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PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:12 am
by Nasoosie

The sun is coming up over the trees now, and the temperature is out of the 40s where it was an hour ago----now 50 degrees here.

I was hoping to catch Wiley today to have him bring me the handbook on the brush saw, which I need to use to mow down a bunch of saplings that are beginning to encroach on the view from this yard. It's a new one, lighter than the old one I am used to, and I am not sure how to start it up safely and shut it off. Maybe I can find the instrucitons online if I plug in the model number, as I can't seem to catch Wiley.

As it will be another nice day, I sure hope I can figure out how to finish installing my pneumatic door prop on this trailer. I have one end of it attached to the trailer frame over the door----a good solid mount-----but the door itself is hollow, with no solidness where the dealers told me it should be, near the very top. I pre-drilled the screw holes, and ZIP-----the thickness of the door is like heavy-duty aluminum foil! I have the spots for mounting just perfect for holding the door open at the angle I want, and for allowing it to close fully, but the fabric of the door is just too thin for the great amount of force it takes to close it and hold it closed. I thought I could take the top piece of aluminum frame off the top of the door and put a block of wood inside into which to screw, but, alas, after removing all the screw-bolts on the door top, it still doesn't come off. It seems as if the top is one side of it folded over, rather than a separate piece I coud remove. I called the dealers for some advice last evening, but they were too busy to get back to me. Hopefully I can talk to someone today. I sure will hate it if I have to haul the trailer 80 miles, round trip, to have this darned thing installed for me. I might be better off filling in the holes, painting them over, and forgetting the whole thing. Sigh----I hate to be so close and have it not work.

Here's hoping you all have as nice a day as is predicted for us here, and that you are doing fun things for yourselves! Coffee is hot and tasty, so stop by and let us share your thoughts!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:02 am
by AlmostThere

I've had two good night's sleep in a row!! (even with the GDs here last night). I'm wondering if it's the new BP meds, the 4th one I've tried since Feb! Very expensive little devils, these latest ones. My insurance bulked at paying for the one my Dr wanted me to take, but will pay some on the generic brand which now costs me $55 a month, after insurance, which they paid $65! So it is a spendy med! The most common side effect is dizziness but so far I haven't felt that. My cough is slowly receding and I hope goes away compelely soon.

Some of you may recall, a year ago, me asking for prayer for my neighbor who has colon cancer. 37 yr old father of 3 adopted kids ages 11,14 and 15. He was doing so well until a month or so ago. The cancer is back in the abdomen area and I think the Drs are fearing the worse as he will have surgery, chemo and radiation. He first will meet with a colon/rectal surgeon specialist. Anyway, please keep this family lifted in continued prayer and/or good thoughts. Thanks.

Tomorrow I have two college kids pressure washing, and then later,staining my backyard cedar fence. It will be quite an undertaking as I'm having them do both the inside and outside (which has never been stained). The very backside is facing the woods and full of blackberry bushes which I and all homeowners have an ongoing battle with as they encrouch everywhere here in the PNW. Those barbs can get quite huge and are painful when they grab ahold of skin. :o

Well, need to scoot. GDs are still asleep, of course, as it's only 7:10 AM here, but their Dad is picking them up at 7:45 on his way home from work so I need to have them ready. Wishing everyone a happy, safe day!!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:04 am
by VickieP
Good Morning Ladies! It's going to be record hot here for the next couple of days, so what are we doing? Why, we're gonna get out in it, :lol: and go camping. We're leaving today to spend 2 or 3 nights at Big Bass Marina located at Toledo Bend Reservoir. Those from LA know this area, it's a huge man made power producing dam along the TX/LA state line. I'm not sure if I'll have internet connections, but I'll try. Have a good weekend everybody, stay safe and have fun.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:20 am
by Redetotry
We have lovely clouds here and a few drops of rain, not enough to settle the dust, but it is cooler. I think your heat is headed this way though Vickie and I dread it, you are brave going camping. I hope this time you'll have trees for a little shade!!. I wish I my plans to leave today for Michigan hadn't changed this would have been a good day to travel.
I've finished all by breakfast courses, groomed a bit on one dog and guess I'll head out to shop a bit. Doesn't sound exciting but hey at least it's going out in the daytime past nine it is usually too hot by now for me.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:21 am
by mitch5252

Oh, goody...she'll be gone. We can talk about her without fear of retaliation (at least for a couple of days...) OHBOY!
(I'll miss ya, ya little pest...)



PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:29 am
by bikerchic777
Soos...The manufacturer of your TT should have a tech you can talk to about it and he will walk you through putting that door closer on. They are a pain in the a*#!!! Had one on a mh that would not quit growling! Tried everything. Even called the closer mfr and they said they do that sometimes! I do remember having to reinstall it when it came loose once. I think I ended up drilling a bigger hole and tapping one of those wall anchors in, with the wing thingies that expand on the inside of the wall. In the end, we got sick of the insides dragging and making such noise, that I took the blasted thing off! I don't have one now and I'm happier. There is a small spring on the hinge area to help it close...kind of like our old back porch door had when I was a kid. Then, there is a latch on the side of the mh that hooks into the back side of the door when I want it propped open. You can likely install those yourself.

Got my morning work done quick today, as I saw rain heading this way on the radar. Just got a few sprinkles and got home and done with a few outside chores here before it hit. Man, is it ever dark :o My yard light is on and I have a light on inside so I can see my computer :lol: The weather man said that there is 1"/hr falling in some places! Not what we need here. I can't even imagine your temps in the 40's at the end of July, Soos :shock: I am happy if the night temps get down in the 60's here!!!

I need to fill out my volunteer application for Joshua Tree National Park today. I can't seem to find a paying work camping job for the winter, but this will give me a full hookup site and then I will find other work to pay the bills. At least I will be near friends and I can network. I already dropped a name when I was talking to the volunteer coordinator and she knew my friend, Carol, very well. Carol and her husband, Cesar, retired from the park. She said she still goes to Carol's Christmas parties. It may give me an edge ;) She already asked me for my boss's phone number here. That's a good sign :D So, Barbie, things are looking up for both of us :D :D :D

I go to get my spray on bed liner installed on the truck today :D When I'm poor, I justify buying larger ticket items by selling something. I sold my topper and have a few other things listed on Craig's List. I don't have a lot left to sell since I'm a full time RVer now ;) When I called to make my appt, I asked the lady I was talking to if I could get the side rails done for N/C. I told her my situation with being poor and having been off work for 3 wks, but thought it was a wise investment to protect my truck bed for work. She said she was the mgr and she could approve that :D That saves me $69! Cha ching! It never hurts to ask, does it?

Had some oatmeal and peaches before work so am having a snack of dried fruit and almonds. A hot drink sounds kind of good since it is raining, even if it's not cold out. Think I'll have some Pero, my coffee substitute. I've been eating too much dark chocolate lately and don't want to agravate my acid reflux with more caffein. Have a great day, girls!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:59 am
by Acadianmom
Temperatures in the 50's would feel good for a change. I think it's suppose to be 98 today. If I am outside very long I am sweating so much my glasses want to slide off. I don't know how people work in this heat. The grass needs mowing again but that's going to have to wait until late this afternoon. One of the lumber companies has their flower pots on sale and I have been wanting to get a couple of large ones. If I can get myself moving I might go see if they have the any of the ones I want left.
Vickie, have fun at the lake. If it wasn't so hot and I didn't have 2 cats in a cage I have to see about I would go. I had 2 spayed and they are wearing the plastic collars to keep them from licking their incision. I had to camp with a cat for the 4th so I don't want to camp with 2.



PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:25 am
by bluepinecones
Good morning
Another scorcher here today. Think the news said we are over 130 consecutive days with above normal temperatures. I don't want to go out today but will have to do so. Did stay in yesterday. Soos - what is hot where you live? Your cool summer temps sure are appealing (but not the winter ones).
Finally made it to grocery to restock from all the recent company. Had been eating scrambled eggs, potato chips, and ice cream as that was all that remained when they left. Didn't quite cover the healthier food groups. :lol:
Linda, glad to see you were not in that last Iowa flood and are making progress on winter location.
Have a great time, Vickie and try to stay cool.
Wishing all a great day whatever you are planning.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:41 am
by dayspring39
Good Morning Ladies... it is cooler here 73 this morning but will top out at about 83-85 nice break from the heat... but summer will hit us hard again never fear...

My daughter Gwen has shingles ugh they say that is very painful... she has had enough for one person...

Well this is short and sweet but need to get my shower and start moving around...


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:00 am
by AlmostThere
Sorry to hear about Gwen having shingles. We were just taking about that on this forum not long ago. Very painful, indeed. Prayers for her!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:47 am
by avalen
good morning ladies,
just checking in from the clubhouse, we had such a bad storm last evening and over night its possible
it made the national news, so just to let you all know, I'm ok, and the damage was on the other side
of town.
Lots of humidity this morning, only 78 degrees but its 81% humidity, :lol: but its not raining!
Still trying to catch up on all the posts as I only get a limited time of use on other computers.
Will be glad when I can get my internet back up.
Enjoy your day and be safe.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:18 pm
by AlmostThere
I haven't turned on the news yet today, but glad you checked in, Ava! Wow, scary!


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:21 pm
by Nasoosie
Wow, Ava----so glad everything your way is ok. These horrible storms all over this summer have been very scary. I feel very fortunate to be in a place where we have avoided the nastiness of the weather.

Thanks for checking in.


PostPosted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 10:17 pm
by bikerchic777
I can sympathize with Gwen! I had a mild case of shingles (though I did get a secondary infection and had to take antibiotics) back about 9 years ago. It was itchy and painful :( I still get phantom pains in that area occasionally. It feels like a pin or knife jabbing me :o


PostPosted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:09 am
by Nasoosie
I need to ask my doc on Monday about a shot to ward off shingles. that's one affliction I sure would like to avoid. I had chicken pox when I was young, and I know that virus hangs out in your spinal cord for the rest of your life, to break loose and attack at any unsuspected time. ACK! Poor Gwen.