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Ah Wednesday, Morning !! Movie anyone :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 4:39 am
by Barbzeee

Ah Wednesday, Morning!! Movie anyone :)...Oh you know I can't resist this one ...not in your life... Aaah Jill the cats out of the bag...we are fallen women..inter twined by the loves and lives of Richard and Robert, Timmy and Tommy .. LOL..As we sit by the campfire ...listing to the crackle of the burning logs..watching how the colors glow..alas here comes Richard, Robert, Timmy and Tommy (Richard's Robert's other brother and Timmy is Tommy's Twin..)... LOL..and all our very own too ! No woman can take them from us... they are here to serve our needs, cook our breakfast, lunch and dinner....and best of our beckin' call..they get along so well...they share their duties well . :) hahahaha.. This movie will continue..after a commercial... :)
Echo and Beth.. I know you two are rolling on your sides.... aaaaah Jill.. see what typos can do ..and with a few sicko imaginations.. look out.. the Show is to begin.... Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) I hope you is grin'n ear to ear..cause I really kept this PG for all tickets to sell....but best of all.. our campfire is filled with lots of laughs... don't let anything slide by...LOL you is a bad woman.. the kind we like ..LOL add fuel to our fire and look out..I really chuckled on that one.. I read it yesterday and I thought ok if no one catches it.. I'll post this morning a good one... but you is on the job grass grows under your feet..hahahaha... and it's not even 5am yet.. oooooh my !!!

Now what have you all been up too.... as I prepare my pot of coffee ..kind of getting a little crowed in the kitchen at the make sure I bring all kinds of food for the hungry men !!! :)

Asirmiraco...(Carol) has an interesting question on her column .. Internet while traveling.. .. for me I have used several set ups.. I use to connect via cell phone but as soon as I had to up grade my phone .. that was color me gone.. hence I went on the air card via Verizon... I had great service and fast..via broadband..but in other areas I went into slow mode National Service which was like dial up... but all and all.. it was by far 99 % on .. the few places I had no service I used Wifi or no one else had a signal... other than them Mountain ranges with lots of trees no satellite can get in or out LOL... my air card which I didn't pay for was part of the deal was 60 a month and unlimited service..never no hidden fees.. My cell phone is basic plan with unlimited service and I got everyone of my family and friends with a few exceptions.. on verizon.. so no charges at all... now if I was a full timer I'd invest in the one Seeya Gal (Jenny and Dan ) have.. however..that's a big chunk of change to dump out for initial setup.. Shop around as prices are dropping...lots of competition out there...

RV Granny.. Uh Hum ( Lori and Ernie)..uh was checking out the campfire..and whatcha got in the Crock Pot.. how's about putting that over in the Recipe section..ya know Crock Pots are the best..and that sounds might tasty.. I'll look for it later...LOL... yeah I want some eyes light up when it comes to the Crock Pot..especially I can have a bottle of beer with it too...uh oh.. going over to the campfire to take one down.. and not pass it though...LOL..

DpF.. (Pat)... I read your post on the Cattle showing... I know where you are at... If I raised animals they would be all named..hence they never hit on my table... I couldn't do it... So when I became a Vegan (for trying to cure my disease) I didn't have a problem with it... in fact I felt I was doing a good thing... One night as we were heading West..we had a stay over in a rest area.. and a truck pulled in .. with cattle in it.. for the night.. oooooooh my lord I heard them and looked out and saw them big brown eyes looking out... holy chit.. I wanted to let them all escape ..cause they were going to the Meat Market... needless to say I didn't sleep all night... Yes, I eat beef now.. and all the other goodies too... just the thought that grabs me... but that is why I no longer will eat veal... can't do it.. not those baby calves.. So these kids that do the grange fairs and all...and show in 4 H.. I do commend them.. they work hard..and I guess they all now deal with it's a fact it might be someone's dinner...I am a weakling.. I admit... but if I had to do it to survive..I'd have to wear a blind fold..and hope I had perfect aim.. Gosh looking at those cattle .. and seeing that Elsie the Bordon Cow... her pretty smoocher..aaaaaaaaaah I'd have her forever.... yeah I could milk her not a problem.. but sure as heck couldn't have her for dinner..well maybe she could join Richard and Robert..Timmy and Tommy...:)

Liz... prayers are still with you for DD and GD... good thing she has also church support... with her DH going to Iraqi.. it's hard enough worrying... She might also check with the guidance counselor at school....all the help she can get is important for her.. heck if she needs to post ..she can pop in here..You know us.. we are always all ears to help...

Gentleladybear.. (Nan) seems like Fay is really a strange lady.. she's swinging any way she can.. just like a fan blowing her breeze in any direction... I was getting confused (which isn't difficult lately)) on where in the world she was going.. even talked with my housekeeper in Florida... she said .."The sun was shining in Wildwood"... LOL Keep safe..!!

Mtngal (Donna) sorry to hear about your dilemma with the Driver's license.. and not having your birth certificate..but you can apply on line and get over night service... if you are gonna be staying there a few more days... you'd think they'd be able to go into a national data base and pull up your info and your picture.. you have a picture ID on your old license....mmm check out on line service... let us know how you make out..

Mtntophoundz..( Mollie)... I know you can't wait for the weekend... hope all is going great now with the new position.. hey coffee is coming .... just getting ready to set my table....

Echo... now behave yourself... with Richard,Robert, Timmy and that's a mouth full.. sitting at our table this morning.. having their mugs of coffee...wait.. Robert is a cola man... LOL.. oooh and Marslet..(Sharlotte) you hear this... the box is by the door.. labeled and ready to roll...:)

Paulette hope you made it home safe...and can't wait to see some pictures of your journey...and especially with Echo and Kelly LOL>...

Gals... it's coffee time....Cedar.. OJ.. is here too... come one come all...join us... our picture show is beginning... and ya never know who's going to appear....

May your Adventures be Great ones.. and your Journey be Safe too......

PS...anyone see and Ruby Red slippers run by ????? OO.. where are you ??????

God Bless

Re: Ah Wednesday, Morning !! Movie anyone :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:20 am
by Cedar518
Good morning everyone! I woke up at my usual time around 4:30,... and was up by just after 5, after checking with TWC on tv to see what Fay was up to. That gal is just hanging around making a pest of herself by the looks of it.

I've had the o.j. and vitamins and now headed out to kitchen to fix some b'fast. Not sure what it will be this a.m. Maybe bacon and eggs. Once I start working again in a couple weeks when the school year starts I won't have time for yummy breakfast so I'll enjoy one today.

My grandson heads to college today. My first to leave the nest,... it's a big day for him. I'll go to his house to see him this a.m. for a few minutes. My daughter and family and one of my sons both have houses about a mile away. My other son is only about 4 miles away too. See, that's why i don't wander all over the country in a camper, I'd just miss all that family fun!

gotta run,.... gonna need that caffeine soon,.... thanks for that big pot this a.m. Zeee!

(And it's great to hear you sounding perky this morning, hope both you and Echo are all healthy again!)

Re: Ah Wednesday, Morning !! Movie anyone :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:45 am
by rvgrammy1953
Good morning, here earlier today......the chill in the air woke here I my coffee and the heater is going.....want to make sure it is toasty in here before Ernie gets up.... :roll:

Will post the Green bean crockpot recipe as soon as I was good...

Hope you all have a good day....


Re: Ah Wednesday, Morning !! Movie anyone :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 5:55 am
by Echo
Gooood Morning to all.

Over slept a little this morning. Alarm went off at 5:30 like it was suppose to but my butt did not get out of bed as planned. :| Dosed back off and finally dragged out at 6:15. I went into work yesterday but only made it 5hrs into the workday. I punched out at 1pm and came home. Ate a little lunch and laid down for a couple hours. Had to pick Kelly up at 5:30. I guess I should have figured that with all the over sleeping I had been doing that I would be coming down with something?? Just never, ever gave that a thought? And it's really rare for me to over sleep. But dang, other than the over sleeping I was feeling really good?

Are you two keeping them men straight??? Wouldn't want to read of no war in a NJ Campground over the weekend! LOL Your right Barbz, not much slides by. :lol:
Now I know I've heard of "double this and that" and "love triangles" but what the heck do ya call 6???? Well not 6 really? Cause 2 are Jill's and 2 are your's. LOL So we will go back to the triangle thing!!! LOLOLOL

Well it's time for me to get my butt in gear and get dressed. I am hoping that I make it thru the whole work day today. I do feel a little better? But I sure will be glad to be back to myself....

Hope all ya'll have a great day and everybody makes sure they stay safe!!!

Love to all

Re: Ah Wednesday, Morning !! Movie anyone :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:22 am
by Bethers
Well, at least I'm posting here when it's still morning :) - Got to sleep in today. Peaches woke me at 7:30 wanting me to take her out - so we went for an hour walk. I'm not sick, but feeling hazy today (for lack of a better term) so don't think I'll do much. I am cleaning the 5th wheel next to me today - so will borrow the better vacuum there and run it through here while I'm at it. And will borrow their golf cart and run a load of laundry over to the housekeeping laundry (which I can use) and do a load to get myself completely caught up. And the rest of the day, I intend to be a bum - so don't be surprised if I'm in and out of the forum posting nonsense all day long.

Can't wait for the 6-some to all meet LOL - should be interesting to have double the men - maybe that's what it takes for them to get a word in edgewise with Zeee and Jill (just kidding, I think.)

Re: Ah Wednesday, Morning !! Movie anyone :)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 12:20 pm
by retiredhappy
I've been busy this morning so am just now getting around to posting. I'm taking the dogs for long walks cause its so pretty here even if it is humid. I bought a cute shower curtain to make covers for my icemaker and toaster/convection oven that sit outside. The cover isn't waterproof but it will keep the dirt off. I posted instructions on the Craft post for anyone interested in make the covers. Can you see why I bought the curtain?


Today is my last day of lazing around altho I've actually been running errands. I work this week, 8hrs a day with an hour for lunch, Thurs, Fri and Sat. Met with the supervisor yesterday. Told him I would like to work three 8-hr days together and I can't work outside in the heat and humidity. I've been told they tend to "forget" to give you your lunch hour so I told him I was diabetic and HAD to take a regular lunch hour. I decided I needed to be more vocal about what I want right up front. Hopefully that will prevent any problems. Normally I will be working during the week rather than weekends. I don't really care. Since I've retired everyday is about the same to me. Did tell him I need the 30th off because some friends of mine are putting on a PowWow that weekend. Ahhhhh, frybread! Tomorrow my RV guy is coming to measure for my new "push button" awning. Oh heaven - no strap to roll up INSIDE the awning, no tiedowns, just push a button and the awning goes out, push it again and the awning comes in. Decided against the wind sensor. Have heard about too many problems with them - either too sensitive or not sensitive enough. I want to be in control.

Gotta go walk the dogs and then have lunch and maybe a nap.