Tuesday the 21st

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Tuesday the 21st

Postby Bethers » Tue May 21, 2024 11:33 am

Ty walked us to the dog park. I threw the balls, he fetched them. Unfortunately as it gets warmer and he's gotten his exercise and is ready to head home I haven't gotten enough steps in. So sometimes I avoid it when he heads that way. But he deserves his play time, too.

Last week I ordered and received a screen for my casita door that is put up with an included tension rod. What a difference it's making at keeping the months and some little bugs out at night when I want the door open for the cooler air and view. That said, it would be really easy to make one from scratch, cheaper and fitting properly. But I was thrilled to find this and it's doing it's job and works well with the child's gate I put up to keep Ty inside.

Ok, this is all about Ty LoL. He barks at golf carts passing. Wants in every one. We've been doing better about it but today he barked, I locked his leash. Ha, he slipped his head out of the leash and jumped straight into the golf cart. And it wasn't someone I know! Luckily she was very nice about it. His collar must have loosened, but for now I'm back using one of his harnesses.

I hope everyone has a great day.
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Re: Tuesday the 21st

Postby JudyJB » Tue May 21, 2024 12:29 pm

Martha, I have burned a lot of cookies in my RV oven, but for the last few years, I have been using a pizza stone. It goes on the lowest level, just above the heat. I also have learned to turn the temperature down about 25-50 degrees and cook things longer.

Also, Beth, I assume you have a wall outlet in your Casita. I have been using these indoor to capture gnats, moths, and assorted bugs. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09T3T1FYN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 The problem is that it only comes with a couple of sticky pads, but I ordered these refills: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0BT9L5GHX/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I use two, but only change the sticky pads once a week, or even longer. I wait until they pretty much fill up with bugs. Also, they work better at night when all the rest of the house lights are turned off, but you will be surprised how many of the tiny gnats and other small bugs that you cannot swat. No more little things swarming around my head!!

Hot day today, but cooling off later in the week. Going to go for a walk today to mark up the campground map with sites I can get satellite in!

Also, Sheila, how is hospice working out for your mother?
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Re: Tuesday the 21st

Postby Acadianmom » Tue May 21, 2024 2:37 pm

Beth, dogs have their own ideas about what we should do. lol Luna has picked up a new way to let me know she wants out. She will bring me a ball and then go to the door. I go out and throw it a few times, she uses the bathroom, fetches the ball a few times and when she is done she heads to the door with the ball.

The first time I ever flew it was with a big group. When I worked for the farm supply Shell Chemical sponsored a trip every year. The company and the farmers would get points for buying and selling chemicals for rice or soybeans. My boss and his wife usually went but one year they didn't want to go to Curacao so I got to go. I was really nervous and didn't like the idea of flying over the ocean. Once we were in the air the drinks were free. By the time we landed there were a few that had to be taken off the plane in wheelchairs. I wasn't one of them but I wasn't feeling much pain.

I have thought for a long time I should get an oven thermometer to see what is going on in the oven. If something doesn't make it on my list it is forgotten about by the time I get to the store. I have a list going now and thinking about going to Walmart. I don't know if Walmart has pizza stones but I'm sure the kitchen store in Lafayette has them.

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Re: Tuesday the 21st

Postby snowball » Wed May 22, 2024 12:21 am

tonight was my granddaughter's graduation... have two more next week(twins) and then none for a couple years maybe 3 not really sure... then a bigger time and then two although not sure if they are in the same year or separate one was born in Nov and the other in Jan the one in Nov would mostly likely not made it to the date so feasibly was held back a year... again not sure then the last grandson is I think 4 years younger than his sister... so although I have several yet to graduate they are all spread out...
got a call from my grandson telling me he was engaged think Aug... it isn't a total surprise though.. and we are totally happy with his decision not that my opinion was asked... :lol:
his sister is pretty serious about her boyfriend so we totally expect news from them as well...
Judy we signed up not long before we thought she would be going to my brothers... we signed on Monday and she was going to go on Saturday but due to their dd ending up in the hospital for a night delaying their getting home till Sunday my dd took mom to their house Sunday getting there about 40 mins before they got home... the aid did come and give mom a shower and the nurse came and did an assessment one day ... so it's really hard to say how it's going will know better later on... in some ways it will change things a bit and it other's I don't really think it will change much at all... but we will see as time goes by
it will give me resources that I haven't had before
the graduation was nice I like it when the talks are not long winded :lol: and they weren't the longest part of it is the procession in and to have their names read... a couple of guys did a back flip guess just cause they could... the scholarships that were awarded came to over 6 million so for a not large city they did good....had quite a few that were 1st generation graduates... that was also good...
you all have a great day think I will go in and tear out a hat :( to late to do a row or two on the afghan and didn't last night either... oh well it will get done when it gets done
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