"Monday, Monday, so good to me"

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"Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby JudyJB » Mon May 20, 2024 2:06 pm

Well, at least I got the estate papers to the bank. They want to send them to their legal department before they allow me to set up an estate checking account. I am formally the executor of my aunt's will and the probate judge has approved the will and my being executor. Whew! I am anxious to get this account set up so I can pay debts of the estate. It will still take several months before I can disperse money to the beneficiaries, of which there are several, but at least I can pay the creditors, including the other POA who paid the cremation, current lawyers fees, and some other expenses out of her own pocket. Also owe SS, uncle's pension, and some other medical care expenses, and I want to stop getting reminder emails from them. Also need to liquidate her investments and get monies transferred to estate account. Whew!!!

At an Ohio state park and will be resting tomorrow and doing some chores, then Wednesday, taking rig to place to get left front wheel checked because it is making same noise it did before I got wheel bearings replaced in February!!!

Went for a plane ride with my son yesterday. Tiny airport, but amazing how planes just appear out of nowehere, even when you know where they are supposed to be. At least this time, my son found me a double-high booster seat so I could almost see out of the front window!! Obviously, they build these planes for tall people.

If you want to listen to the Mama's and the Papa's sing this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h81Ojd3d2rY What a sound!!!!
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby Bethers » Mon May 20, 2024 3:29 pm

Judy, what fun, going for that plane ride. When I took a small plane to the top of Denali, I was in the copilot's seat. I learned quickly that it got covered with more mosquitoes lolol so I spent more time looking out the side window which was fine. I don't remember a problem being short. I didn't envy all you're going through with your aunt's estate. Hopefully the end is coming off all the paperwork, etc.

Nothing exciting here. Just marked my calendar to remember I read electric meters again this coming Saturday, then normally would take the printed bills on Monday, but due to the holiday this coming weekend, I double checked and yes, the office will be closed Monday, so I'll deliver bills Tuesday. I watched a cute Hallmark movie yesterday and I missed the new one this weekend starring dogs, so will watch it one night. I did see another one this past week of a dog in training to become a service dog and found it quite cute. Of course, I love dogs so doesn't take much when they get to star.
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby Irmi » Mon May 20, 2024 4:58 pm

Good afternoon Judy, Bet and all!

Judy, I have been the executor twice and don't envy what you are going through. My brother had is pilots license and owned a small Cessna. I went up with im once. Bet, I enjoy reading about your life at your casita. I read about what all of you are doing and looking forward to pictures of your travels, yards and gardens.

I wrote a post yesterday and not only did it go poof but so did all the tabs up there to click on. ave no idea what happened. When I get a new laptop, it won't be a Lenova. Our weather has been mostly dry and sunny with temps in the low 90s. I talked to Brenda today and her intention is to start posting more regularly. We met friends that attend our Sunday service to explain the liturgy of our service. Tomorrow we are meeting more friends for our monthly visit. We have our car back with a new engine and now we want to put the pickup in shop for a paint job. Always something. Before this goes away, I'm hitting send.
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby JudyJB » Mon May 20, 2024 5:20 pm

By the way, the plane my son uses is part of a Western Reserve University flying club, not that he ever went to Western Reserve. They have two planes and a hanger, and my son keeps pointing out that the planes are both almost as old as I am!! One was built in 1962 and the other in 1964, so they are 20 years younger than I am!! That may account for the very high dashboard. Horsepower is only 145, and their top speed is only a bit faster than my motorhome!! They each seat four, but it is VERY tight inside.

The instruments have been updated, and he says they are very well maintained, but he would like to join a group that has slightly newer planes. I would also prefer that he fly a slightly newer plane!!
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts." Mark Twain.
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby Redetotry » Mon May 20, 2024 7:47 pm

It's been a hot day here close ninety too warm for me and especially this time of year. Supposed to drop to lower 80's by Wednesday. A person escaped from a mental institution in a nearby city and was seen last heading in this direction! I hope they find him soon. I found a tick on me yesterday inside my naval! I didn't get it all out so called my neighbor that I exchange tick removal with as DH doesn't see well for assistance. Our decision after Google said it was ok to leave it in on most sites but another suggested removing it. We went with removing but I think that was the wrong choice because she couldn't get it either and now it is really sore and itching. It hadn't been on me long so hopefully no problems except the localized spot.
Judy you are braver than I am! No tiny plane rides for me. Also with as many accidents and near accidents that I see almost every night on the news makes me not want to fly anywhere these days.

Judy sounds as though being an executor of a will takes a lot of time, I hope you are compensated well! Irmi my DH had a Chrome Book for awhile and liked it. I hope you find one soon that you like. I get hungry every time you post whether you mention food or not :lol: Beth the top of Denali in a small plane!! I don't have the patience for Hallmark movies because of all the commercial breaks.
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby snowball » Mon May 20, 2024 9:10 pm

my post on Saturday went poof guess I didn't see that it wasn't posted till too late... left yesterday to come down to Utah for my dd's graduation... will return on either Thursday or Friday...my brother will bring mom back either Friday or Saturday assume Saturday but not sure... we normally visit the cemetery on Sunday then go have a picnic after wards... brother mentioned last night that they may forgo the visit so that niece can get more regulated before they take her on an outing...but he still will bring mom home...
it felt good to just not have to set the alarm and to do what I wanted much the same still ate though later still read scriptures though later :lol: actually didn't eat until close to 4 then dd for her made supper fairly early so am feeling stuffed... I think I could easily take a nap... did (think) I figured out why I've not liked the hat I've been making for my great grandson... I did it wrong which I knew I had just didn't figure out how to do it according to her instructions watched a video of someone else putting together a hat and the ahhh moment happened one of those totally slap your forehead dah moments :lol: so think I am going to take it out and see if it works better... can't hurt and hopefully I will like it a lot better...
had a real struggle getting out o my daughter's chair... think it was too low but about going to go sit in it again didn't learn my lesson last night... ;) :oops: I've also found a invisible decrease stitch not sure it will help but will try and see if it also looks better for the hat ...
you all have a good day
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby chalet05 » Mon May 20, 2024 9:41 pm

Good evening!

Lyn, thank you for mentioning the documentary! I found a You Tube video but wasn't impressed. Will see what else I can find. BJ, I'm with you about not wanting to fly right now! Martha, guess I should have called it 'train snacks'! Didn't find a couple things I wanted but have protein bars, bananas, rice cakes and a breakfast 'biscuit'. Train has a cafe if I get desperate and think I'm starving! Sheila, glad you are having a relaxing time. Irmi, hope you find a computer you like!

Only small plane ride I have had was from the Prudhoe oil fields back to Fairbanks. Guess I wasn't too nervous because I fell asleep! Maybe it depends on your assets, but a trust seems so much easier than a will and all the probate stuff.
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby Acadianmom » Mon May 20, 2024 11:01 pm

This morning I decided to try two recipes I got off Facebook, Three Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies and Two Ingredient Biscuits. The cookies called for one egg, 1 cup peanut butter and 1 cup sugar. I don't care for them, too sweet. I think I'll stick to Betty Crockers's recipe. The biscuits called for 2 cups self rising flour and 2 cups whipping cream. They turned out pretty good. They are real soft. I think there is something wrong with the way my oven cooks. My biscuits never brown on top. If I leave them in the oven longer the bottom gets overcooked. When I start trying recipes you know I'm really bored.

Went down to the pond again and only caught one small perch. Took the rake and pulled weeds out of the pond. I forgot to put the weed sprayer on the golf cart. I don't know what I'll do tomorrow. This coming weekend is the Memorial Day weekend. I could go to the lake if I didn't have to give Inky his pills. I don't like to travel on holidays anyway. In 3 weeks I have another campout. It's the annual one where almost everyone kayaks or tubes in a river. I would try it if it wasn't an all day affair.

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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon May 20, 2024 11:18 pm

Good evening gals!

Wind picked up again around 5pm. It starts howling about that time now every evening. Then blows hard all night long. The news guys call it "gusty and dusty". :lol:

I watched American Idol last night because the young gal from Indio here was in the top 3 finalists. Well, she ended up winning! :o So the whole valley here was celebrating big time last night!

Nothing much happening here. Went to PT this morning. Everyone there is so nice and lots of fun! The time goes by fast for me. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon who will be doing my injection on Thursday.

Haven't heard back yet about the unemployment or the food assistance program. I guess it's "hurry up and wait..." like they say. :roll:

Did another haircut today so I have a little extra cash with all the haircuts this past week or so, to go to the store tomorrow for a few essentials.

I had a small plane ride once. First and last! :o I dated a guy when I was in my early 20's who was a pilot and flight instructor for small planes. He decided to take me for a ride one day. When we got to the airport, another car pulled up and 2 people got out and walked over to us. Well, it turns out he also invited his ex-girlfriend and her little brother to come along!! :shock: It was a 4 seater plane so I sat in the back with the ex and the young boy sat up in front with Bill. We went up and flew around for a bit, but then all of a sudden the propeller slowed down and stopped! :o I was trying to keep my cool in front of "ex" but frantically asked why the engine stopped! He said he was doing a "stall". I told him to get the damn plane started again!! :shock: Then he let the kid steer and showed him how to do "drops" where the plane drops quickly and then come back up again, like a roller coaster! Did I mention I hate roller coasters? I kindly asked Bill to stop it (with a very shaky voice!). So finally we head back to the airport and I am feeling pretty sick by now but still trying to pretend I am OK in front of ex. He lands the plane and I am very relieved! Whew! But wait! :o He takes off again! WTH??? I asked him what he was doing. He said he is behind on his "touch and goes". I said "by how many?" He said 5. :shock: :shock: I asked if he could drop me off the next go-round but he said no! By this time, I am about to puke and/or pass out. He finally gets the 5 landings done and pulls up to a stop. Now, I am really sick! The ex says I look green! They both have to help me out of the plane and to the car. I was sick for the next 2 days! :o :twisted: Never again! The schmuck ended up cheating on me (with another girl, not the ex) while we were living together and we broke up right after that. He was crazy!! He loved scaring the hell out of me every chance he could.

So that is my plane story. The next time I was planning to fly on a jet a few years later, I had to go to a hypnotherapist in order to get over my panic attacks about getting on that flight a few days later! He said it was probably from PTSD from my earlier experience. Luckily, the hypnosis worked and I was fine flying after that.

I have only been on a train once and I was really little and don't remember it. I went on a dinner train ride once with my mom for Mother's Day but I don't think that really counts. The train only went a few miles one way and then back the other way. Took a couple hours but was going really slow.

I was lucky with both my mom and dad as far as dealing with stuff after they passed. My mom basically had nothing and no money other than her SS checks. So that was easy. My dad had put the house in a trust to us kids about 10 years earlier and he also didn't have much money (gave most of it to the lottery scammers) and no other assets or investments. So not much to deal with there either. We sold the house and split the profit 3 ways and it was a done deal.

Gonna go to bed early. Maybe, if the winds die down by morning, I will go meet those ladies at the pool for their "water walk" at 10am. My dr appointment isn't until 1:30.

Good night...
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon May 20, 2024 11:22 pm

Martha, do you have a gas stove? If so, you could try putting a pizza stone in the bottom to help even out the temperature in the oven. If it is electric, I don't know... :?

edit...I just googled it and you can use the pizza stone in an electric oven too, to even out the heat.
Last edited by BarbaraRose on Tue May 21, 2024 9:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby snowball » Tue May 21, 2024 12:13 am

I can't remember being on a small plane... but have been on a train... when my dad and sister were killed in a car wreck we of course left Iowa and went out to Wyo.. Larry had to leave after the funeral to go back to work with my mom in the hospital my sister in another hospital I didn't want to leave... at the time I had my eldest dd and pregnant with my 2nd dd (the accident happened Thanksgiving day I think) so was out there for some time finally the dr said I needed to go home or plan on giving birth in Jackson so we made arrangements for to go home they fell through so we took the train back to Iowa... it was a long few months but felt that was what I needed to do...got a "room" thought it was the best way with a toddler and being very pregnant and I don't recall a lot about the trip... but have seen ads for train trips that look really fun so am thinking about going on one granddaughter is here and I was telling her about Anita's trip said I might come see her she thought that was a good idea....
I was going to mention earlier about something that someone said and now I'm not remembering what it was... :roll: I came to Utah planned or warmer weather and it's not!!!
my dd has some skinnygirl popcorn flavor is lime salt really good...
I have a 'stone' in my 5th wheel oven it really helps disperse the heat but Martha you might try using a thermometer to see if there is a difference in the temperature they aren't overly expensive
well again you all have a good night
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Re: "Monday, Monday, so good to me"

Postby SoCalGalcas » Tue May 21, 2024 11:03 am

Good morning, when I first begin flying commercial, I was a very nervous flyer, but soon came to enjoy it as long as I didn’t think about being 36,000 feet up! I’ve flown in a small plane, a winged thing and those motorcycle planes In Quartzsite. Loved them all, especially flying over Quartzsite and looking at all the campers.
My best train ride. Was going down into the Copper Canyon. We were in a private coach that hooked to a Mexican train. When the engineer asked if anyone wanted to ride on the cow catcher I jumped at the chance!
That was fun as the windows on the coach were too dirty to see out! It was a very old Pullman coach. My room was quite small. It had a toilet, but the bed at night pulled down over the toilet. Very inconvenient!
I hope I’ve my trust made out correctly so the two daughters don’t have any issues with handling it when I pass.
My estate is quite small. Judy I admire you solving all those problems and not jumping off a bridge in frustration!h

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