have rain rain rain in the forecast for the next several days. May have to resort to taking Kodie up to Mt baker one day for her sledding. IT is easier to do it at home, where we can come in get hot cocoa and soup or chili. When we go to MT Baker to sled..the sledding area is a bit of a walk from the skiing area. So we end up tailgating. You can't really warm up that way as well.

We will be heading to an RV show in Feb to look and get some ideas and hopefully we will be able to find something with what we want in the length we want it.

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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Bethers » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:21 pm

Hate when I lose my post because I don't pay attn! Arrived at my dear g/f's house and we are having a gab fest that may just continue a full week - hate to wear out my welcome, but they keep saying I won't - we shall see. She's one of those friends you don't see for year (and years) then you get together and it's like no time ever passed.

Weather is beautiful here today - loving the temps now. She thinks the nights are still too cold - I don't mind that - good sleeping weather.

Good on your garage sale, Liz - you did good, but wish your table would have sold for you!

Soos - remember, every truck camper doesn't fit every truck - so when looking at them, find out the make, model and do research to see if it really will work on your truck. Or see if they have the literature that says what it will fit on. Good luck - and wouldn't that be great if Liz found you one already :)

Have a great day everyone.
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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby Echo » Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:48 pm


Coffee, ahhhhhhhhh so good! Might make myself a couple of egg sandwiches for ? brunch. Sounds good to me at any rate. And another cup of coffee to keep my tank filled up for the day. :D

Temp on my thermometer on the picnic table says 54f and the sun is shining! WOOHOO, I'm so enjoying these temps. Went up to 58-60 yesterday. Sure makes it nice when we can leave the door open, air this place out and let some sun inside! Sure does help to alleviate the "camper fever". Suppose to be in the 50's for at least until Thursday.

No water again! :roll: :| Talked to Brent and asked him what "he" did now and what "he" broke? ;) Said a faucet up by the office spouted a geyser. Said it's probably been frozen all this time and just now thawed out as it's in full time shade. So he's out fixing that, said one thing for sure , is that he has something to do everyday. Told him, "Well at least you don't need to be worried about boredom!" He laughed and agreed, said whoever was suppose to take care of stuff this past fall maintenance wise did not do their job!!! This is Brent's first winter here doing maintenance. For sure he's learning every day the quirks in the plumbing!!

OK enough blather. Gonna take Shade out to enjoy the sunshine again for a little bit. Then I'll read and catch up on the postings. Liz, sure hope ya do/did well on the rummage sale!

Everyone have a super good day and take care!

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Re: Yard Sale Saturday

Postby bluepinecones » Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:32 pm

Good evening
Soos, no colds allowed in FL; hope you are feeling better.
Liz, glad the yard sale was a success and yes also happy that there will still be a chair to sit on in your house. You didn't sell the coffee pot, did you?
Laura, You just had to rub that high temperature in, didn't you. Actually glad someone has warm weather.
Echo, sure hope you have water by now. With our week long bad weather, I've turned water on each morning and remembered to say "thank you" as it still worked and lights and power held. Sometimes we take these little wonders for granted.
I've wasted much of today pouting because there was no sunshine to melt snow in driveway; actually it was above freezing this afternoon and I can finally see melting progress - just not quite enough. Getting out tomorrow looks promising however. I was able to get a lot of the snow off van and clear a path between door and garbage can. Sad state of affairs when one gets excited about being able to take garbage out after a week.
Finally managed to get a few other things accomplished and just kept reminding myself I can hit the road for FL in a few more days. That brightened my day even without sunshine.
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