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It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:35 am
by Barbzeee

It is Saturday...yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !...Yep indeed..If'n ya notice today's's a little bit of the results of the "Campfire" I mean when ya keep that sucker burning..what's a gal to do ?????? So here's to ya !! yeah I should be so thin LOL....but hey, she's a cutie..and got that sparkle in her eye too :) Yeah and my favorite color and even has neat boots....oh and you could use her for Texas GTG with the Ice tea ..hahaha.. Now Olive Oil (OO) it could be Ice Tea or even Lemon Water.....

Beth, I read that attempt to Move..yes, it even exhausted me...and then Getup'ngo (Janice) comes to the rescue...that cable attachment looks great..uh hum.....that could be in Gadgets ?????? I liked watching the video..make things so simple..hey how about getting something simple for the dreaded Sewer Hose...yuck...Now that would be a hot seller ..

Asirimarco (Carol) we'd all love to come sit on your deck..and just lean back..and watch our days plan just fall off..LOL that happens to a lot of us...not sitting on the deck...but have things planned I mean right down to the minute and Poof something happens and it's on for another day... Yes, we all could come ..hey we could have a GTG ..and yepp we could boondock...aaaaah but I have this thing with hummingbirds.. I mean they have it with me...LOL and boy they can attack..if ya mess with their nest..hahahaha...Carol..everyone that heard my story still till this day fall out laughing.. how this darling little hummingbird built it's nest in my windshield and how when I attempted (notice I said attempted) to remove it came at me.. from afar watching me swat this Little chit and it beaking me..LOL Life goes on ..!!! Yes I heard the hum...LOL Wished I had a tennis racket at the time.. LOL...oooooh my .. must be the Ice tea :)
Great shots though.. aaaaah loved the deer..and how the fish come up to the top of the water....neat..a nice day to just relax...

Mntophoundz (Mollie) I have to tell you... I'm sure you were glad no one was around.. LOL Yes dear Mollie it was one of those winning days for you...tooo funny... You need a rest dear...or hey.. coffee :) strong coffee !!! and now your weekend is here...another Getup n'go.. I was waiting for you to say "Searching for my Glasses" but your cell phone and talkin on it...mmmmmmmmm you best stay by the campfire a little longer hahahaha..

RetiredHappy (Karen) got done teaching us how to sew, now she's teaching us how to collect a snake..check that one out.. I mean the trash bag...she's over the snake you just crawl right in.... mmmmm Karen didn't any one tell ya snakes can also spring up high LOL... good one.. ya have to check her action out..and the men..well they look impressive too !

Oh and again Asirimarco ( Carol) I mean nice wrap... yes, looks like a boa...we had one in the lab...they aren't bad really and like to give ya a little squeeze..but I have to ask...How big did he get and who'd ya give him too ??? Ours was our mascot...LOL some mascot...but then we lab people have strange pets...LOL...

Welcome Bash... good to see you with us... and Toby what a dare devil he is..just as cute as he can be...but somehow visions of Fernie running around attempting to catch Toby.. a site to be seen !

Ok Cedar...I see you again.. yeah it's addicting alright..ya just gotta sneak in and check what's happening LOL Hey ..what's happening on your end ?????

Paulette, hope all is going well at your family GTG ..pretty soon you'll be pushing off for Floida..just give us a yell !!!

Carolinagal...(Carol) ok..dear where ya at now ?

Excel..(Charlotte) ifn' there is anything I can help ya with.. just PM me and perhaps we can get your problem figured out... I run McAfee and don't have a problem with it.. remember more heads are better than one !! :)

Ok gals.. I have the family here and it's Calm before the Storm.. We have a baby shower (what else is new ) and a birthday going ...all at the same time...ooooooh my I can hear it now...but hey, it makes them happy...made sure we put the booster in the everyone can splish splash... me I stay under the umbrellas.. can't do that dang sun...but I have lots of Sun tea being made :) love that stuff... oh yeah and of course we like a bottle of Lemoncello now that's refreshing :)

I'm hearing that familiar noise.. you know the one the perculator makes..and oh I smell it now...ok dear gals.. it's off to set my table..and hey.. Pancakes and Sausage for breakfast with Real Maple syrup...alrighty... I'm hungry too can ya tell...

Echo I hate hearing you have a new schedule..but you know keep checking them and Kelly might find a better Job with normal hours... besides I'd hate to call someone on a Sunday for a

Gals.. my cups are out there..Tipping it too ya !

Getup n'go...(Janice) a special {{{{{{hug}}}}}

May your Adventures be Great ones and your Journey a Safe one too !

PS Oh yeah... Happy Birthday... Irene.... oops forgot to look down at the bottom of page ...sssssssh.. enjoy your day !!

God Bless

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:12 am
by retiredhappy
Started out pretty grumpy but a good dose of Zeee's morning coffee does wonders. The next place I work the first thing I'm going to ask is what time they open. I'm retired and being anywhere at 6:45 makes me irritable (unless its some fun thing for me). The first morning I was scheduled to work the opening I showed up at 7am, which is what the schedule says. The owner informed me I was expected at 6:45. I informed her the schedule should say 6:45. What did she expect, a mind reader? Okay, so I'm still grumpy. More coffee!!!

I'm waiting to hear how Micki's seat cushions are coming and to see some pics, too.

Janice, glad to hear you're feeling better. Are you gonna make it to the Texas GTG? The park I'm hosting (Schreiner Park in Kerrville, TX) is looking for winter hosts. If you're interested at all, PM me and I'll give you Craig's phone number.

Zeee, that picture of the woman with the bag trying to catch the snake WAS NOT ME. I'm the one behind the camera. I don't do snakes except from afar.

Well, better get the dogs walked before I go to work. They can't figure out why they have to walk so early.

Have a great Saturday all ya'll.

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:26 am
by mtngal
Morning gals! I'm off to see a Casita trailer this morning, it belongs to a single gal about 45 minutes out of town. This is so exciting, it will be first time
for me to really get a good look. And, of course, I will mention to her about this cool forum that I know..... byeeee......have a fun day!

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:39 am
by asirimarco
Good morning every one - it looks like it is going to be another beautiful day here in Indiana. Well we have a 300 foot circular driveway - could fit a lot of RVs there. No hook ups though, but guess we could run some extension cords. This is a neat little town - lots of things to do here.
About the snake - boy could I tell some snake stories - like when he took her to car shows or the time I took her to my speech class - got a quick A. She, Conan, didn't know she was a she until she laid eggs, and her daughter PeeWee lived out back in their own condo with pool. When I sold the house, the new owner didn't want them - imagine that! - They are good pets, no meowing or barking, shedding, scratching furniture, no early or late walks, only have to be fed once every two weeks and when they die you can make boots out of them. Any way they now live with a friend of my sons. Last I saw her she weighed about 120lbs and was 22' long. Her daughter was quite a bit smaller.
Yum I smell bacon, Bill must be cookin'. Also need a refill. Later......

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:46 am
by oliveoil

Hubby is off work today & we were going to the warehouse to work--& work on the roof over there--------but it is raining-raining-raining-------we probably will work here today doing some things we can do inside!
If it quits raining we need to do yard work----------behind on everything------but we want to get a load ready to take to Mo. with us when we go close- on the sale of the house--hopefully this week------if that attorney has finally done his job correctly!!!!!!!!!! :roll:

Hubby who doesn't loose his cool very often----but when he does----look out--------had a heart to heart with the attorney over the phone-----I hope the attorney understands how fortunate the conversation was by phone!!!!!!!!!! :)

I'm clicking my ruby shoes & I'm off--------Hubby needs coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:56 am
by avalen
good morning all, I'm still waking up so I don't have much to say, odd I know I usually
never shut up, but thats when I'm awake. I don't have anything planned for today so
what ever gets done I guess will just be routine.
I need coffee, and its just about done dripping.
Laters ladies

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:10 am
by Mtntophoundz
Good Morning all! I have been up for about 30 minutes, but haven't had my coffee yet. Today all I am going to do is some cleaning and laundry. Scotty and Brent are going to a baseball game tonight with some friends of ours. So Hannah and I might go do something. Not sure what, but it will be a ladies night. Ok now to go do something useful! Have a great day all!!!!

Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:51 am
by rvgrammy1953
Well, I'm just getting here, but have been up since 6AM......(Ernie was hogging the laptop,so had to sit at the table, drinking coffee, and watching the news.. :roll: ) But as that old Army recruiting commercial use to say " I've done more by 9AM......" lol.......took a shower, did up snack dishes from last nite, made biscuits & sausage gravy for breakfast, took the puppy out twice, did the breakfast dishes and now I'm taking my break... :) "A woman's work is never done...etc...etc..."......

Buddy goes home's been great having him here, but I'm ready to be "kid free" for, the fur-grandbaby, goes home tomorrow....he's such a good little boy-puppy, and smart, too.....he still has some training issues and heaven forbid you should leave him alone or be out of his sight.... :roll: He barks loudly and raises such a fuss..... :) ....Have been taking notes for the kids on him so they know what they have to work on......but all in all it's been fun....

Well, better get reading what I missed here.....Have a great Saturday, everyone!!


Re: It is Saturday..yeah and it's gonna be a Good Morning too !

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:41 pm
by Echo
Well, uhhh 'good morning'?

Yeah right. I over slept this morning. Didn't get to bed until almost midnight, set the alarm for 5:45, it went off, I shut it off and that was that. I have no idea what the heck woke me up? Maybe Kelly making some noise? But I woke up at 7am. OH MY GOD! :o :shock: :x :evil: And that was me for over sleeping. Ya'll have no idea how rare that is for me to do. Kelly had just gotten out of the shower when I opened my bedroom door and asked her why she didn't wake me up? ?? She said she thought I was already up. Said the kitchen light was on and the shower was wet. So must be when Jenny got up this morning she took a shower, left the kitchen light on and out the door she went. She is suppose to be at work by 6am. Hmmm? I am always up when she leaves. Now I wonder why she didn't at least knock on my door and at least ask me if I had to go to work???? Dang good thing I woke up when I did cause Kelly would have gone in her room to get dress and not came out until right about 7:15. Boy oh boy you can best believe the roof wouldn't blown off if I had been late for work. One freaking minute late and we would lose our $160 perfect attendance bonus for the month.

I was pooped from making a disaster area out of my bedroom. I finally found and bought a dresser at one of the local donate/sell places around here's little dresser with 6 drawers that cost me $40. I am going to paint it black and decorate it with painted on flowers. ;) I have been looking all this time for one like this. I still have a horrible mess in my room that needs cleaning but it wont be tonight or tomorrow night either. It is late enough now that I am just gonna chill for a bit then go to bed and tomorrow night we have to work until 9pm. YUCK

Ok, I'm off to do some reading. ? LOL Hope everyone has a great night and leaves me a couple of beers.

Night all