Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 7:18 am
Little Ursa Minor and my computer at the KOA.
Closeup of Little Bear---mascot of my trailer as of yesterday!
Good Morning to us all!
It's another beautiful day out there for camping----warm might be sunny later, maybe a few showers, but nothing earth-shaking. Nothing earth-shaking like the failure of BP to stop up that oil leak. What now? This is so serious and so dangerous and so life-threatening, I am at a loss for words.
So off I will go on my day of escape in this beautiful camping park, with the pig for tonight's supper already on the smoker spit. I had a lot of friends stop by last night, and we sat around my fire and I was able to get caught up on all the latest gossip from the town where I lived for many years. I love this weekend each year! We aso sang a few good camp songs before the entire park seemed to get quiet and lights were going out in al the rigs and campsites.
I hope you all like my new trailer mascot, little Ursa Minor, aka Hope, the little bear cub! I love her!
Time to take a bike ride and get moving----stop by and let us know what's going on in your world! Coffee is hot!