Meowy Monday

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Meowy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon May 13, 2024 11:27 am

Yesterday was a busy day! I was up and getting ready to get stuff done around here, when I got a text message from a lady not far from me. She said she found 2 little kittens running around her back yard with no mom in sight. She caught them and then went looking for more kittens and/or mom. She brought the two in for the night and then texted me this morning to see if I could help. I ended up taking them home with me and putting them in the round screen room in my living room. I called the gal I work with for the TNR program. She told me to take them to the humane society she works with and then they will transfer them to her for fostering until they can be adopted. So I will be taking them there shortly. They will be socialized and fixed and get good homes. They no longer have to live outside and grow up fending for themselves and reproducing. My neighbor said she saw a coyote around here the other night so maybe that is what happened to mom cat. :(

The kittens are only about 4 weeks old. One is gray (female) and one is orange (male). They are so little and adorable! I named them Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie is a really feisty thing and hisses and growls but doesn't bite so I can hold her. She actually fell asleep in my arms last night for a bit. Clyde is very friendly and curious. They both seem pretty healthy. I have been feeding them watered down canned food.


My cats are not very happy about the kittens being here. They are curious but keep their distance. I think Romeow is more upset than Sophie. Maybe he thinks there is more competition for my attention. I think they will be happy to see them go.

So that kept me busy all day!

After I take them in, I have my hearing test to go to. Will give an update when I get home from that.

I need to head out here, so have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Meowy Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon May 13, 2024 2:47 pm

Thanks for helping those kitties, Barbie.

Nothing exciting here. Went and had blood drawn for those tests this morning. Got some things at both Walmart and Safeway. I was very good price wise. Called and made my mammogram appt which will happen in Sierra Vista. Another call made my dermatology appt in Tucson. I've got my solar water bag outside heating water for a shower later. I still haven't put together my furniture piece. I got too hot yesterday and was comfortable without the AC, but I know I would have worked up a sweat. Maybe if I can get an early start on it tomorrow.
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Re: Meowy Monday

Postby JudyJB » Mon May 13, 2024 8:43 pm

Tiring drive today. i was trying to find an artisan place that I have been to before, where they sell handmade items made by local people only. Sign on freeway advertised the EKU Center for the Arts, but then I saw another sign for the Kentucky Artisan Center. I got off the freeway, got lost, and ended up driving through an industrial park and finally finding a place to pull over. Turns out the EKU Center for the Arts, is part of the Eastern Kentucky University, but it is a music venue!!!

The whole name thing was very confusing. Had to drive back to the real place that sold handmade stuff. They should have put something like "Performing" in the EKU place!!! Anyway, I walked around a bit and looked at stuff, but it was all very expensive, so I just sat in rig in parking lot while I ate a sandwich I had made.

Finally, made it to campground for the night. Have 220 miles to drive tomorrow to get to REV/Fleetwood service center in Decatur, IN. Will be glad to have a whole day to just sit around and read or make phone calls I need to make.
Last edited by JudyJB on Mon May 13, 2024 9:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Meowy Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Mon May 13, 2024 9:56 pm

Barbie, those are sure some cute kittens. They shouldn't have trouble finding a home. Glad they didn't show up here. I'm trying to not get any more pets.

Didn't do a lot today. The check engine light on the truck started blinking the other day so called the Dodge place. They said not to drive it so called a wrecker to come get it.

We had two bad storms blow through tonight. I wouldn't doubt that I got 4 inches of rain. There were areas North of here that had 100 mph winds. On Facebook I see that parts of Abbeville are out of power. The lights only blinked a few times here. There were probably some tornadoes.

Tomorrow I told my son I would go with him to bring his dog for his 6 month shots and check up. Frankie was a dog that won the doggie lottery when they found him injured in their front yard years ago.

Judy, hope you get your day of rest and get your RV fixed up.

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Re: Meowy Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon May 13, 2024 11:00 pm

Just woke up from a 4 hour nap! :o

Got the kittens dropped off. I told the TNR lady I want updates!

After getting sent to the wrong office, I finally found the hearing test office (in the same building). Went thru all the tests. My right ear is in the normal range but my left ear is in the moderate range. Pretty much the results I expected. The Dr wants me to get an MRI just to make sure nothing else is causing this. He also recommended a hearing aid for that ear so made a referral to my insurance company for that.

I stopped at Dennys for lunch and had their 55+ egg and pancake breakfast. I got home and laid down and woke up 4 hours later!

I was reading on the Lake Minnetonka FB group (the lake I grew up on) the other day that it was the 59th anniversary of the terrible tornado outbreak across the Twin Cities and our lake area 30 miles west of Minneapolis. I was only 4 but I remember us being in the basement and hearing the tornado go over our house. Luckily it wasn't on the ground at that point, but had taken out several whole neighborhoods around the lake before getting to us. There were 6 tornadoes that night all across the area. One came from the west, one came from the south (the one that went over our house) and they were both F4's and merged together when they met and then took out a whole city of Fridley just north of Minneapolis. Fridley then got hit with one of the other tornadoes about an hour after that one. :shock: The FB thread posted a link to the radio news station that was broadcasting the whole situation that night, so I listened to that. It was really interesting and sad. One guy not far from where I was living before moving out here (on the lake) called in later that night and said he had his whole car lifted up, spun and rolled thru the air and then dropped in the lake! :o He was able to get out before the car sunk and swam to shore and got help. I can't even imagine living thru that! Another report was of a lost 6 year old. They eventually found him under the pile of debris in his parents basement, not alive. A whole mobile home park was leveled. People were calling in with reports of what they were seeing so the broadcasters could track where the tornadoes were and what areas they were headed for (this was in the mid 60's so not much tech stuff to track them back then). Luckily, there was enough warning that night that "only" 13 people died. I can't imagine what people do if they don't have basements to run to? I guess bathtubs or inner closets.
With all the tornadoes that happened this week thru the midwest and south, I feel for everyone who went thru those and dealing with the aftermath.

Will stay up for awhile now, eat something, and wait until I get sleepy again.... good night!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Meowy Monday

Postby snowball » Tue May 14, 2024 12:00 am

my brother all but as he put it groveled and pleaded with mom to sign the papers... pointed out that she is always asking for help (more of a prayer please help me) and we felt that this was one way of getting the help she needs because we don't know what to do when she is saying she hurts and has had a pain pill... and not time to be able to give her one... we now might have stronger pain meds or at the least someone to call to get advice also a aide that will come by to give her shower's or when two tired to get into the shower (we don't have a walk in shower) she will give her whatever she needs to do
so I think this will be beneficial I hope so ...
and it took up a big portion of the afternoon so didn't accomplish much at all
Beth you don't have a hot water heater? I don't think the solar bag would have enough water for me my hair is so thick it takes a lot of water to rinse it out...
Hope you are able to get all the issues with your rig addressed Judy and have a relaxing time while it's being done
what cute kitties Barbie I think I am getting pet hungry saw so dogs on yahoo that were just adorable but one has to wonder if there is a breed that hasn't adoodle added to it? this was a Crockett doddle it dawned on me that was the name of the company not yet another breed as I was really wondering what a Crocket dog was :roll:
Jenny (SeeYaGal) is down in MX getting their rig restored looking really nice
you all have a great day
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Re: Meowy Monday

Postby JudyJB » Tue May 14, 2024 4:22 pm

So, did your mother sign the papers??? Dying to know how this ended up.
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