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Hey.. If ya didn't know it.. it's Sunday..afternoon too !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:42 pm
by Barbzeee
Hey, If ya didn't know it... It's Sunday afternoon !... I tried and tried but couldn't get my message to post I wrote the dang thing several times..and as soon as I hit send.. it came up the Error couldn't find the page... Now at the 4th time I was talking to myself...and thought..well...maybe....just maybe I was getting some kind of message from the great powers that be...soooooooooo leave it alone...and wait till we get home....

Last night we had our last GTG and it was just great...Nothing wrong with telling them tales ...some true ..some fictitious and some just chit...why not.. LOL...but all and all it was great.. Dinner was delicious and dessert well... Nope we forgot..had a special Margarita and who the hell thought of dessert...but we sure watched the between swatting them friggin dive bombers...zzzzzzzzzzz and they got cha... Jill had some spray thank the Lord and we did it up... I always use to say Off was my choice of fragarance... :)

This morning we had our So long I never say the "Good Byes" well...and I know we'll do it again..cause we sure did enjoy it so much... We all just said.."We wish you all could have been there"...

We all parted with each of us packing up and then on and out those Hairy Asp turns and trees...yeah you don't want to sneeze on these numbers... or you'll have a lot of kindling wood for someone's fire... LOL

Missed you boy I had problems staying connected....In Jill's location she was ok..but it must have been those 50 extra trees that did it LOL... TV what was the time we were done yacking and laughing...those face cracks needed to heel..... and oh yeah.. my critters every once in a while when it was just right.. gave us a harmony too...just to amuse us.... ... but they were good...LOL

In the evening it was so neat cause it was so dark and you saw all around you ..campfires glowing...looked awesome..

Again.. we did just blend so nicely....and yes Tommy and Robert spoke in the same "Vernacular"... LOL

So, yes, I'm gonna have a cup of coffee will you all join me ? Good to be home ...but boy I could do an instant replay.. cause we all felt ..this could have or should have been longer...but was the dessert of the week....I know for us ..definitely..

So...I hope you all had a great weekend......

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey be Safe too....

Catch ya in the morning... I'm gonnna sit in the shower for a few hours....LOL I'm sure you'll all understand LOL...

God Bless...

PS...Jill...this is for you... yes we forgot that dessert and it was friggin good... but there's next time....

Re: Hey.. If ya didn't know it.. it's Sunday..afternoon too !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:31 pm
by avalen
I'll dream of the day I get to attend a gtg with Barbzee and the eastside bunch

Re: Hey.. If ya didn't know it.. it's Sunday..afternoon too !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 6:43 pm
by rvgrammy1953
Glad you had a great time and are home safely.....I was a "little" worried when there was no post from the NJ woods, but I understand all too well how it is to get out from under the trees... :roll:

We went to Round Top to pick up the 5th wheel this morning.....boy, we must have done good showing Jerry how to hookup stuff (w/e/s) cause when we got there he had it all done and correctly, too.... :o The only thing he forgot was to open the black tank to empty that, but we took care of it... ;) and his wife, Karen, had the inside all spic and span....and everything put away safely.....she even took the all the towels to her house and washed them......awning was rolled up, etc.etc......all we had to do was to hookup and drive it home..... :) we'll let them borrow the 5er golly.... :) So we got her home, backed in sort of at the site, and I have started moving things from one camper to the other....we're staying in the 5er tonight and will do the sorting and moving stuff a week before we leave and it will go fast.... :) :roll:

Okay, well it's too late in the day for coffee for me, but will have a cup of tea and go read the posts....

Have a good nite all!!


Re: Hey.. If ya didn't know it.. it's Sunday..afternoon too !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:51 pm
by oliveoil
Lord------- knows I don't need any caffeine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roll: :roll: :roll: :o
I need to be able to slow it down some time tonight & go to bed!!!!!!! :D :lol:

But glad everyone is doing OK--------
We head out at before 5:00 AM tomorrow morning for Branson again----------going to be another BUSY week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone stay safe!!!!!!!

Re: Hey.. If ya didn't know it.. it's Sunday..afternoon too !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 9:56 pm
by Bethers
Glad to see the afternoon post - even though it's past my bedtime on on "work" night! I went and played Hold 'Em poker tonight in a tournament. Came in 3rd - which would be good, but since only winning pays anything, it stunk! LOL But since I came in ahead of the entire group I went with, I was one happy camper. Might start going every Sunday. This place - you bring your own steak, and they cook it for ya how you ask - and they provide the baked potato - then at 8, the hold 'em tournament starts. Good people I went with - good food - and I did good LOL - so yep, I want to do it again.

Now, I got home - earlier than they all say would normally happen in the tournaments - walked Peaches - am checking the forum - and off to bed. The 5 am alarm comes early - and I don't give myself time to log in morning time!

Oh, OO - so glad to have you back.

Going to quickly read the other forums - and will see you all later tomorrow!

Re: Hey.. If ya didn't know it.. it's Sunday..afternoon too !

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:41 pm
by Echo
Hey, hey, hey! Afternoon? What's that? Where'd it go???

HA! It's Sunday night here. We got off work at 9:15pm, ran and got Little Caesar's pizza for supper tonight. Oh and wings too. Now that I'm done eating I have this huge need to get my old worn out butt to bed. I'll be setting the alarm for 5:30 to wake me up to get around and do that work thing all over again. YUCK!

Every body at work was hollering at me tonight calling me a liar!!! One woman threatened to get the fire extinguisher after me. How about that? All because I was singing "I love my job." "I love my job." Even my supervisor called me a liar... Go figure. :lol:

Any way I am so glad that ya'll had a great weekend. Some one of these weekends we will have to do that GTG thing...

Night all, sweet dreams.