Sunday Sept. 15

Let's start our day with a good morning here.

Sunday Sept. 15

Postby Irmi » Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:35 pm

Good afternoon ladies!

Barbie, I'm guessing that since you won't be full timing for awhile, you're able to take lots more things to AZ with you. I obviously missed some posts because I didn't read how your brother made out following his operation. Judy, I hope you are able to get your motorhome checked soon. Those check engine lights usually mean some important. When ours came on in the car, it was our crank shaft. The engine had to come out to make the repair so we opted to have a new engine put in. I hope yours is an easy and inexpensive fix. Beth, I'm enjoying following you on your trip.

I'm trying to get caught up on all the posts I missed while I was on the east coast in Daytona Beach. I can get here on my phone, but the print is too small. I could increase the print size but then I'd be scrolling back and forth just to read one sentence. I don't want to carry my laptop with me everywhere I go because we take many other things which are necessities, so I try to get caught up once we return home.

I spent almost 3 days in Daytona Beach to play for a hymn sing Friday night. The first day I met with the people that arranged this and played for them. They told me several weeks ago the organ wasn't working and I'd be playing a grand piano instead. I was bummed because I'm not as confident on the piano as the organ. But it worked out that I did play the organ and it was a good evening. Lots of people turned out for it. They've been having these hymn sings for 4 years but this was the first time they had live music.

It was 78 degrees when I got up and our high will be 87. We've had lots of cloudy skies with occasional afternoon rains. The weatherman said the rainy season is just about over. Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Re: Sunday Sept. 15

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun Sep 15, 2024 1:45 pm

Good morning Irmi, and any that follow. I am enjoying this taste of fall weather. Chilly in the morning and low 70's in the afternoon. I have so much more energy when it is cooler.
I was outside trimming in the garden this morning then came in and cut up all my veggies for my roasted veggie sheet pan. I like to roast a whole pan then just have to reheat in the air fryer the next day. Having some salmon for dinner. I want to make a cake but will do that tomorrow. I can share with a couple of neighbors because I usually only want one or two pieces. Making a chocolate cherry cake. It is so good and moist. I will lightly frost it as I dont like too much frosting and I might put some cherry extract in it, havent done that before, we shall see.

Nothing much else going on here today. I think I will work on Emma's toys that have lost their squeakers, mostly due to sharp teeth I think. So will cut out the old and put in the new. Will wash a few first. She has quite the amount of toys but usually only plays with her favorites so might put some of the others in the wash and donate them. She will be 8 in January but she still really likes her toys.

Going to wash the bathroom floors and clean the showers then will just relax for the afternoon.

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Re: Sunday Sept. 15

Postby Bethers » Sun Sep 15, 2024 3:52 pm

I had a great few hours with the three employees of mine who are running the Keystone store now (their 2nd year,,(. I stopped in today when one was there and we had a great time chatting and the store looks wonderful. I'm sitting and charging my main phone now before heading back to my spot for tonight. Drove a scenic route between keystone and Hill City and stopped at the grocery for some spicy chicken. I miss this area. I looked a few times for a possible seasonal summer site here but nothing reasonable. And as long as Sturgis exists I doubt that'll ever change.

I have up on my tent last night and again this morning. But this morning I quit trying. I have a cabin rented Sun and Mon, then a motel room the following two nights. Last night the temp got into the 40's which brought the car to the mid-50's, so I figure the same for tonight plus they are talking rain a high possibility this afternoon and/or evening.
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Re: Sunday Sept. 15

Postby chalet05 » Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:53 pm

I'm home! Got off the train at 7:20 this morning and it has been a busy day with more to do. Glad I took the trip but a lot of disappointments due to rain. Now planning next year's adventures.
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Re: Sunday Sept. 15

Postby JudyJB » Sun Sep 15, 2024 9:31 pm

Glad to be back in the USA with no more calculating Canadian $ and prices. I decided to skip a second trip to Waterton Lakes because my vehicle is missing badly and I have a check engine light to deal with.

By the way, US customs took my lemons and tomatoes that I bought in Canada. Potatoes, carrots, and almost everything else was fine, but they also took eggs because I bought them in Ontario and that province has a potential of bird flu. I stopped at a Walmart and replaced everything and ended up with a small cake jumping into my basket. I am dead tired and trying to get my satellite aligned. I think I need to change sites tomorrow, but this place is almost empty.
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Re: Sunday Sept. 15

Postby snowball » Mon Sep 16, 2024 12:34 am

that is too bad Judy that they took your produce... I try to avoid ag checks when going into CA but guess you can't avoid customs when coming in from another country...hopefully you will get to a shop tomorrow and that it will not be something time consuming and expensive...
Karen I read a recipe today that you might enjoy (I get meal planning on Sunday's from Susy Mediterranean dish) this was using your tomatoes to make roasted tomato/basil soup sounded really good... I picked up in the damaged area of produce a green bag of large tomatoes for .99 figured if I eat even one that would pay for the 99 cents... saw this recipe really tempted but she encouraged smaller tomatoes... although large ones could be cut bigger problem is no basil or thyme it still sounds good
Irmi glad that you got to play the organ I got to listen to you on FB you do really good
Anne the problem with this area is that and I forget how much of the valley is govt owned which makes the rest of the property high in value ... and high in demand
karen I forgot to ask how do you do your cherry chocolate cake?
Anita glad you are back it's too bad that you had more rain than desired we could use some of it... how is your dd doing?
you all have a great day
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