Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

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Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Barbzeee » Mon Aug 18, 2008 4:24 am

Morning....I'm still kickin and it's Monday too ! I made it through the weekend..Lordy help us...and here it's the beginning of the hopefully end of me feeling like crapola...Didn't want to get up but had no choice cause seems that Mr Minute Man has turned a deaf ear to the announcing Zeke...mmmmmmmm didn't I say something awhile back about how awful it was to have dogs debarked.....mmmmm I might re consider...especially when it's 4am and I don't wanna budge..his bark starting off ever so faintly becomes the point of .. I'm UP ...but in not those exact words...and as I stumble through the house to let that sucker out...He is going to very soon have a talk with the Lord if he keeps this up..and now as I type I hear him (Zeke) into the trash..must be thinking gots to be some easy pickins'...This critter has a mind of his own...and as I reprimand him...he I have nerve...right now I don't have any if I have any strength in me's gonna happen..

These night sweats have been just a joy...thank goodness for the I've been watching them..enjoying and just thinking of how much energy those kids have..and I'm exhausted just watching...aaaah it's time for some asprins again... Seems the body lets you clock work...but they seem to be helping somewhat...

Well I look on the positive side to this illness..I've got it later on I won't have it... LOL Hey, I've been running great odds only 1 a year...sooooooo that's a good way to look at this..other than that I wouldn't wish this on my best enemy..!! I have favorite enemies too.. LOL... See I haven't lost my humor yet...when that goes then I'm destined to be dug in..

Ok gals..let me attempt to stroll the avenue and see what you all have been up too...

I see we have some Newbies..but seems to me I haven't seen them post...Perhaps they need some where to find the intro...Don't be shy..step up to the plate here... We're just a bunch of nosy gals that really enjoy your company and like to know what you have .. (driving) and what we can do to help you or best you help us ....We will eat almost anything and show up even at your door ...ifn' you have a large driveway...LOL Nah... we'd just like you to post and tell us something about your lifestyle in your RV...or Gonna be in an RV...or maybe you are a full timer...We accept all !!!!
So Wayward, Wickexgrl , Vtchris, Rlaz, and Birdie... set a spell and at least say Hi ....

Dpf (Pat) have we convinced ya on the MircroWave/Convection Oven yet ????? Aside from Snowball (Sheila) who likes using her oven...and having the hot blast of heat hit you .... Most of us use that setup as a method of baking... I've used my oven on rare occasions and yes, I have the tiles in there... I played the cheap way.. pizza stone was too costly for me... I did the unglazed tile...but personally I prefer it to be my storage ...does a great job.... Anxious to hear which way you go with it.... and I bought mine for the house from the PX... my Nephew picked it up.. got a good price too... but yes, you can buy it at Sears... Mine is a Sharp..

Getup n'go... (Janice) looks like your plans are coming into place... you have several invitations... you got it going gal... and Snowball ( Sheila) what a great area you will be hosting in... So maybe possible another GtG can happen in the midst... with you gals being on the west coast area.... Sure looking forward to hearing about it ..ifn' you all can ...

Seeya Gal.. (Jenny and Dan)...ooooh I just read about you telling Getup n'go ( Janice) you got a recipe.. uh hum... Chicken Picata .. and I'm sure it's a good one... did by any chance you post it ...???? would ya.. for us gals....and oh a few more.. like your Spinach Salad and your Baked Beans...would be really really nice pretty please ......

OH and Jenny, I have no doubt your Mom could get good money for her talent.. my stars I've never seen anything so beautifully done ... She should have a web site.. she's do nicely... make sure Pay Pal... LOL hint hint hint

Retired Happy (Karen) what a neat looking place.. and so happy to hear you made it home safely.. Yep you put the pedal to the medal in making that trip home.. like only a little more and I'll be there.. so why not... yep I do the same thing.. gosh you do look like you have a nice cozy spot..uh oh.. what's that I see on the's one of those pink thingy...a Flamingo ...yep it sure is.... you is now home Karen... sit back relax and enjoy !!!

Avalen..(Ava) thanks for the news on Grand Canyon.. oh my I will be reading about it.. I do hope and pray no one lost their lives...

Speaking of which... Gentleladybear (Nan) Please take care.. I am watching that storm as well.. been reading and talking with my neighbors in Florida.. they have closed everything up on my house for me.. I have such wonderful care takers.. they are the best..I worry for them as well... Make sure if you have to get out of town you get out soon..

Paulette..please be careful too.. you need to keep track as that rain is gonna be a hard one.. and strong winds.. please all of you keep us posted... I'll be glued to watching..even if it's from my bed... I get a tad bit nervous..for people I care about ... ole mother hen here...

Sunseeker (Jill and Tommy) hoping your meeting of the folks went well... I said my prayers for you .. I'll be talking with you around noon time today EST by the way LOL....

Fernie.. I'm telling ya.. them logs keep glowing.. now only if I could actually be around it.. with long stick LOL cooking up them goodies...but sure could use.. a Fuzzy Navel.. (Oj and vodka and what else LOL )...

Liz... you keep me smilin.. yes, you truly are a good GM.. with the patience of Jobe.. you is calm..but I can believe you could have a might storm brewing if need I said.. want a pair of high kickn' boots LOL... but safe journey to you as well..and am looking forward to our gtg again in Florida..

Avalen (Ava) Thank you ! I sure hope I'm getting better.. today I'm gonna wash my hair.. and like that old song.. Gonna wash that man right out of my hair..cepting mine is Germs..cause boy I need it.. I've got that bed head feeling duh...LOL

Me up and about a little has got to help..and I'm complaining so I must be on a mend...or my asprins have done taken my brain cells and tossed them...

Ok..Echo... I'm hoping you are starting to feel somewhat went for the ride.. I hope it was a good one... and I know I have that mug ready... I got the big mug small ones for us !!

For all you gals this morning... my coffee pot is on... and it's a Coleman... I'm camping out indoors style LOL Yes, I have a large container of Biscotti... Nonni's Orginial.. great dunken tools... and boy they are good....

May you all have a Great Adventure and your Journey be Safe.....

God Bless..

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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Cedar518 » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:10 am

Good morning! I'm up a little later than usual,.. stayed awake reading last night. Think I'll head to the kitchen and fix a poached egg on slice of toast ... and then,.... COFFEE!

I sure hope Zeee continues to feel better, and that Echo is feeling better.

Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby rvgrammy1953 » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:40 am

Morning, all....Oh, I'm so glad you are feeling a little better, Zeee......keep doing that asprin and lots of fluids......

Taking FIL to have his eye surgery done this morning.......he's 77 and a little hard of hearing.....and loves to complain, so my day should be interesting... :lol:

Company is leaving this morning, too....

Next will be starting my "things to do" list for cleaning both campers and getting ready to hit the road on Sept. 2nd......can't wait...we're so ready ;) ;)

Okay, let me go read and catch up....have a great day all...

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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Echo » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:47 am


I'm home, feel crappy, called in, going back to bed. Yak later.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Sunseeker » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:53 am

Good morning all. I have mug in hand and will try to catch up on some of the posts this morning. My first meeting/cookout with Tommy's family went very well last night. Both son and daughter have young toddlers, one 14 months and one 13 months, so they kept us all entertained. They are about 20 miles from the cg we're in, so there are los of opportunities to see them during the week.

Barb and Echo...hope you two are on the downhill side of whatever grabbed you!

To all of you with burdened hearts and those of you with threatening weather...I'll be thinking of you today. Hang tight sisters, you're in my prayers.

Liz..I don't know why my laptop battery dies so fast. I think the aircard drains it rapidly. It helps when I remember to charge it whenever I have the generator running, if even for a few minutes.

Well, I have tons of reading to catch up on. Time to grab another cup of coffee and get moving. Have a great day, all!
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby avalen » Mon Aug 18, 2008 6:57 am

Good morning.......
just real quick on the computer cause I'm up a little late and I have a
few extra things to do before I go off to work. Got my refrigerator
chilled down to a proper temp yesterday so its still good. :P
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby NakedPupsAndMe » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:35 am

Good morning all! Zeee I'm sorry you are sick. I've been so busy lately with work & dogs I haven't posted at all. My poodle foster Peyton has been adopted! I'm so happy for him, he went to a wonderful home. But it's hard to let them go. I've been a little mopey. Finished baking my last order of treats last night to mail today so I can see light at the end of the tunnel. Hope you all have a wonderful day. I'm going to go read some posts & try to catch up.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Fernie » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:43 am

Coffee----I need coffee!! Guess I better go make a pot cause I need more than virtual coffee. Only 3 more nights in Detroit. Got to kick butt and get my stuff done I have to do before we can leave!!! Hope you are feeling better Barbzeee!! Better go get busy!!
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby retiredhappy » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:54 am

Mornin' all ya'll. Glad to be home even tho the humidity is high and I'm back to sweating everytime I go outside. There's nothing dainty about me when its hot - I don't "glow" - I sweat.

The site I have here is beautiful and big - nothing like Douglas which was narrow and gravel. I didn't put out my stuff at Douglas - just never felt like "home". Later today I'll take pics of the area we're going to be in at the GTG and where the cabins are. Did go out yesterday and bought a couple of boxes of mothballs to put on the roof to, hopefully, keep the squirrels away. Don't know what I'll be doing yet or when I'll start. Craig, the volunteer coordidnator, was sick yesterday and I had told them that I needed a couple of days to rest. The laundry for the hosts is right across the street as is the dumpster. Across from me is an open field. Its so open especially compared to KOA's which always seem to be cramped and tight. Reggie, one of the other hosts, said Craig was thinking of putting me out working on the hiking trails. I told her, and she passed it on that I don't do outside in the heat. Craig told her he thought I was an "outside" person because I had been in Wyoming. When I stopped laughing, I told her I had been in an airconditioned office the entire time when it was hot and only came outside when it cooled off in the evening. I've been taking the dogs for fairly long walks since I've been here (morning and evening) when its cooler. They're feeling abused nad both need to lose some weight, as do I.

Well, off to get my 2nd cup of coffee. All you ladies have a good day and Zeee and Echo, take care of yourselves and get better.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby asirimarco » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:59 am

Morning everyone - This a.m. I figured I'd better get a few things done before I got glued to the computer. So the bed is changed, laundry in and bills paid. Got up to find my husband asleep on the couch - in fact he's still there- guess I must have been sawing lots of logs for the campfire. Poor guy. I never snorred for the first 43 years we were married - don 't know what is causing it now. Hope every one gets feeling better and the storm is not real bad. And the kids all straighten up -
I need to continue getting ready for taking off the end of this week - just the little stuff cameras, chargers etc.

grrr.. this just logged me out when I went to edit the post and right when I'm having a mother of a hot flash - in fact my glasses are fogged up - grrr.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby mtngal » Mon Aug 18, 2008 8:04 am

Morning gals, much cooler here in Austin and real rain is forecast. Hope you both are feeling better soon Barb and Echo. Yesterday I went for a "walking tour" in Smithville (just east on 71); 30 outstanding historical homes including the one from "Hope Floats". That must have been a happening town in the early 1900s. Now kind of quiet. I guess the people work out of town. Be safe in Florida.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Paulette » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:08 am

Good morning all. Barbzee, I'm glad you are feeling better. That Zeke needs to watch his stuff!!!

I've been watching the weather on TV and out the window and GD and I have decided that we are going to head on up the road today instead of waiting till tomorrow. I'm hoping to get a good tailwind out of this at least! I'm gonna walk up to the office and see if I can get a partial refund, as I paid to stay till Wednesday AM. If not, I need a bag of ice anyway!

You all take care.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Getupngo » Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:48 am

Good morning everyone! Working here on the island is kinda like playing baseball ... it can get called on account of rain. A storm is rolling through the Northwest, and I'm at home, sitting here, typing to all of you. Doesn't hurt my feelings at all. :D

Have a good day!
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby SeeyaGal » Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:24 pm

Good afternoon ladies, it's raining here in Fall City...we needed it though. The past two days have been hot & muggy...unusual to have humid weather. Today is much cooler and I welcomed the change. Late last night I watched a thunderstorm, again unusual to see thunder & Lightening and no rain and very warm. Saw a Seeya motorhome like mine LEAVE at 10:00 at night!!! The were heading home to Arlington. Yep weekenders and they were going to camp as long as they could and then go home. I thought they were nuts for driving around in the dark!

Some of our friends are camped across the road from us so we went out for Chinese food last night, they are only here for 3 days.

My best friend came to visit too and we'll see her again on Wed for dinner and haul a car load of our stuff from her attic back to the motorhome. So need to rearrange things in the Seeya so the front basement campartment is totally empty and the freezer outside is empty for all our Salmon we shipped home to Nancys house and take with us back to Yuma.

Good day to catch up on the puter and watch the birds outside.
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Re: Morning...I'm still kickin and it's Monday too !

Postby Echo » Mon Aug 18, 2008 3:51 pm

It was morning again for me at 1:24 this afternoon. As soon as I posted this morning I went back to bed. Gads I feel like crap. All I want to do is crawl in a hole and pull it shut after me. I would settle for going back to bed again but if I do I will never be able to sleep tonight. I've done nothing more strenuous than make a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwichs. And that wore me out. I might not go to bed right away but I do think I will be going to bed extra early tonight...

Barz I sure do hope your doing better than I am!!!
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