Good evening gals!
Wind picked up again around 5pm. It starts howling about that time now every evening. Then blows hard all night long. The news guys call it "gusty and dusty".
I watched American Idol last night because the young gal from Indio here was in the top 3 finalists. Well, she ended up winning!

So the whole valley here was celebrating big time last night!
Nothing much happening here. Went to PT this morning. Everyone there is so nice and lots of fun! The time goes by fast for me. Tomorrow, I have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon who will be doing my injection on Thursday.
Haven't heard back yet about the unemployment or the food assistance program. I guess it's "hurry up and wait..." like they say.
Did another haircut today so I have a little extra cash with all the haircuts this past week or so, to go to the store tomorrow for a few essentials.
I had a small plane ride once. First and last!

I dated a guy when I was in my early 20's who was a pilot and flight instructor for small planes. He decided to take me for a ride one day. When we got to the airport, another car pulled up and 2 people got out and walked over to us. Well, it turns out he also invited his ex-girlfriend and her little brother to come along!!

It was a 4 seater plane so I sat in the back with the ex and the young boy sat up in front with Bill. We went up and flew around for a bit, but then all of a sudden the propeller slowed down and stopped!

I was trying to keep my cool in front of "ex" but frantically asked why the engine stopped! He said he was doing a "stall". I told him to get the damn plane started again!!

Then he let the kid steer and showed him how to do "drops" where the plane drops quickly and then come back up again, like a roller coaster! Did I mention I hate roller coasters? I kindly asked Bill to stop it (with a very shaky voice!). So finally we head back to the airport and I am feeling pretty sick by now but still trying to pretend I am OK in front of ex. He lands the plane and I am very relieved! Whew! But wait!

He takes off again! WTH??? I asked him what he was doing. He said he is behind on his "touch and goes". I said "by how many?" He said 5.

I asked if he could drop me off the next go-round but he said no! By this time, I am about to puke and/or pass out. He finally gets the 5 landings done and pulls up to a stop. Now, I am really sick! The ex says I look green! They both have to help me out of the plane and to the car. I was sick for the next 2 days!

Never again! The schmuck ended up cheating on me (with another girl, not the ex) while we were living together and we broke up right after that. He was crazy!! He loved scaring the hell out of me every chance he could.
So that is my plane story. The next time I was planning to fly on a jet a few years later, I had to go to a hypnotherapist in order to get over my panic attacks about getting on that flight a few days later! He said it was probably from PTSD from my earlier experience. Luckily, the hypnosis worked and I was fine flying after that.
I have only been on a train once and I was really little and don't remember it. I went on a dinner train ride once with my mom for Mother's Day but I don't think that really counts. The train only went a few miles one way and then back the other way. Took a couple hours but was going really slow.
I was lucky with both my mom and dad as far as dealing with stuff after they passed. My mom basically had nothing and no money other than her SS checks. So that was easy. My dad had put the house in a trust to us kids about 10 years earlier and he also didn't have much money (gave most of it to the lottery scammers) and no other assets or investments. So not much to deal with there either. We sold the house and split the profit 3 ways and it was a done deal.
Gonna go to bed early. Maybe, if the winds die down by morning, I will go meet those ladies at the pool for their "water walk" at 10am. My dr appointment isn't until 1:30.
Good night...