Echo------- some times you can't be beautiful & rich------BOTH!!!!!!
Oh---- Barb-------if I slow down--- I'll probably stop!!!!!!!!!!!
If I ever stop-- I'm afraid I'll never get going again!!!!!!!!
Well I bet ya can't guess what I'm doing today??????????
You are correct more sorting & packing!!!!!!!!!!!
Next week at this time we should be in Branson (or still on the road to Branson) with the
u-haul-getting ready for the closing of the new home! (Or I sure hope so) (God willing & the creek don't rise)!!
I haven't seen Beth's picture yet-------or read any other posts yet this morning------
I worked until midnight last night-----then took my shower & went to bed----I didn't get up with Hubby this morning-------I slept in!
In about a month Hubby will be retiring for the company he works for----so he can get ready for the two auctions-----& get us moved!!!!!
Well----- I'm doing juice----- no coffee for me------- I'm wired tight enough thank you!!!!!
I sure hope I can find something to eat through-------I have been doing my whole food shake------but it is gross with out a banana or something in it- & it is about all I can choke down-----guess I could run into the little local grocery store & see if Nancy has a banana to put in my morning whole food shake---drink my juice take my vitamins-----& get rolling!!
Going to be a HOT one in Kansas today----------I'm off--------- have a great one-----later OO