Lovely June 10 Monday

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Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby Shirlv » Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:10 am

Hello All, The weather here has been wonderful, low humidity. Typical weather returns on Thursday. I have spent time on the front porch in the rocker/glider chair. The front porch has morning shade and a breeze. That little exercise seems to be improving leg strength. I’m doing a couple loads of laundry, spinning lettuce for salads and place a Food Lion pick up order for dad. Garfield and I do a lot of bird and rabbit watching. Lynn, your move is a positive decision. Everyone be safe

lol short term memory loss. I was reading what I posted. I placed a grocery order for daughter to pick up. Don’t know how that translated into dad
Last edited by Shirlv on Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Jun 10, 2024 12:25 pm

I finally got some motivation yesterday. :D I cleaned the bathroom and kitchen really well, took out the trash, returned the ladder, and brushed Romeow. (I have about a 4 hour time limit before I run out of energy and motivation on a good day).

Today, will be my bedroom and living room. I also need to make a quick trip to the storage place to give them an updated copy of my renewed home-owners insurance so they don't charge me $$$ for their own insurance :o .

Once I get all the rooms cleaned good, I will go room by room again and go thru everything and get rid of or re-organized stuff. Will probably take a whole day per room. But it needs to get done again before I can think about moving out of here. I did all that 2 years ago and got rid of a ton of stuff, but I have accumulated some more things (clothes, kitchen stuff, etc) plus still need to go thru my 2 big bins of photos. :shock: I will probably get rid of 95% of those and just keep some for a small photo album for my daughter, and a few I want to keep handy for myself. I might get one of those photo things that show each photo on a screen (can't think of what they call those) to keep in the RV. Those will probably be my favorite outdoor/nature photos and some pet ones.

I have been talking to a neighbor the past week about my place. He works with a lady (actually the CFO of his company) who wants to buy a place in here. He said she might be interested in my place. A friend of his wife's is the one who bought Gloria's place.

I am going to try to get this place ready to re-list in July at $96K. There is only one other place here (of the 49 others for sale! :shock: ) that is less than that and it is a travel trailer on a lot. I need to be very competitive if I am going to sell this place soon!

Lyn, I love your plans for your new home! Can't wait to hear more about it! I wish I new someone I could park my RV on their property back in MN to spend the summers there eventually. My SIL has been talking about buying some land back there to park a trailer on for summers. Maybe we could both park on it.

I better get my butt out of bed and get moving here! Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Jun 10, 2024 1:49 pm

Good morning. Beautiful day here and going to get warm 86 for the next few days then a cool down to the high 70's this weekend. Just puttering around outside a bit this morning, then threw a load of laundry in, Henry is doing his thing and I will DUST today LOL I do forget to do that. Going to make some lunch then not sure what I will get into.

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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:13 pm

Shirl, wonderful that you're enjoying some outdoor time. I laugh all the time at changes on my text when I reread it sometimes.

Got my Italian beef. Yum. Ginger then decided we'd drive through Colossal Cave Park and we sure enjoyed it. The saguaros have about finished their blooming, but still a few were. And we visited the pair of tortoises there. One was trying to get as close to us as possible. First picture look to the back and you'll see the 2nd who total ignored us. First walks towards us.See it you can see it's head in the last picture picture with the cactus.
Yep he/she was trying to squeeze underneath. Unfortunately no success.
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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby JudyJB » Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:37 pm

Power went out about 7 pm tonight in campground, and it is about 10:30 pm now. Supposed to go back on sometime tonight, but I am fine with good coach batteries and my generator. I'm glad it is really cold tonight instead of hot, but my front furnace is not blowing heat. No problem with AC, so I suspect it is thermostat. Had problems with it a couple of years ago and bought new one, but never installed it since it started working again. I have a separate furnace in my bedroom, and it is working fine, as is my water heater.

Your stories reminded me of when my uncle was hospitalized for a couple of nights and my aunt insisted in spending the night with him in his room. Both of them were just at the beginnings of dementia, and they thought they were on a cruise, so were enjoying themselves. It was a few months later that we were able to get them declared not competent and took over as POAs.

Going to be dog sitting for a week in the middle of July. I asked my son if they had ever left the dog in the car when they went inside some place, and he said they had and she was fine, so at least I can leave her briefly if I have to go in for groceries. Will do it when it is cool, not hot.
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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:27 am

Getting to bed early tonight. Not even 10pm yet.

Karen, you can get a brother for Henry! It is called a Grillbot and is a Roomba for your grill! :o Crazy!!

I had good intentions today but...

I drove to the storage place to give them the copy of my new homeowners policy that covers my stuff in storage. Then stopped at WM to get a couple things I needed. I had seen a cute pair of tennis shoes at another WM awhile back and checked to see if they had them at this one. I did find them and I was thrilled to see they were on clearance for only $7! :o I hadn't planned to buy them now because they were $24 originally but I couldn't pass up that deal! So I got a pair. :D After I got home and put my food away, I went to visit Gloria and bring her the donuts I bought for her. I was there talking with her and her daughter Liz for a couple hours. When I got home, it was blazing hot in my place! :shock: Neither of my mini splits were on! I turned them both on and checked the temp in the house...97* :shock: . Not sure what happened but according to our FB page, there was no power outage here. Maybe I accidentally hit the timer button on the remote. :?

Then I got an email from the management saying there will be a planned power outage in the park on Thursday and Friday from 12- 6pm both days! :o In the past, they have allowed us to take our pets to the clubhouse (if that isn't affected by the power outage) until the power comes back on. I sure hope that is still the case. Anyways, I have had this popup screen room for the cats that I used for Sophie when I first got her to help the cats get acquainted. Also just used it to keep the kittens in last month. I have stored it in the shed and the heat disintegrated the material around the top zipper and the whole zipper came off. So I wasn't gonna be able to use it in the future for cats since they could just jump out. I gave it away here to someone who could use it for a small dog instead. Well now, I need one to keep the cats in when we hang out in the clubhouse later this week. So I ordered another one on Amazon that will be here tomorrow. I got a deal on it so it didn't cost too much, but is a necessity for this situation. I can't keep them in cat carriers for 6 hours. I will have to keep it stored inside the house so I don't end up with the same issue with the zipper.

It was too hot to do any work in here for awhile after I got home and then I lost all enthusiasm to do anything once it cooled off. Will try again tomorrow... :roll
Last edited by BarbaraRose on Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby snowball » Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:30 am

It's been a sleepy day for mom I think she has been asleep more than she has been awake ... the nurse said as things progress that is a stage they go through... mentioned again the possibility of needing a hospital bed if she gets to the point of being totally bed ridden... quite frankly I am hoping that she will pass away before it come to that ... said we also need to figure out how to have more help they only do so much so I'm thinking that brother needs to come so we can have a visit about the possible .... I think it's like the ads that tell you about this new drug for this issue and then goes on and on and on about the possible side effects... have to make one away of all but we will still pray that I'll go in one morning to give her her thyroid and she will be with my dad sister and brothers that is my hope
it amazes me when I will write a word have it even spelled correctly and look and it puts something else in it's place and change it back and most of the time it leaves it alone today it changed what ever the word I was using again.... but I finally won!!!!
it's funny how things will and do change .... I had made arrangements for mom so that I could go to Idaho Falls on Thurs...late afternoon into the late night.... when today dd#3 texted asking if I wanted to go with them on a razer ride this weekend... totally unexpected so said I would have to get in touch with her uncle... so called explained about the opportunity and he said that they would keep her for the weekend I was going to drive her part way and he would meet me on Friday.... then I got to thinking so text him back if it would work for them to have mom on Weds... I will take mom to Dubois and meet him there then I will probably drive through the park and down to my grandson's in Idaho then Thurs dd will take me with her to Idaho Falls... (it's a family thing) that way I don't have to drive so far late at night will spend the weekend with dd and her family taking a trail ride up to Island Park... it's going to be fun I believe hopefully I can get into the side by side... then come home on Sunday or Monday will talk with brother on that if he waits till Monday he can bring mom down and we can visit with the nurse I want to get plants and the nursery is also on a detour so I could come from Idaho on Monday morning going to the nursery and then home... but we will see what his Monday is like...
your porch sounds delightful Shirl
it will be fun to see your new digs Lyn
maybe Barbie you ought to wait a bit to lower your price like when you put it back on the market... you would think that if a CEO is interested they could go with the higher price you want to give yourself some dickering room... not the right word but I'm sure you know what I mean
news on the pass saw something that WYDot is thinking they will be able to put in a very temp 2 lane road passing the breakdown till they decide what is going to be done... it might be ready in a couple of weeks we will hope... but with strict weight and width limit's those semi's won't be allowed I would even wonder about the big motor homes...
you all have a great day
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Re: Lovely June 10 Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Tue Jun 11, 2024 12:43 am

Another hot and humid day. I got my paper out for my camping reservation and I made it for Wednesday to Sunday instead of Thursday to Sunday. One less day to get ready. Went to Walmart to get the food I need. God, what a mess. They are still moving everything around. It took me 20 minutes to find the dog food. They are moving the groceries around but not the signs. And there will be toilet paper on a shelf in with the groceries. There was one register open but 4 or 5 people standing around watching people do self check out. They put in more self check out places but they only have a 2 foot shelf to put things on. If you have a lot you would have to put things in the floor. They put signs on 36 parking spaced for pickup. They must be planning on everyone using pickup. I try to shop local to keep my tax dollars at home but I think I will have to start going to the Walmart in Lafayette for a while. I went in the truck so I could get gas for the mower. I need to quit picking up 5 gallon gas cans. My shoulder still hurts and I took Tylenol.

When we had to put my mother in a nursing home we put her in one here. Many of the people there spoke cajun french so she was really confused. She regressed back to when she was a child. Her dad died when she was a baby so the older boys were in charge. It must have been her duty to milk so she worried about that a lot. She was afraid Uncle Homer was going to be mad. She always called her roommates by one of her sister's names. She grew up when men were in charge and she didn't handle stress well. My dad was in the Air Force so he would be away for months at a time. The older I got the more I tried to keep things on an even keel. I could have choked my brother when he would upset mother. When I was in high school I had to balance her check book.

I had ordered a Waggle temperature thing and spent a long time trying to set it up. It looks like it's working but I haven't put it in the motorhome yet.

Barbie, as hot as it is where you are it looks like they would work on the power early in the morning. Not at the hottest time of the day.

Sheila, if the pictures I saw are where the road is out I would be very nervous trying to get by there. It looks like more of the road could fall.

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