Happy Mothers Day

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Happy Mothers Day

Postby Colliemom » Sun May 12, 2024 5:28 am

To those who are Mothers, whether human or furry and to those Mothers who are no longer with us, but thought of on this day…

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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun May 12, 2024 8:05 am

Good morning Sue. I am up early but not at em yet. My house is nice and cool and feels refreshing. Left my windows open last night as it was pretty stuffy in here.
I did run the AC later in the day but I dont run it real cold usually around 76-77 Also have a great stand up fan that works very well. And it has a remote control LOL even better. Not going to be as hot today only 85 and trending down this week to the upper 70's. Seems cloudy out right now but the sun hasnt risen yet so that will definitely change.
Going to get outside after breakfast and try to finish up half of my drip system. Need to finish planting before I expand the system on the other side of the house. Just going to putter out there today. Then tomorrow I need to spiff my house as the Bunco gang will be here Wednesday. Henry will be on the job. We take turns hosting for a month which is twice, the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. So I will have done my dues for quite a while. Hope everyone is staying safe with this crazy weather.

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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby Bethers » Sun May 12, 2024 11:16 am

Thanks for the all inclusive Mother's Day greeting, Sue. Karen, I had to stop when you mentioned hosting your group. Glad you explained the rotation puts you in twice in a row. I was sure you'd just done it. Haha.

I'm lazy. We haven't even been on a walk yet. The Arizona sun gets so hot that I like to get out before it gets past the low 70's. I doubt I'm making that lol. No real plan for today. Well, I do have a piece of furniture I could put together, so if you hear any cussing, it's probably me. Sometimes the directions are easy to follow, sometimes not so much. I'm hoping for the easy to follow. :D
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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby Othersharon » Sun May 12, 2024 2:29 pm

Good afternoon. Happy Mother’s Day! I can’t believe the day is getting so late. Haven’t gotten much done today. Seems like today is telephone day since I've had several calls today. Besides the fact I think I’m recovering from a very busy day yesterday. My grandson graduated from college yesterday morning at 10 and it was almost 2 hours from here. I met up with son and his wife and he drove. But for someone that avoids early mornings it was quite a day. Was up at 5 and let home at 7. It was a nice ceremony and I’m so proud of this young man. After pictures and all we went to a favorite restaurant of he and his girlfriend for lunch. Food was good and we all brought home to go boxes. So finally got home a bit before 4. It was a long day for Buddy to be in his crate. I thought of taking him for a walk when there was a break in the rain but just couldn’t find the energy to do it so we played in the yard for a bit. I think the rain is going to hold off for a bit so we are going to get out and hope to dodge the rain. I’m a bit jealous of the warmer temps some of you are having! I keep telling self this is just springtime in PA but must say I’m getting tired of day after day of rain not to mention the lower temperatures. But guess you all hear me complain about it every spring. I’ve been lazy all day so guess I should at least get the pup out for his walk. Hope you all have a great day.
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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun May 12, 2024 2:44 pm

The productive part of my day is OVER. Got outside again early got the rest of my plants planted, cleaned up the yard then watered. The sun was so hot tho. I came in and took a shower as I was dripping in sweat. Now I have a tank top and shorts on but I am staying inside. I dont need to go anywhere today so I wont. I am hungry now tho so guess it is lunch time and then continue trying to catch up on my shows.
I might continue to put together my round raised bed. It is another 4 ft round that I will put my snowball plant in it in the corner of my yard. Sheila the rose I got is a Hybrid Tea Rose Eternal Flame, supposed to be intensly fragrant citus so we will see.
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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby JudyJB » Sun May 12, 2024 4:09 pm

I am all set up in northern TN, for the night. Will head to northern KY tomorrow and then the factory service place the next day. It was getting really hot in Florida, but after I drove through the southern GA storms, things are a lot cooler--low 70s instead of high 80s, and less humidity. Best part is cool nights. I hate to have to run my AV during the night because it blows right on me. I adjusted the vents a bit, but still blows cold air.

Got a nice compliment last night. State Park I stayed in was older and spaces were tight, but I had a pull through that was not too bad, so I pulled in fairly easily. Couple next door were new full-timers, and lady said I pulled in "like I had stolen it." That's pretty funny, actually, and i had never heard of that before.

Only had to drive 150 miles today, and got calls from my sons. I do miss my mother and my aunts--wish I could call them and let them know how I was doing in my old age!! Also, wish I could ask some questions that I never asked when I was younger.
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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby chalet05 » Sun May 12, 2024 6:03 pm

Happy Mother's Day!

Sharon, my cousin's daughter graduated from veterinary school Friday. Haven't talked to my aunt yet, but the Master's degrees were handed out in the first ceremony and there was a separate one for the vet degrees! I'm sure it was a long day. Judy, that's how they tell us to drive the Slingshots - like we stole them!

It's been another busy weekend. Friend stayed at the fairground campground that I used to stay at. It's about a mile from here. Lots of visiting and we stopped at a local cafe for a little breakfast this morning before she left. All moms were given a free slice of cheesecake so we were plenty full!

Phone camera gave me a glimpse of Northern Lights, but I just couldn't talk myself into driving somewhere for a better look. We are in the upper 80s and will be cooling down. Will be good riding weather.

Read results of brother's scan - I didn't see anything alarming, but he will see doctor before chemo tomorrow. Daughter said this morning she slept well, had less pain and more energy.
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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby Acadianmom » Sun May 12, 2024 8:34 pm

Happy Mother's Day! My son called, my ex-DIL sent a text and Harold's daughter sent me a text. I guess technically Harold's daughter is my step-daughter but his kids were grown when we married so she is more of a friend.

I got my mowing done yesterday but it looks like the rain is going North of here. There are some posts on Facebook about the hail people ran into on I-10 West of here. The truck doesn't sound like it's running right so have to get it in this week. If it not one thing, it's 10 others.

Judy, that's a new saying to me too. There are so many questions that I wish I had ask my grandparents. I spent a lot of time with my mother's sisters and heard a lot of stories about that side of the family. I know very little about my dad's family.

Karen, when you mentioned hosting the game I thought didn't she just do that. lol

A friend's husband makes cutting boards to sell so I went over there this afternoon to pick up a board for the Cattlemen and women's auction next month. It is so pretty I would be afraid to cut anything on it. Since I was in town I decided to go to Walmart. I had tried to use my Magic Bullet blender the other day and it broke so picked one up. I'm not much on shakes but found some Nutri System shakes I forgot about.

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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby OregonLuvr » Sun May 12, 2024 8:45 pm

Martha I did just host it ha ha We do it for the month. The 1st and 3rd Wednesday. My month will be over after this week. I wont have to do it for another 12 months unless I want to volunteer if someone else cant do it.

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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby JudyJB » Sun May 12, 2024 10:04 pm

My mother's father literally worked for Henry Ford in his original auto plant starting in 1915! He then worked as a supervisor at the newly built foundry until 1948. My mother briefly told me about him locking himself along with other management people in the plant during a big strike and how only my grandmother could bring him clean clothes and food and pass it through a window. I did a cognate for one of my degrees on labor union history, and I wish I had talked to him about these things.

I also wish I had asked both my grandparents about their grandparents, but it never occurred to me back then!
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Re: Happy Mothers Day

Postby snowball » Mon May 13, 2024 12:09 am

I am getting frustrated the margins on the side of the computer are off so where normally on the right hand side where you pull the page down isn't visible. I know that you have to get the arrows to go sideways to pull it in further but won't do it on that side and on the left side I should be able to grab the page and pull it further left but it won't do it... :twisted: made a whole lot of sense didn't it? if I knew the tech words that would help... :roll:
my #2 daughter and her husband came today she brought dinner it was fajitas really good and a corn salad I told her that it was similar to one her sister used to make and one that I've made lots of times she said it was but she used cilantro instead of parsley either is good
and we had strawberry shortcake... my youngest brother also came... so it was a nice time although she did say she wasn't coming next year I don't blame her her kids don't come with her and I am sure she wants to have a me day .... maybe even with her kids :lol: when I go to AZ and am able to get a more or less permanent place down there I probably won't hurry back just be here in time for Memorial day weekend but who knows that thought may change... I'm trying to figure out a way to not be on oxygen for that many months... perhaps if I would get my butt in gear and loose a major amount of weight I wouldn't be on it in the higher elevations guess we will see ...
I did make the strawberry shortcake tasted really good just cause the strawberries tasted good...
I ought to go to the post office and perhaps the store for a few things keep forgetting to get something that will help keep mom moving if you get my drift :lol: I think that is something Hospice would furnish but don't know for sure...
my brother is coming tomorrow again and the company will be here to replace the consentrator will be glad not to have to carry the tanks around getting old that is for sure and it's just been a day :roll:
you all have a great day
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