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Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:01 am
by Barbzeee
Morning's Saturday and I made it... Yes, I'm at the Turkey Swamp Park in Freehold, NJ...My signal is not that strong ..comes and goes...but I'm in the wilderness..LOL .. Yesterday was a trip ..that was one of those..Ya kiddin' nope I'm not... couldn't leave my home yesterday as it seemed the township decided to take up the friggin road..yep you got road to come out too.... Robert (Richard's other brother ) :) he got home around 1pm and we had to wait till the crew got threw...yeah..sitting in the drive way in the motor home watching how a road gets taken apart...very interesting if ya have nothing better to do..!!! NOT... so that started my panic mode..critters jumping and Robert pacing..LOL yeah you would have loved to been aboard this good ship lollipop.. (I'm never gonna make it through them pearly gates I can tell ya that..)

Ride was not bad once we finally got on the road..took the Pa turnpike to Jersey turnpike then on to 195 which is the road everyone takes to the Jersey Shore from where we enter it...and being it's a Friday...well would you believe everyone decided to leave to the shore when we did...OH YEAH...bumper to we crawled..and of course me ..the biolingquist that I am...spoke in my native tongue...uh hum...St didn't know I knew those words did ya...sure......and then Mr Minute Man..he was just a jumping with joy..with his Southern twang...he had stories of things I am sure no one has heard before...well it was my turn to listen to the golden throddle...yeah..I'm likin this trip even more...are we there yet....LOL...

Ah we finally get to our Exit...couldn't believe I saw Exit 22 and only about 40 cars ahead of me...not bad...was cool inside genny was running everyone was happy.. directions was simple ..but kept hearing that tone..."Re Calculating" ..ok ..ok.. so I found a better bid deal..get over it ! :)

We pulled in...and the front of the place is easily marked had to go to the office to give make sure it was really me...then of course no way to go around so I had to pull a U turn..mmmmm I'm longer than the average..I"m good at the parking lot was kind of full...and from what they told us the Park was too...LOL..ok...up, back up sideways, up and out...aaaaaaah down this kind of narrow filled with trees ready to just kiss the sides of ya rig..oh and a few branches that want to wipe the dust off too...aaaaaaaah but it's neat looking...a little bumpy but hey..what's a few bumps between you and me...LOL....oh and here comes a car that wants to attempt to come by the same time you are...mmmm Mexican stand off..who's gonna back up...NOT ME>..: ) nice man...notice his mouthing something...wonder what...but at the stage I'm in...who gives a know what LOL>...getting my picture...LOL we make a few hair turns...not bad...finally a few forks in the road...reading the signs..not bad..easily marked...aaaah here we come to the B section....ah huh... B 8....aaaaaah good spot...mmmmmm squeeze in and ta daaaa we're here... now to get hooked up...oooooooooh ok.... Electric no biggy.... Water...mmmmmm where are ya..ooooh I see we share it...and with know who....yes...Sunseeker you know ( Jill, Tommy and Timmy (Tommy's twin) LOL ok..Robert...pulls out the hose..and says..."Nope this ain't gonna make it..." but dear.. we have several hoses....ok..pulls out the second one... Now mind you ..I only have short big one.. just a 10ft and a 25 ft..and of course a tiny one for the connection..LOL...after I had gotten level too...which wasn't too bad and had the slide out out...had to unlevel and pull slide out back in and move up further into the get the hose to meet the faucet and me... but at that point I couldn't open the door as there was this thing called a tree...yeah you know what I mean with branches...lookin at between the mumble...and the grumble... and Robert holding this conversation with Richard..LOL he says to me " Ok, now what to you want me to do...where's the other hose..." hmmmmm I can't say what I said...or I could...let me think how to put it.... " There is no other hose lessen you want me to pull it out of my asp ...oh was one of those days...can I blame it on PMS I say..." Check this out Mr Minute Man...we have a tank that hold 100 gallons...I'll just pull up further fill the tank and I'll back between the critters barking inside because they are excited we have reached our final destination...(I think) I can't hear nor can he..and we both keep saying " Shut UP"...LOL

Exhausted the poor man is...worked part of the day came home to hear me yack..yeah you got that right.. and now running back and forth as I sit in the cool rig... he deserves a purple heart for sure...LOL... and putting up with me most likely a badge of honor... so we did...pulled up closer and filled the tank... now back up again and repeat the whole process of setting up... not too bad.. ..and then setting up the Xpen with the critters...we sat out side for a bit and then along came
Sunseeker (Jill ) she was all smiles to see us... and by the time we got done telling her she was giggling...yep..I'm sure she thought..what a hell of a bunch of crazy nutz... she is right we are... LOL

Tommy was off with his they haven't seen him in awhile..and we fully understood..hey..ya gotta take care of family that's a priority... and who knows that more than me...I have mine all the time...I have to take a leave of absence when I go some place :)

We had dinner last night with Jill and she got the routine of how to meet my Zeke...have to meet the little ones first Joe and Reba...and then out comes Abby... (Jello) and then Zeke will greet ya...if you don't meet in that order you just don't meet at all.... LOL She was I'm sure over whelmed by the group.. and you know how kids are and different...

Tommy picked up an extra water hose for us.. which I thought was so nice of him... as he came in while we were eating dinner... and then Jill went over to their camp set up which is right in front of us... and Robert went over at sat by the campfire.... I stayed behind.. my legs were really swollen..and I had to keep them with me I get wiped out very easily.. so I stayed back and just layed on the couch...of course couldn't get a signal...oh now ..this morning the critters slept in late..and so did we....which was nice....and finally I'm here...well sort of...:)

Gonna feed the critters breakfast and then let the day can't say what's happening on the forum cause my signal is not today I'll get to meet Tommy and we'll talk about all of you..I promise...and of course
take pictures..but I can't post them till I get you'll just have to think about us...

I sure hope you all are enjoying your weekend and that everyone is ok...and you all know you are in my thoughts and prayers and coffee is on....and so are we....

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey a Safe one too

God Bless

Sorry no Graphics..can't get strong enough signal.... but I'll make up for it when I get home...

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:19 am
by avalen
good morning all
Sounds like its gonna be a quiet weekend on the forum, so many are off doing
things, like gtg and such. I have a few things to get caught up on myself, gotta
fix my window on my car for one, thats a must! Going to attempt it myself.
But I can't keep driving around with the window open all the time, doesn't do
my a/c any good, traffic is noisy on the freeway and I can't lock my car, not
to mention I worry about the neighborhood cats getting in my car at night.
So today I'll pull the panel off and see what I can see to get that window
back where it belongs instead of the bottom of the door.
Coffee's brewin and the dogs are hungry.
Catch ya'll later.

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 7:44 am
by Sunseeker
Good morning all! I must say, it was really a treat getting to finally meet Barbzee, Robert and crew last night. (Richard has been awfully quiet so far, but the rest make up for that) :P

Whwn I logged on and saw Barbzeee hadn't posted anything yet, I started to worry. That was unusual to not have a post from her by 8 am!! I called her cell to volunteer my laptop...cause we were all waaaaiting for our coffee...but she was already in the process of posting. Notice I say I called her cell...? One does not casually approach that motorhome without a deathwish. There are HUGE wild animals in there :shock: .

Actually, my introduction to the 4 kids went well, and I only peed a little bit while meeting Zeke. I was on his turf and he was let out of his cage. Luckily Zeee has the process down to an art and when done in order, all went smoothly.

Tommy was happy to meet Robert and I think the two of them hit it off from the start. They are both from the south and almost speak the same language. They compared notes about living around these crazy yankee women of theirs and how WE do things funny. In a little while Tommy will finally get to meet Barb.

We are off to take our furkids for a stroll then meet up with our camping pals. I will get pictures today and get them posted. For some reason, my aircard signal is really not too bad here. Catch ya'll later.

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 8:41 am
by rvgrammy1953
Good morning!!! Glad to hear you all are settled in there....I can relate to the weak connect for internet.....I deal with it all adventure on getting going and getting settled was didn't get to meet Zeee's fur-kids cause they stayed home at the PA GTG....

We're washing campers today.....our Mallard and FIL's camper.......getting them ready for the winter sit in the storage field.....

Got up late cause, you guessed it, watch the Olympics....I really enjoy them but it's messing with my sleep cycle.....they'll be over tomorrow nite....
More coffee and getting dressed before Ernie gets back from the store....


Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 11:49 am
by Paulette
Barb, sounds like your adventure started out fun from the very beginning! Who woulda thunk that they'd be tearing up the road in front of your house? Geez Louize! But, I'm glad to hear you all made it safe and sound to your destination. Sounds like a good gtg and I'm really sorry I'm missing it! There will be a next time, right?

I've been busy this morning...trying to get the hot tub back to clean after being gone for 3 weeks. And getting other stuff done that hasn't been done in 3 weeks. And, I'm hosting a party at my house next month. There's a group of us ladies that have been doing this for about 27 years or so (I've lost count). We have a theme every year and have a slumber party at someone's house. This year is my turn and our theme is "Cave Women", aka "The Flintstones". Should be lots of fun. I bought some Tiki Torches to put around the back yard and was getting them into the ground (which is hard as a rock by the way!). Mopped my floors and need to vacuum.

Anyway, I just want to say that I love your stories Barb, and can't wait for more pictures, more pictures please!

Have fun ladies! (and gents)

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 4:24 pm
by Bethers
I'm sitting here laughing at the entire adventure - which sounds so worthwhile when you get to the good part - meeting good forum friends :)

Paulette - what a hoot - that party sounds like it'll be a ball.

I worked all day - am now sitting with my feet up - relaxing and thinking about food, so gonna have to go find at least a snack in a cabinet somewhere.

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:28 pm
by Echo
Yep really surprised me too when I didn't see a morning coffee post from Barbz. Hmmmmm I ended up over sleeping again. Gads that's gotten to be a habit and I'm hoping it's not gonna turn into a problem. :| But I kinda thought she might be busy or something this morning. So I wasn't gonna panic until tonight. :) If there hadn't been post on here when I got home I was gonna start doing a panic dance. I don't honestly know what I would end up doing with my panic dance? :?: How in the hll would I send the troops for her?? Tell them that she's a crazy Italian lady with a husband named Robert, another guy named Richard, 2 little dogs, 2 big dogs and a motorhome. Oh and a huge family from the City that invades her every weekend to visit. Yeppers, I'm :?: 100% sure that they would know exactly whom I'm panicking about. LOLOL

Well we made it thru another work day. Blech! Gotta work tomorrow but don't go in until noon and we work until 9pm. Gotta love it.

Barbz, Jill, all men and all dogs, I hope all ya'll have a super great mini GTG up there in Jersey... Don't forget the pictures.. LOL

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:14 pm
by oliveoil
GOOD MORNING -GOOD MORNING------- GOOD MORNING!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a little late/it is dark outside) :shock: :shock:

Well my SIL took care of the viruses on my computer-(-man there were a lot of them-)--- & gave it more memory & worked on it---put new stuff on it's insides----& if he could only give ME more memory------- what a deal that would be!!!!! :lol:

Hubby bought a new PU today------ & we are getting the big old farm PU loaded as on Monday we take another load to Branson! At the auctions we are going to sell all the trucks & trailers- etc/etc- except the new PU---- we have not had just one PU or car in 35 years or more!!!!!!

Just the same old-same old----- sort-- sort --sort-----pack-- pack-- pack-- pack----load -load-load-- load--drive--- drive --drive -- 5 hours----- unload -----turn around & dive back---sort sort --sort--pack-- pack-pack-----drive --drive-- drive----me in the big truck & Hubby in the

Hubby retired last Wed from his job!!!! So the alarm doesn't go off at 4:30 AM any more-----but it will be awhile before it soaks in that he is retired----- as we have tooooooo much to do yet!!

We are also getting ready for the auctions!!!!!!

Just the same old stuff-over & over & over---------probably will be until the auctions are over with in Oct--- & we are all moved & settled!!!!!!

We are really tired of this & -will be really glad when it is all over & we are moved & everything is sold & we are in our new home & settled!!!

If ya don't hear from me---- I'm not dead-------just busy-------glad my SIL got my computer up & going good again------

I'd click my ruby shoes & be out of here------- but I lost one of those suckers along the HWY between Kansas & Mo------- & so I'm clomping-clomping--- along with one red ruby shoe----& & Toto---is lost -think I packed him in a box some place----------so no clicking my rubies together any more---------so clomp-clomp---clomp----------I'm out of here-------later OO

Re: Morning It's Saturday and I made it !!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 5:17 pm
by Cedar518
Hi everyone!

Well, Zeee, you had me in stitches laughing at your description of landing in your campsite and the parking, and waterhose too short and moving and re-parking,... oh how great you are at describing a scene.

I got home from the long weekend of bluegrass festival about 3 p.m. this afternoon. whooo-eee,... it was great. top notch bands for sure. and the weather was dry as a bone,... very much appreciated.

i'll post a few pics on a General Topics thread,...

good to see you back with us OO,... we missed you,...

I'm going to keep moving on here and try to catch up on all the messages. Later!