Just woke up from a 4 hour nap!
Got the kittens dropped off. I told the TNR lady I want updates!
After getting sent to the wrong office, I finally found the hearing test office (in the same building). Went thru all the tests. My right ear is in the normal range but my left ear is in the moderate range. Pretty much the results I expected. The Dr wants me to get an MRI just to make sure nothing else is causing this. He also recommended a hearing aid for that ear so made a referral to my insurance company for that.
I stopped at Dennys for lunch and had their 55+ egg and pancake breakfast. I got home and laid down and woke up 4 hours later!
I was reading on the Lake Minnetonka FB group (the lake I grew up on) the other day that it was the 59th anniversary of the terrible tornado outbreak across the Twin Cities and our lake area 30 miles west of Minneapolis. I was only 4 but I remember us being in the basement and hearing the tornado go over our house. Luckily it wasn't on the ground at that point, but had taken out several whole neighborhoods around the lake before getting to us. There were 6 tornadoes that night all across the area. One came from the west, one came from the south (the one that went over our house) and they were both F4's and merged together when they met and then took out a whole city of Fridley just north of Minneapolis. Fridley then got hit with one of the other tornadoes about an hour after that one.

The FB thread posted a link to the radio news station that was broadcasting the whole situation that night, so I listened to that. It was really interesting and sad. One guy not far from where I was living before moving out here (on the lake) called in later that night and said he had his whole car lifted up, spun and rolled thru the air and then dropped in the lake!

He was able to get out before the car sunk and swam to shore and got help. I can't even imagine living thru that! Another report was of a lost 6 year old. They eventually found him under the pile of debris in his parents basement, not alive. A whole mobile home park was leveled. People were calling in with reports of what they were seeing so the broadcasters could track where the tornadoes were and what areas they were headed for (this was in the mid 60's so not much tech stuff to track them back then). Luckily, there was enough warning that night that "only" 13 people died. I can't imagine what people do if they don't have basements to run to? I guess bathtubs or inner closets.
With all the tornadoes that happened this week thru the midwest and south, I feel for everyone who went thru those and dealing with the aftermath.
Will stay up for awhile now, eat something, and wait until I get sleepy again.... good night!