WAs up at 5:30 GDs spent the night and wanted to get up early in order to get dressed, eat and play some Wii before their Dad picked them up for school. After they left I showered and am on here but will leave soon for bowling.
Sun is out but it sure is cold outside! I can easily see my breath, but hadn't noticed any frost.
I"m wondering if Sparkle isn't suffering from that dessert lung thing people catch when in AZ. Suzanne Sommers caught it and the Drs diagnosed she had lung cancer (shows up looking the same on an xray), until she visited a Dr in Tx who caught it. Sounds like nasty stuff.
Yesterday I visited my MH and exercised the genny. While the genny was running I thought I'd give the engine a try (dead battery syndrome, but hey, had to give it a shot), and when I turned the key the genny quit. Is that suppose to happen? Oh, and the battery is still dead.
Everyone have a super, duper day! Be safe!
Oh PS - when the GDs were dropped off, their Dad said the girls had baths but didn't wash their hair and for me to smell the 8 yr olds head. Whew! It smelled sour. So I got her into the bathroom and washed it.....then found out the story behind it. Seems she and here sister were playing a game. She layed on the floor while her sister stood over her with a can of whipped cream and tried hitting her mouth. Allot went into her hair!