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It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 12:35 pm
by SoCalGalcas
Good Morning, I am slowly getting settled in my trailer. Still have two plants to bring over. My Christmas Cactus and one African Violet. I hope they like their new home placement. I am really happy with the way the Christmas Cactus has been growing. I hop it doesn’t get angry with me moving it to a new location.
My scooter has been moved so Hazel and I are resuming our outings! It is better for me to be here, but boy do I miss the people at the condo. Everyone was so nice and friendly.
I went ahead and bought a TV with ROKO all ready installed. I am still learning how to watch the few shows I do watch!
This is a very busy house hold. Never dull moment. Glad I am able to get to my “hide away”

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:23 pm
by Cudedog
SoCalGalcas wrote:Good Morning, I am slowly getting settled in my trailer. Still have two plants to bring over. My Christmas Cactus and one African Violet. I hope they like their new home placement. I am really happy with the way the Christmas Cactus has been growing. I hop it doesn’t get angry with me moving it to a new location.
My scooter has been moved so Hazel and I are resuming our outings! It is better for me to be here, but boy do I miss the people at the condo. Everyone was so nice and friendly.
I went ahead and bought a TV with ROKO all ready installed. I am still learning how to watch the few shows I do watch!
This is a very busy house hold. Never dull moment. Glad I am able to get to my “hide away”

Congratulations on your move, Lyn! It sounds wonderful - I'm sure all of us would love to see photos, should you be in the mood. Maybe even a website showing just the mobile, if not the one that is actually yours.

Well, heck. What kind is it? Easy enough to look up the make/model ourselves.

Best wishes!!


Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 2:19 pm
by OregonLuvr
Good Was up early, made a trip to Cottage Grove and had breakfast with Laura. This is the same place we met with Barbie. We thought of her while dining. Laura drove down and I drove up for the meet. Beautiful day for a drive for sure.
Weather is super again today but we have a short warm up coming, Sun 80, Mon, 82 then 92 on Tues. Short and sweet then back down into the 70's it is working for me.

Lyn so glad you are getting settled in your trailer. Sounds like it is working out great. Sheila not sure why your cake was dry, mine is always super moist. Right size of cherry pie filling?? Overcooked? Right size pan? heck I dunno. Catherine very lucky for your brother that he got care right away. Now for the healing, it takes a while to get over surgery. Martha let us hope whatever is forming in the gulf loses it's OOMPH. Anne you need to find a better store to buy a candy bar ha ha Ours are not that much $1.25-$1.50 The Dollar stores are all $1.25 I dont know what the other stores like Safeway etc are but I get mine at the Dollar Tree LOL ummm when I buy some that is. I tend to buy the box candy ie: junior mints, Reeses pieces, etc

Not sure what I will make for dinner but I am pretty sure it will involve some hamburger meat as that is thawing in the fridge. I am thinking burrito, quesadilla, or nachos all sound good and I am not a bit hungry since I had a good size breakfast. We shall see.

Time to continue with the purging. Then make a trip to the donation center tomorrow. I purged a few thing on Laura today ha ha not much really, I have lots to go. Then when I finish cleaning up my garden and flower planters I am moving on to finish my bathroom. Good late fall/winter project.

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 3:23 pm
by Shirlv
Afternoon Lynn and All. The shore has cooler temps but still too humid for me outside. Lynn, glad you have moved and settled. I have a Thanksgiving cactus and am babying it so it will bloom this year Have moved it to the sunporch so it will have hours of darkness at night and stepping up liquid fertilizer. It loved the apartment and bloomed its heart out. I’m still trying to find safe ways to continue cooking. I mostly use crockpot and air fryer. I am afraid to use gas range since I can’t see the flame well enough. Just received an 8” electric skillet with a nice dial I can see. Thank you Amazon. lol I can have scrambled eggs again. I gave my tv and Roku stick away because it was too big to sit on my lap to see screen. The IPad is the solution.for that problem. Since I am an optimist I like watching YouTube and people renovating old buildings. Sometimes I tell them when they are doing it wrong but they ignore me. lol. Be safe

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 5:42 pm
by JudyJB
I am going to be in Eugene for four days in October--13-16. Have an RV service appt on 14th and then oncologist appt on 15th. Will be headed to Tillicum Beach (just north of Yachats) on the 17th-30th, and then Harris Beach, and finally Emigrant Lake on Nov 6-13th. Then into California, so maybe the Oregon ladies and I can get together for lunch???

Getting late in afternoon, so I am going to try to get stuff out and wash rig tomorrow when it is a little warmer--up to 70 and sunny tomorrow! Spent over an hour today talking on phone to cousin's wife. He also has CLL but a mild case, but ended up catching a fungal form of meningitis and has been in the hospital for the past month, part of it in a coma. Weakened immune system from CLL may have made him more susceptible to infections. Don't know. He is doing much better now, and transferring to a different hospital soon where he will get more therapy, but he is lucid and at least walking with a walker. He is 10 years younger than me. I had no idea what had happened because I had not checked Facebook while I was in Canada because I had difficulty accessing some things there, and Facebook loads a lot of photos and videos.

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:34 pm
by Bethers
Nebraska to New Mexico today. I did stop for a potty break in Colorado. I comfortably drive further/ more hours in the car than in the RV. I still like being off the road before dark. Rained off and on today and I saw several rainbows. The first time I kept looking and finally noticed it in all my mirrors lol. TY is really a trooper. He does really want to know where I am at all times but whether we've slept in the car, in a cabin, a motel room, etc he just goes along with it all. Well, he remembered the vets office (it's been, I think 4 years) and did not want to enter. Saw a different vet and TY staking actually growled and Amador snapped at him! I was so upset but he took it with a grain of salt and joked because he didn't act up with the vet tech. Not even when she cut his claws.

Today was and still is a chilly day. Leggings and long sleeved dress. I have the heater they have in this room on.

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 21, 2024 11:46 pm
by Acadianmom
Another hot day. Didn't do much except try to figure out how to get the trailer off the hill. I couldn't back the truck up the hill on the grass. I decided to load the end of the trailer with cement blocks so I could pick up the front and try to turn it. It was hard but got it turned enough to get the truck to it. I would like to know how many trips I made up and down the hill. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the monthly hospice dinner. It will be at Jefferson Island, a local attraction between Abbeville and New Iberia. The restaurant is more of a cafe so the menu isn't large.

I don't know what candy bars sell for here. About the only time I buy candy is when the small Halloween candies are out.


Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 12:42 am
by snowball
I woke up and thought I don't want to do anything... I didn't even crochet except a row on the afghan ... got a shower and read scriptures took a nap did fix a couple of meals but frankly if I didn't need to fix food for mom it wouldn't have happened would have been happy with a peanut butter and banana sandwich... should have gone to the store but texted "the kid downstairs" and asked him to stop by and get milk and bread... I can tell he doesn't look at prices I normally get the mt dairy as it's cheaper than Smith's and wanted sour dough bread think he got the first he saw at 5 a loaf I'm pretty sure that private selection is cheaper... but I shouldn't complain I didn't have to go out and get it... :lol: yesterday was a big day lots of driving then walmart and getting into another store... supper with family think that was why I really didn't want to do anything...
Karen the cake yes right pan right size of cherry pie filling did I over bake it perhaps but the cake mix was one I have never used... Dolly Parton I believe... so next time I will use a different brand... I actually would like to try the spice with apple filling we will see... I never to be honest use cake mixes well maybe change that to rarely if ever when I made wedding cakes I did the don't crumble as easy as home made cakes do
Lyn is your ramp up yet or some how the stairs are more stable than most steps going into a rig is? my sister in laws Christmas cactus looked so good I asked her what she did to keep them so green and pretty (wasn't there when they would be blooming) but so fully and pretty... she "waters" them every so often with coffee not the grounds but with coffee she actually does it with all of her plants... might be something to try if they need it...
Shirl sounds like things are working out for you with what you have you can do most any cooking you want even make a cake in the slow cooker at least according to the 'reels" on FB :lol:
Beth I've often wondered if a person needs to supply bedding for the beds in the cabins that you find at KOA type places... I was really confused last night when I read something on FB and saw NM after Scottsdale didn't know for sure what state you were in ... have a safe trip
Judy I think we are going to pass each other with in a few days ... leaving for WA Oct 4th but returning to Jackson on Oct14th.. or so
as to candy bars those sound really expensive Anne I think I don't very often by the bars usually get bags of like M&M's or whatever it is that I munch on ... I wish I could find them there was a candy chunks in a bag called Munchies like a peanut something but haven't been able to find them no it's not Pay Day almost like a peanut brittle
Martha I am amazed that you got that travler turned around... you will need a long soak in the tub...
had sad news this week... one of my old friends from Ut daughter passed away she was 31.5 ... a special needs child that wasn't suppose to live past 1... she just didn't grow petite in height had the body of possibly a 6 year old don't know what her mental age was for years mom and dad carried her but she finally did walk her favorite thing to do was tear up magazines...
sad in many ways but in others she is much better off
you all have a good day

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 12:51 am
by JudyJB
Martha, when you are doing something like loading cement blocks onto the back of a trailer and then lifting up the front end, we really need photographs. Maybe even a video. Did you not have anyone who could record this amazing event for the rest of us to marvel at???

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:05 am
by Acadianmom
Judy, if I had someone to take pictures I would make them move the trailer. :lol: I just hate to have to ask for help.


Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 2:42 am
by JudyJB
Reminds me of when I was in Zion National Park a few years ago. I had a front tire that was a little low, so I decided to try to use my new air compressor and fill it up myself. Had the air compressor plugged in and was sitting on my small stool with the hub cap off. A young couple walked by and asked me if I was traveling alone!

I said that if I had anyone with me, THEY would be trying to put air in the tire, not me!!

Re: It’s Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 22, 2024 9:01 am
by Bethers
Ah, Sheila, Scottsbluff NM is national monument in Nebraska. I can see the confusion. And with the KOA camping cabins you must provide your own bedding and towels. I'm in the most basic cabin, no bathroom. I bring a sheet, a pillow and my lightweight sleeping bag which is unzipped and on the bed in the picture. I also have a collapsible porta potty that I use to not have to go out during the night. What a blessing it is.

Martha, I'm not good at asking for help either.