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Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 7:30 am
by Colliemom
Good Morning. Bit hazy this morning, but a comfortable 54°. High in mid 8’s predicted. Saving grace has been. We are not getting the same type of heat that we have in the middle of the summer because of the angle of the sun, but this “not natural” warming spell is going to last probably into early October. This is a post that someone asked the NWS this morning and their reply.

“Do you think with the "Planet's" natural process of "warming" which is obvious to us is happening (not a political view but a scientific fact), that we will be seeing more "warm or warming trends" in the coming years? Agriculture practices are already gearing up for more "moisture" retention in the soil and drought resistant strains of food plants. US National Weather Service Gaylord Michigan”

US National Weather Service Gaylord Michigan “well this warming trend isn’t natural (not a political view but scientific fact) and yes we will continue to see more warm stretches.
If you are in the winter tourism business I wouldn’t say “get out” yet but clearly have a backup plan.

I tell you ladies, all if us have seen extreme swings and changes in our weather, wildfires in the west and Midwest, and hotter temps as well, we’ve witnessed more and more se ere storms, hurricanes etc. we’ve see big changes in many beautiful places like Glacier, Alaska and many others. I need not say more. The tines they are a Changin. Many people refuse to believe in climate change, but it’s real. They better get their heads out if the sand.

Anne, I loved your idea of moving next to me :lol. Think of all the “trouble we could get into, :lol: But tbere’s one slight problem. No house for sale next to me :lol: Nice try. But in a seriousness, keep looking I to OR. You definitely need to make a move before you can’t. Beth, sounds like your trip is going well. Judy, the Canadian Rockies are more beautiful than the American one. Many of the movies we watch with georgeous mountain scenes are filmed in Banff and Canmore. Been there twice. As to the cold, yes you are in higher elevation, farther north and it is mid September. It can snow in those mountains in September. Sheiia can attest to that. Yellowstone and Grand Tetons can have snow in Deptember in the high elevations.

Nothing much on agenda here today. Just a vacuming and putting the fall decorations out front. Might or might not do a little raking in the cool of the morning, but that’s all. If I don’t get dressed and get my act together, I won’t be doing anything :lol: Don’t want you all to be in shock over that. Definitely need to water my plants if I don’t want them dying off. So with that, better get moving. Have a grea day.

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 11:44 am
by Redetotry
It's still morning here and we finally we've had some rain!! We need a lot more thought everything is way too dry and leaves have been falling for almost a month. I definitely agree with you Sue climate change is only going to get worse. The woman who lived next door and moved away last January came to visit yesterday evening. I made the mistake of telling Pippa that she was coming. She went right to the front door and kept watch giving little woofs until she arrived. It's amazing how dogs remember their friends.
Judy sorry to hear about the crowds and the cold weather. Sounds as though you are headed to a warmer spot with less crowds. I keep hearing there are several popular tourist spots around the world where they are started to discourage visitors. I remember realizing in Ireland back in the early 2000's how rude and loud many Americans were. At that time people in restaurants talked in low voices and acknowledged with a smile or a good evening as diners came and went, so loud boisterous behavior definitely stood out. I still sometimes regret we didn't move to Ireland near our friends.

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 12:12 pm
by BarbaraRose
Good morning gals,

Didn't get a lot done yesterday but did clear out the junk in the porch and made a dumpster run. Also put the thrift store stuff in my car. Might drop that off today. I did made a reservation for the Motel 6 in Yuma. I also found someone here in the park to help me load up the U-Haul trailer on the 26th. Will leave on the 27th.

This morning I have done an address change on-line (using my brother's address), registered to vote in AZ, and called Good Sam to change my address on my membership account. I got a response back yesterday that they will give me a full refund of $185 for the towing fee in Gila Bend, so that was great news! They are mailing me a check so I wanted to make sure it gets sent to AZ right away instead of getting forwarded. Finally, some money coming back to me! Also submitted a photo of one of my Halloween gourds for a contest with the gourd farm I go to north of San Diego.

Next week I need to get my car window fixed and get the brakes and tires checked out, etc.

Now I need to get my butt out of bed and start working on the living room today! I feel better today (mentally and physically) than I did yesterday so hopefully, I will get more done.

High today and tomorrow of 100* and then just in the upper 80's for most of the week! Yay! I can open the windows at night now too, and turn off the AC. I think I can remove the skylight covers soon!

Have a good day! Stay cool or warm depending on where you are!

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 2:05 pm
by OregonLuvr
Good morning, barely. Worked out in the garden for a bit then took some onions, tomatoes and strawberries to my neighbor. He was whining his strawberry plants never produced one strawberry. He might have a different variety than I do, and I also fertilize with Berry Tome which is specific for berries. I am thinking it worked. Hope so because I have a whole bunch of fertilizer for next year. I am not fertilizing anything anymore because it is the end of the season.

It is our parkwide garage sale yesterday and today. Nobody is really selling much they say. BUT most people have stuff already. I visited several places in our block but only bought a $2.00 plant pot LOL It was busier yesterday and really slow today.

I bought a couple of new pillows for my bed from Amazon, I hope I like them. Was looking for FIRM pillows and these got good reviews for that so I will try them. I am a side sleeper and when I put my head on the pillow my head sinks in and the sides come up and I could smother LOL LOL I am going to clean my bathrooms then have some lunch.

Beth I also cancelled my Hulu. They always have a really good special on or around Black Friday. I got it for a year for $0.99 a month So I cancelled it for now. If they have a deal great and if they dont oh well. I have plenty of others to watch. Barbie sounds like you are getting things done, good for you. The time will go quickly until you are moving.

Weather is still great here right now 54/77 with sun. Might get some rain on Tuesday. I will take this weather for now.

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 6:45 pm
by Bethers
Just a quick note that I have no cell service at the forest service cg I'll be at tonight and tomorrow night. Just had an early dinner with friends so writing this in the parking lot where we met. Heading to the cg now.

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 9:54 pm
by Acadianmom
I am still recuperating from the storm. I am still so tired from all the moving, loading and unloading. It sure seems like the climate is changing to me. We didn't use to have all these storms. I think it was 2022 that I got ready to evacuate 4 times and actually left twice.

Didn't do much today. Went to the post office and Walmart. We can actually get in gas stations today.

I finally brought the throw rugs in from the motorhome and washed them. That was a waste of time, they are falling apart. I will have to look on line and find some to order. The only bad thing about not having carpet in the motorhome is that in the winter the floor is cold so the rugs help.


Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:48 pm
by JudyJB
Drove 174 miles today in rain and cold from Lake Louise to Cranbrook, BC. Big problem is that my engine is showing a check engine light and missing a lot, especially when I am going up hill. I have chosen a route to Kalispell or Coeur d'Alene for tomorrow. Hoping I can get some service there, or if not, in Spokane. It was a very stressful drive, and I decided to skip going to Waterton Lakes--can do that next summer.

Did two loads of laundry here, so am very tired. I need a couple of days of rest in someplace not so wet or cold.

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 12:20 am
by snowball
hoping it's something not two major Judy .... Spokane is a good size town/small city not sure about the other two know of them but never been to them I know the one in Idaho is in the panhandle Kalispell must not be too far from it but in MT... it's funny how they work out and of course Spokane is in Washington .... one of my old high school classmates lives in Kalispell but haven't seen her in probably about 50 + years... :lol: sorry you have been in a cool/cold/wet spell but we in the inter-mountain west certainly need wet...wouldn't mind it being warm while being wet :lol: we have had it cooler here but not so cold I'm worried about the plants yet... occasionally see a hummer but the sightings are getting less and less will miss them
one thing not being in AZ for the winter (among a lot of things) is having the hummer's all winter...
thanks for the pictures of Burney Falls Anne it looks like a really pretty falls... the picture of it on the calendar sure looked like it... I hope that you can find a home that will work out for you soon... I'd suggest here but the market is low and very expensive...but you would be close to a big volcano I saw one listed 3 bd 3 bath 3+mill... yep it's expensive here .... there is a lake here that we loved to go to always could find a picnic spot could splash in the water canoe ect while looking out for the bears of course and word got out how beautiful it was.... now you can't find a spot to park. of course the trees have grown and can't see the lake when you want to do a drive by.. so get the high amount of tourists ... and when they start to live then it's cooling off so it's not so enjoyable... used to be we had tourists during the summer now it's about 9-10 months out of the year... :( helps the economy but it's hard on the land
Beth enjoy you trip is this the every 5 year trip to establish residency? or just a fun trip
Barbie it will all come about... sounds like you have some of the stuff taken care of... and the packing will happen cause it has too!!!
enjoy your harvest Karen I bet your neighbor was envious of your strawberries how long has he had them in the ground? don't some of them need a year or longer to produce? and how did your blueberries do?
BJ the dogs do remember for a long long time...
I was having problems with the computer or wifi not sure which so read this in two different times so not remembering what all was said
you all have a great day

Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:30 am
by Cudedog
Acadianmom wrote:I am still recuperating from the storm. I am still so tired from all the moving, loading and unloading. It sure seems like the climate is changing to me. We didn't use to have all these storms. I think it was 2022 that I got ready to evacuate 4 times and actually left twice.


Well, Martha, who knows if the climate is changing or not, but there sure is something going on. All I can say is that when I first moved to this area, more than forty years ago, the first frost would arrive about mid-September.

Today's temp (well, yesterday's - it's now 12:20 a.m.) - September 15 (mid-September) - topped out at 102*. Just now, at 12:20 a.m., the outside temp is 75* - might get all the way down to 70* by morning.

I don't think a frost will be happening here anytime soon.

Yeah, "something" is going on. For sure.


Re: Another Warm Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Sep 15, 2024 2:39 am
by Cudedog
snowball wrote:thanks for the pictures of Burney Falls Anne it looks like a really pretty falls... the picture of it on the calendar sure looked like it... I hope that you can find a home that will work out for you soon... I'd suggest here but the market is low and very expensive...but you would be close to a big volcano I saw one listed 3 bd 3 bath 3+mill... yep it's expensive here

The photo was my pleasure, Sheila

:o Three mil? Holy smokes! That's definitely out of my league!!
