Hey! It's T G I F
Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 11:17 am
Brrrr! It was 21f this morning when I took Shade out and I felt every one of those chilly degrees. Dang! I wore Kelly's housecoat out this morning as the blasted fuzzy thing is warmer than my jacket.
Not sure what's going on today? Might run into town to see if I can find a great big cardboard box to finish off wrapping the chicken coop? Been using the cardboard for insulation and the chickens sure do seem to like it. Bought David and his chickens a Christmas present and gave it to him early. It was a regular type drop light that he could put in the coop for a little heat. Now he has to get some thin plywood and put a lip on the front of the nesting boxes to keep in the hay and some plastic to wrap the whole thing to cut out the drafts. The chickens ought to be a lot better off with all of that. Yuck, chickens.
So far other than David having gotten up and left for work I am the only one awake in the house. Shade is back in the room we're sleeping in with Kelly and haven't heard a peep out of Conner so of course Jenny is sleeping.
Fresh pot of coffee is brewing, I already finished the first one as I only made up 6 cups worth the first time. Decided it was so good I would make up another one. And I need some to share with my Sistahs too of course! Gonna have some oatmeal and have donuts sitting here on the table for whoever is interested.
Hope ya all have a great day. Stay warm and be safe!!!!
Love to all
Brrrr! It was 21f this morning when I took Shade out and I felt every one of those chilly degrees. Dang! I wore Kelly's housecoat out this morning as the blasted fuzzy thing is warmer than my jacket.
Not sure what's going on today? Might run into town to see if I can find a great big cardboard box to finish off wrapping the chicken coop? Been using the cardboard for insulation and the chickens sure do seem to like it. Bought David and his chickens a Christmas present and gave it to him early. It was a regular type drop light that he could put in the coop for a little heat. Now he has to get some thin plywood and put a lip on the front of the nesting boxes to keep in the hay and some plastic to wrap the whole thing to cut out the drafts. The chickens ought to be a lot better off with all of that. Yuck, chickens.
So far other than David having gotten up and left for work I am the only one awake in the house. Shade is back in the room we're sleeping in with Kelly and haven't heard a peep out of Conner so of course Jenny is sleeping.
Fresh pot of coffee is brewing, I already finished the first one as I only made up 6 cups worth the first time. Decided it was so good I would make up another one. And I need some to share with my Sistahs too of course! Gonna have some oatmeal and have donuts sitting here on the table for whoever is interested.
Hope ya all have a great day. Stay warm and be safe!!!!
Love to all