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Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:44 am
by Cedar518
Good morning Sisters!

Well, here I am up early and fumbling around in Zeee's Kitchen! Coffee is on,.... juice is chilled, and the Diet Pepsi and Coke is in frige for those who don't care for coffee. I stopped at a local diner and bought a bag of really yummy donuts. Cinnamon sugar ok?

I'll be heading out mid-day until Sunday the 12th. Going over to Vermont to a blue grass festival. Weather is supposed to be ok, which will mean it isn't going to rain steady. Just scattered showers. :lol: for this area this summer that's termed "ok"... :lol:

Unless i find an internet signal somewhere I'll be "over and out" for a few days.

So here's a tip of the coffee mug to all of you,...

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:10 am
by LegalLady
It was wildly exciting to have sunny weather for 2 1/2 days running this past weekend! Now, it's back to the gloomy, rainy weather that's become the norm for New England this summer. My daughter has tickets to a Red Sox game tonight and she's whining it will be raining.

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:51 am
by BirdbyBird
Thanks for chilling the diet cokes for us. I will grab one or two (I am a heavy drinker...) Will be running again to day. 87 year old step mother is still in hospital. They have told her they are seriously concerned regarding her kidneys. She is very independent and up to this point has not told any of us (her own daughter presently in NYC) very much. She has agreed finally to go ahead and call her lawyer and have her send out all the legal paper work for the POA, that I will not have to wait until she is unresponsive and get two dr. to sign off in order to get them. I don't know what she was thinking when she set up that. This way I can help but she can remain in control. I clarify a point, she had agreed to the idea in principle but then forgets to make the call. It is the forgetting part that concerns her daughter. Anyway, hopefully she finds out more from the docs today regarding what is going on and what she can do about it.

She hasn't mellowed any though. Yesterday i was talking about the news/tv coverage planned for the MJ memorial and she went off about how she couldn't understand why they were doing all that. She stated that she had even heard that Liz Taylor was suppose to give the eulogy. I mentioned that the two had been very close friends. Her response, but She (Liz Taylor) is just a decreped old lady! This after complaining that she didn't like Aretha Franklin's version of the Star Spangled Banner on the 4th of July b/c is should be illegal to jazz it up and anyway "Aretha was so gross and fat!" The 87 year old wonders why some of her grandchildren avoid her. It is scary enough what she says to their face and we all know what criticisms get spread around behind our backs. "I just want to help them be better persons." she says. Boy has she, the grandchildren have definitely learned what not to say. Her own daughter has spend most of her adult life living on one or the other coasts and far away from her mother's toxic effect.
Pups are growing like weeds and learning how to be big know...., sleep in laps, try to get in the refrigerator when the door is open, look cute and adorable so no one cares there is a small puddle in front of the sink.......,

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:19 am
by Nasoosie
Good Morning all of you!

[color=#4000FF]OMIGAWD! I am editing this message as I just read about Cedar's pregnancy in yesterdays morning coffe post! CONGRATS!!!! I can't wait to see it! I looked online at the Rockwood site and found your model----it looks PERFECT! And it even has a slide! YIPPEEEE for you!

Cedar, I hope you have a fun time in Brandon, and please be sure to say a hearty hi to Jack, Richard, and anyone else I might know over there. I will pray that this weather improves, and that you don't have to stay holed up inside all week. Will be looking for you to check in when you get back.

I am already missing the kids...I took them back to the airport last night, and they arrived in Orlando before I got back here from shopping! It sure was fun to have them for the three days they managed to be here. I can't wait until they accrue more time off with their new jobs.

It's up tp 63 degrees out here on the screened porch this morning, but it keeps getting darker and darker as the clouds gather. I am praying for even a smattering of sunshine today.

Barbzee....I read a post briefly yesterday that you were home, and I welcome you back with open arms! It sounds as if some wise and observant nurses managed to save you a lot of could-be distress after the surgery. We will all be glad when you get back into your the meantime, rest and get the healing process going. Hugs from me and Molly.

Today I will get dressed and wait for a call from the logger delivering my firewood for next winter. Then I will watch the Michael Jackson doings on CNN.

My ribs are very sore today, although I just took some Ibuprofen and they aren't quite as horrible as they were when I first woke up. I can't remember if I mentioned that I cracked my ribs this weekend while dancing at my daughter's house, or not----but that I did! I managed to fall over a steel bar stool in the dark aorund a campfire! WHAM! Full force across a steel bar directly over my heart area of my chest. But the Ibuprofen helps, and yesterday I managed t walk the perimeter of the property (about a mile) with the kids before they left. I won't be doing any heavy-duty things for a while! I suppose I was imagining I was Michael in his hay-day!

Off I go to read the posts I missed for several days's always hard to catch up when you miss even a couple of days!

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 1:56 pm
by BirdbyBird
I like the sound of that potential story...I cracked my ribs during a night of wild dancing around a campfire........

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 3:28 pm
by WickedLady
I too would like to hear about that dance!

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 4:48 pm
by dpf
I'm dropping in for a late afternoon diet Coke....always parched when I come home from work. glad to hear you are doing better! I have been camping since June 26th and didn't have to chance to post. Congratulations Cedar! I went to the Rockwood website to check that little baby out too....way kewl! 8-) I am sure you will enjoy your new addition! Can't wait to see your pictures! Come on Soos ...cough up the rest of the story on the cracked ribs! :?

Re: Foggy, Foggy Tuesday!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:50 pm
by OutandAbout
I'm even later on the reply. 8-) I also checked out Cedar's new baby. Way to go girl. I'm glad to hear that Zee is back home and getting all the good care she deserves.

Soos, fess up what went on with all the dancing? Was it the "recipe" you were talking about that caused all this joyfulness When you first stated that you were buying the ingredients for the recipe, I automatically thought of the Waltons TV show way back when. There were two sisters (unmarried) that would often refer to their daddy's recipe, and how grandpa Walton would go over there to do some odd jobs and part take of some of the recipe. Is this anything like your "recipe"? If so I can see how it led to dancing by the campfire. Hope the ribs heal quickly. Maybe a little left over recipe for medicinal purposes :roll:
