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Uh Huh ! M & M and it ain't candy... Monday Morning !

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 5:01 am
by Barbzeee

Uh Huh ! M&M and it's ain't candy... Monday Morning All..!!! Yeah.. boy the bed at home felt great.. I mean I could actually have all my pillows..hahahaha Reba and Joe had their spot and poor Robert he gets his little corner of the world... hey.. with this crew there is their space then maybe yours... and nope..Zeke didn't sleep in.. come 4:30am his eyes and mouth were open... amazing the difference when in the motor home he sleeps and in Florida he'll sleep till 6am ..guess he knows..well Rig is vacation and either a spot he has to be quiet or we get evicted hahahaha..and in Florida he says "Screw it we have security, I'm on R & R."... Smart critter and I thought he was a dunce !!!

I'm gonna tell ya all... I certainly would advise all who haven't done the GTG ... get er's the best's about being able to feel the love we all share on this forum..and lordy just being put on airs.. Who really cares...what or where or who ya are..just be you ...shake it loose...Gosh it's such a great feeling.. Ya just come alive...all the giggles you've done reading all those lines..and even some tears just get to meet the sista who has been putting those letters together...just "Fabulous" as us New Yorkers say !!

Ok, now I've been doing some catch up and boy I stayed up gals warning..if ya miss a day..not too bad but miss a few days and get ready to have some serious eye condition called space out...LOL the gleam of the screen and the type set holy is fishing brain is in warp drive..look out I ain't responsible for what I even type... hahahaha...

Dpf ( Pat).. Hey I love those candles already... my pick of scent would be.. Wine Cellar...(wonder why ) I've heard mention of these from some of my dog show friends and a girlfriend who owns a Health Food Store...but haven't tried them... I'm gonna order a couple when I get done... great Christmas gift too...(Yeah I'm one of those shop early)...thanks for the tip...and have to see what's happening so far with your looking at rigs.. cause I've missed a few days...

Cedar... I love it... well I love all kinds of music but my favorite is Blues...but I would love that festival...and seeing those pictures ..felt like I was there..immediately Brother where art thou came into play...LOL We have friends that do folk festivals travel all around the country side... I just think keeping music in your life ...lightens it up and keeps you up..I mean you is toe tapping and just feeling it in your soul... looking at those people in their 80's God Bless....and see they also travel in rigs too...LOL Glad you had a good time....

Went by the campfire..holy smokes we is getting down on them beers..58 bottles left ...mmmmm time for another party..Fernie...ya hear that >... toe tapping, smokin tokin party time..geeez louise...LOL....

Hey DpF (Pat) you did good ! listen this weekend I was nervous driving through the Forest ( Sunseeker and Tommy you two laughing ) I had to bring my rig around this little narrow asp turn and then there was this branch just aching to scratch my nose...and then comes this fork with a few bikers hikers and dogs are on and all just look up at ya...oooooooh yeah... So no matter how long you drive or not... you still will get them white knuckle events...but you just take your time and hey..You did good ... We is all proud of ya... and Lori.... I know gal .. you will be driving ..but hey.. if ya don't have to .. don't sweat it.... now you all wanna laugh.. when my DH gets behind the wheel... I'm wanting to duck LOL that's the truth... I get into sweats...cold ones about white knuckle I'm foot stomping...hahahaha... He's got to drive more... he use to drive a Bean truck on the farm...(that's what he says) man..get behind that wheel... I wanna site see hahahaha...

Asirimarco ( Carol) aaaaaaah a true member of the group..who has her share like us and tells it like us... Gals if you haven't read Carol's Blog please do... I'm gonna go back after I finish here and read the's definitely a treasure... I'm understanding it... cause that chit happens all the time to me... like Why not any more .. Why Us....and ya know what... cause we have such a sense of humor.....and the Good Lord knows we can deal with it... ...God Bless ya Carol !!!

Hey MsBHaven (Margie) Thanks for the tip.. RV Wash and Wax.... I've just used Dawn to clean my RV and cars as it has no Phosphorus so it leaves no residue...cleans squeaky.. but will have DH give this a go...notice I said Him not me... I'm done with that..can't any more..but I was always the one that did the cars and rigs.... Paulette... when I get to Florida hit the truck wash..... even keep the car hitched up and get that done at the same time... LOL>.. ya gotta love them...

Khenrie (Kim) sure hope you had a great weekend...and anxious to hear how you are doing...

Sparkle...are you still with us...??? wondering if that bench has done grabbed you... we sure miss you ...and hope you had a great 100 birthday LOL dang you is good woman !!!

Ok gals I'm gonna hit the coffee pot..don't want it hitting me.. LOL sure anxious for my Coffee group to sit a spell and just enjoy... Gonna finish reading and then get ready to bring the freezer down to the RV dealer ... get that fixed... then unload the motor home and get the laundry done...aaaah Monday...what a day..but good to be home with you all...

Echo, good to be back.. ya ready gal...and what's up with the puppy ? will be dunken I'm sure this week LOL

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe...

God Bless

Re: Uh Huh ! M & M and it ain't candy... Monday Morning !

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 6:12 am
by Echo
It's Monday? Nooooooo! Saturday was my Monday. What ever it is? It's here way to soon and waaaaaaaay to early. :shock: And my eyes don't look nothing like that either. They're more at half mast. Even if I am all showered and dressed? All I want to do is go back to bed. Gads I hate working Sunday nights. Get off late, come home and usually try to find something to eat for supper then to bed at whatever time. I finally dragged off to bed close to midnight. Like I said I'm more into wanting to go back to bed. My NyQuil is still working.

Nope no puppy. I guess the original owner is putting up a fuss. She saw his pic on 'my space' looking all healthy, happy, clean and handsome and now is making noises about wanting him back. :( So he will be staying in PA until it's all straightened out. Plus I think Lori's DIL is losing her heart to him too. ;) 8-) Told Lori's DIL not to feel badly about it as I am a believer in "What will be, will be", if he's meant to come here and be my puppy he will. If not? And he's meant to stay with Lori's DIL then that is what's to be. I will just keep looking. It's all kool.

Well it's that time and I need to go out the door. BLECH Kelly is nagging to go.

Yak later ya'll. Hope ya have a great day.

Love to all

Re: Uh Huh ! M & M and it ain't candy... Monday Morning !

PostPosted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:09 am
by Cedar518
Good morning to those already up and to those just beginning to peep out through half closed eyelashes! Thanks for the coffee Zeeee,... I really need it. I did NOT sleep well last night here in the house. I sleep oh, so very good in the camper. My little a-frame is my true home. I sure will hate to put her to bed for the winter in a couple of months.

So,... have a great day everyone,... see you later at the campfire!