Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 7:23 am
Molly at home in the new 'Super Tent' camper! My backjack is on the floor so she can be seen in the picture. When it's on the bed, it makes the comfiest seat imaginable!
Listening to Credence Clearwater Revival, sipping on spiked eggnog, and watching for deer!
My thermometer says it's 26 out there, but it feels like it's above freezing to me. My plan for today is get out of here as early as possible to pick up my trailer and haul it home to park it for the winter in its shelter. Rain is heading our way, but rain will be ok---just do not want any freezing stuff on the roads today.
It was warm enough for Molly and me to get into the new truck cap/camp with music playing on my battery-powered speakers for my MP3 player, some spiked egg nog, a comfy thing I bought years ago for sitting on bleachers watching my kids' games called a 'backjack' which just fits on the end of my bed making a very comfy seat! I also discovered I have a booming drum now, should I ever want one, when I bang on the inside ceiling of my new cap! What a fun noise that makes!
It looks as if VA and the Carolinas can finally begin to dry out a bit from Ida's visit---Ida who morphed into a whopper of a Nor'easter storm! Imagine if it had been cold enough for all that to have been snow! I hope you all have power back now, or soon will. The tail end of some rain leftover from that will be with us today, but most of the storm is headed out to sea.
Time for some warm coffee, to get dressed, to move the Kicker out of the way of the shelter, and head for the big city. Will see you all later.