I am getting frustrated the margins on the side of the computer are off so where normally on the right hand side where you pull the page down isn't visible. I know that you have to get the arrows to go sideways to pull it in further but won't do it on that side and on the left side I should be able to grab the page and pull it further left but it won't do it...

made a whole lot of sense didn't it? if I knew the tech words that would help...
my #2 daughter and her husband came today she brought dinner it was fajitas really good and a corn salad I told her that it was similar to one her sister used to make and one that I've made lots of times she said it was but she used cilantro instead of parsley either is good
and we had strawberry shortcake... my youngest brother also came... so it was a nice time although she did say she wasn't coming next year I don't blame her her kids don't come with her and I am sure she wants to have a me day .... maybe even with her kids

when I go to AZ and am able to get a more or less permanent place down there I probably won't hurry back just be here in time for Memorial day weekend but who knows that thought may change... I'm trying to figure out a way to not be on oxygen for that many months... perhaps if I would get my butt in gear and loose a major amount of weight I wouldn't be on it in the higher elevations guess we will see ...
I did make the strawberry shortcake tasted really good just cause the strawberries tasted good...
I ought to go to the post office and perhaps the store for a few things keep forgetting to get something that will help keep mom moving if you get my drift

I think that is something Hospice would furnish but don't know for sure...
my brother is coming tomorrow again and the company will be here to replace the consentrator will be glad not to have to carry the tanks around getting old that is for sure and it's just been a day
you all have a great day