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PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:46 am
by Colliemom
Cold morning here at the 45th. Temp around 18, but the sky is clear and looks to be a a nice day. So I guess in a bit here, I am going to head to Gaylord to get some blank CDs so I can remove some stuff from my pictures file and have them made into prints before this computer crashes for good. It's working at it. Also sold my big computer desk last night (via Craigslist) and have to get some small storage bins to put the stuff (mostly office supplies) in. That was the last big piece of furniture I wanted to sell until I sell the house. All that's left in this room now is the table I'm using for a deck right now and a small bookcase. Well, I guess I gotta count the dog bed :)

I'm sure we are all wondering if Soos made it to her son's yesterday. Guess we will find outeventually. If she has, they are busy having a family reunion and catching up, so she won't be on here for awhile. And I'm sure she's all tuckered out. Quite an adventure. But there will be more adventures to com as the winter progresses and she's out exploring FL.

Wish I were heading to the FL get together, but TT is all winterized and wrapped up and thats not the greatest time to be hauling a TT on the road. So I will sit and read about it.

So I guess it's time to be off. Oh yeah, I'm cleaning out this keyboard too. You can't believe the crap that gets down inside there and I"m not sure how I'm going to get some of it out either. Maybe won't.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:17 am
by avalen
Good morning ladies
coffee's on, it will be ready in a sec. Carmel truffel. Its SO good.
Lots planned today, well....not too much that I get myself overwhelmed but soon as
the sun comes up and warms the world a little I'll be up on the roof. Suppose to be
in the 80's today.
Anxiously awaiting news from Soos, she must be at her sons by now.
Gonna get started on the routine laundry chores and do the dishes while the
birds are trying to wake up the world. :P


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:46 am
by Redetotry
It is a frosty 23 degrees here this morning and was 56 in my bedroom! I turned the heat off to that room plus I open the window a bit. I woke up toasty warm under my down duvet but when I got up and got my clothes on I checked the temp, was shocked to see it was 56! Winnie, Andy and I are sharing my second breakfast of a yummy omelet with cheese and a bit of left over trout from my lunch yesterday. Need to get in gear and stop by the Farmers Market before Yoga class at eleven then think I'll go buy a torte pan and make a Pear Frangipane recipe I saw in the paper this week. I love pears and have some left from our pear trees. Our two apple trees fell in the big storm in 09.
I can relate to stuff in the keyboard, I turn mine over and shake out the toast crumbs frequently!
Take care on that roof Ava!


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 8:51 am
by avalen
I was going to say the same thing about the keyboard, I turn it upside down
and tap tap tap on the bottom as the junk falls out.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:18 am
by dayspring39
Good Morning everyone... very cold here 27 when I came out of Bright Hope and the sun was shining... so I am sure it was colder in the night... the furnace worked well in there and it kept the temp in the low 60s where I had it set... my electric mattress pad kept the bed warm and then I shut it off... I did not rest as good as I thought I would out there but will get used to it soon...

My other key board used to get very messy... one day I took it on a field trip with me and took Q tips and a bottle of alcohol took the keys off one at a time and cleaned them and the board under... that was a fix for a while... and it filled a part of my long long day...

To my surprise yesterday I got a refund from my auto insurance of $85 must be Bright Hope is less expensive to insure... that will help next June when the new policy comes out...

I do hope Soos is safely at her son's place and setting up her spot...

Take care all and enjoy the day even if it is cold or hot wherever you are...


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:59 am
by Carolinagal
Good-morning Everyone !! Not sure when I was in here last, but scanning the forum this morning, find that everyone has been busy. The Fl. GTG is really growing, so many people I haven't met yet. The one out west has already got several interested and they can't even make reservations yet, Wow!!. Carolyn's cruise has several committed and my goodness thats a yr. away. Sure am concerned about someone falling overboard on that one. Do hope you all will take care and have all your fun in one of the inside cafe's. :roll: :lol: :lol:

I've been busy around here trying to get everything winterized. Last yr. the plumber was busy here, broken pipes etc., this yr. must avoid all of that :) Nice man, but not really wanting another meeting. Its 34 here this morning, and don't think it has gotten much higher in last couple of hrs. Maggie and I, were out a few mins. ago, told her if she had business she better hurry. While she is messing around, I am looking at the r.v., wishing I could load up and go where maybe it will be a little warmer. :) Wishing and daydreaming makes the days go by faster, actually they go fast enough anymore. :)

Ava, I am really glad to see you posting once again. Have missed your way of conversation, love it. Hope all is going well for you. Looked for some word from Soos, hope she is at her son's and on reflection finding that her trip was not all that bad, she just started out too late, the bad start, was not good for her as stressed as she was before leaving.

Well, have several chores I need to get finished, if it doesn't get done in the morning, you can almost forget it around here :roll: Have to get back later on and see what you all have really been up too. I don't want to miss out on some goodies going on :lol: Did I ever tell any of you, my middle name is Nosey? :o ;)

Have a Great Day, and enjoy your extra hour this week end, whatever your week end brings, STAY SAFE !!!!

CArol :)


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:26 am
by Nasoosie

We have landed! Actually,we got here at about 3:00 yesterday afternoon..It feels wonderful here, no matter how cold the kids think it is! Clear, cloudless, sunny sky! Goog (my son) and I are about to go to Lowes and get some wire to run an underground connection for my trailer, and then we will hook up the sewer and water when we get the wiring right.

So a brief hello to all,and now that I have the wep numbers to get onto thier wifi, I can write and read the myriads of posts I have missed.

I am SO excited to be here and off the damn roads!

Will write more later as I need to go now. Happy trails to all.Later.......


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 10:31 am
by Birdie
Well morning from the Paradise, AZ where the temp was 42 at 8:00 a.m. Only got down to 34 last night, it was 31 the night before. Sunrose over the mountain at about 7:30 and that is when things start warming up. I did start a fire in the wood stove about 6:15. Will let it burn down and out and start all over about 3:30 this afternoon. Need to fill some bird feeders and that's about all on the schedule today. Waiting for one of the hunters to come by and check in with me as his hunting partner had to cancel and he is a friend of the family. We do try to watch out for each other. Weekend tenants came in yesterday and will be here until Monday.

Had some excitement on Wednesday night. The two PB's across the road treed a Mountain Lion. She has cubs around somewhere as one of the other neighbors saw them a week or so ago. So she probably only went a little further up the mountain. Let's all wish her a successful avoidance of any hunter. Her babies will need her to get thru the winter. However, I am keeping the kitty and dog in after 3:30. Well I could get the dog in after that, but I might be singing Dixie for the kitty and I don't want to leave the pet door open all night.

Hope Soos does post soon, if no more than to say, alright, already, I am here and okay.

Take care on the road, don't overwork at home and have fun where ever you are.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:24 am
by AlmostThere
And a drippy good morning to everyone! Light rain so far but heavier stuff suppose to be moving in. Our Indian Summer days are over I fear, but I sure enjoyed them!

Today I clean house. Tomorrow I hit the ground running. My 10 yr old GD has her first basketball tournament here in my town. She has to be there at 11:45 AM but the family is stopping by here first. Not sure if they will want to eat anything but will put a Stouffers chicken parm dinner in the oven just in case. Also have salad fixings and garlic bread. The games go on all day and I believe she has an hour break at one point. Not sure if that's enough time to slip back here for a snack or not. Just going to go with the flow.

Oh, and this same GD phoned this morning and asked if I'd help her make a pyramid cake for her class project. They each have to make something Egyptian and she chose that. I fear she's been watching too much Cake Boss on TLC as she's talking about fondant icing, too. :o I suggested buying one of those As Seen on TV brownie pans that looks like a giant ice cube tray. I figured we could bake a cake in it and have individual squares to stack, but she's not buying that idea. ;) Good times!! :lol:

Hope Soos and Sue made it to their FL destination safely. I know we are all awaiting word.
May you all have a blessed day!


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:43 pm
by dayspring39
Yea Yea Yea Soos has landed...


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:33 pm
by Echo

Long time no post. ;> See what all i can post to catch ya up.

Kelly and I are still at the lodge. At least for the next few days. The season was over here Nov 1st, served breakfast to maybe 5 or 6 people and closed down for the winter season. Met some really super people up here this year. The breakfast cook named Mardetta was a super pleasure to work with. One of the new housekeepers was named Jasper, he is Navajo and what a nice guy. They are both coming back next year but she is going to be doing front desk and Jasper will be breakfast cook.

Sure is quiet here. Right now there are only 6 of us here today. 3 of us in the lodge and the other 3 are up in their 'homes'. The weather here this week has been beautiful, cool nights warm days with lots of sunshine. Have been told that it's suppose to snow this coming week. KaKa snow! I sure do want to be off the top of this plateau before the snow gets serious.

Bought a truck this summer from another employee and have bought a TT from the boss man. I swapped my utility trailer toward the TT to knock down the price. So this year we will have a solid roof over our heads. NO TENTS. LOL Still have the tents but wont be living in them. We are staying in the area for the winter. We are getting a site in a campground in Kanab UT so will only be a little over an hour from here. We had tried to get jobs as part-time hosts at a campground but didn't make the cut. I don't think the owner was impressed with the pics of the TT. I guess she wanted something newer and fancier. ~sigh~ There wouldn't have been any wages but would've had a free site. I know, I know. Not the best business arrangement but not paying for a site would have been good. Good thing for unemployment tho. Kanab is a very small town and not much going on job wise. We will be looking around for jobs, but??? For now money is gonna be super tight but at least the truck and the TT are paid off and that makes me feel good. Had to go shopping yesterday for 'stuff' for the TT and truck. GADS! Needed a receiver, ball, sewer hose with couplings and other things. The TT needs tires so that was one of the big factors and reason that we are only going just so far with it. We had thought to go back to Blythe but if we had, we would have had to buy the tires now. At least this way we can hold off on the tires for a little bit. The ones that are on it aren't cracked or weather checked but they've been on it for quite a while. So yeah while it needs new tires at least I don't have to buy them tomorrow. Kelly will be taking some pictures of the TT and as soon as she does they will get posted. Well they will when we have good enough internet to be able to do that. Gonna be different this winter that's for sure. We are excited, but for me, I'm scared half to death.

Kinda killing time here until the tags for the TT get here. Had to do a "Power of Attorney" for my son David to register it and get the tags. He did that Wednesday morning and put them in an Express envelope. No one went to town to pick up the mail today so hopefully Monday will be the day. Kelly has been packing some of her stuff in the TT. We ended up getting a small storage room, 6x4 for $20 a month. Good deal for it only paid for one month the next 2 months are free so I don't have to pay again until Jan 26. We are both really looking forward to getting off this rock! Get down into town so that we can have cell service and wifi. YAY! One of the very first things I'm gonna do is buy ICE CREAM. OMG I have been craving it so badly. Kelly wants badly to be closer to a theater so that she doesn't have to drive over 2hrs to see a movie. LOL Just simple litter things to make us happy! LOLOL

Was gonna post more but I need to get my butt up the hill and get supper started. Doing chili so need to get stuff fried then into the crockpot. Will have to see about posting more and catching up with everyone.

SOOS!! So glad t read that you have made it to FL! YEEHAW


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:39 pm
by avalen
good to hear from you Echo, so glad you finally got a solid roof over your head. Do
catch up when you get a chance.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:08 pm
by Excel
Was just thinking about you the other day, hoping things were getting better for you. Seems like they are in that you won't be fighting a tent in bad weather. So glad you have an 'indoor' home (i.e., TT) for the coming winter. Pics would be nice...Meantime, hope things go well & do try to post when you can....sure missed your sense of humor.... :lol:


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:20 pm
by Carolinagal
Hey Echo, nice to hear things are going so well for you all. I was thinking of you early this morning, so glad this evening to see such a nice long post from you. Hope things continue going well for you all. Be glad to hear from you more often too. Looking forward to pixs of your new home and wheels. Hi to Kelly !!!

Good Luck to you both,
CArol :)

Soos, so glad to hear you are there !!!! Also enjoyed the more happier note in your post, Enjoy !!!!!


PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:57 pm
by dayspring39
Hello Hello Hello Echo and Kelly so very good to hear from you...