Cool, damp Wednesdsy

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Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Colliemom » Wed May 08, 2024 11:01 am

Morning. Just popping in. Been busy as didn’t get up till a bit past 7:30. Had protein shake, put couple jackets in washer, then got online to see what latest was in the downstate tornadoes. Friend live in a city that was hit. Actually tbere we’re 3 of them in immediate area. Couldn’t get a hold of her last night on cell phone. Didn’t try landline. Did that this morning, couldn’t get through. She called me bit later. Cell phones were out as is power, cable, I pnternet etc. She has gas generator. Said she and son are okay, tornado came within less than quarter mile from house. They were in basement. Heard it go by. Came up, checked outside and everything was fine at her house. 5 minutes later, got another warning and back to basement. She’s like me, has a safe room and food, water, emergency supplies etc. down there. So been kind of a rough late day down there. Businesses and all 3 Fed Ex warehouses and other facilities were knocked out as well as damage in a Mobile home park. Seeing the damage on local TV websites down there, my guess is probably EF-3. Said they might have power back around 10 tonight. Thought about BJ and Tina as warnings were out. The

Having some Misty rain here this morning. Briefs thunderstorm around 9 last night, no big deal. Good day to spend gathering up stuff for neighbors garage sale and finish getting my new emergency pack packed up and ready. Get the one for dogs replenished as well.

Enjoying the reminiscing going on. I remember some of those ladies when they were on the forum. Shelia, you are right, haven’t heard from Irmi or Pat lately. Probably busy with dsy to day stuff. Hope your family meeting gets off the ground today.

Just finished running the vac, washed kitchen floor and quick cleaned the bathroom. Calling it good for this week. Picked up the wall blocks for the flowerbeds next to porch yesterday. Stacked them out there till later. Tomorrow dog’s go to groomer and looks like might be some rain too.

Off to fix lunch. Have a good day and stay safe those in path of that storm going east
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby asirimarco » Wed May 08, 2024 1:08 pm

Good Morning to All...It is only 11 a.m. here and it has already been an eventful day. A couple of months ago I made appointments for us to get fasting lab work done. Appointment was at 7:30. Got up early got there and checked in ...then looked down at my empty hands and purse. I had forgotten to bring the paperwork listing the labs wanted. CRAP. Nope doctor had not sent it to them. So back in the car and home, rushed inside and paper work was right where I'd left it for a month! Then back to lab, luckily they were nice and took us right away. So we actually were out of there by 8:30. First stop a restaurant. COFFEE. Bill asked me if I wanted some of his Prevagen. He got an eye shot a week ago and doesn't have to go back for 10 weeks. Next week we go to primary doctor and then done with doctors for a while. Finally got all our vehicles smogged and licensed. The Jeep had to have some work done on it before passing smog. Then I got a letter from the DMV telling me I didn't have insurance on our RV. ARGGG... I did, the insurance company sent the wrong Vin number AND the wrong effective date. That is now all straightened up.
The community did another 4 sided inspection and our timing was perfect as we had the contractor here the weekend before the inspection. He fixed and painted the window boxes, the facia board and repainted all the skirting to match the color of the house. Also got some more rocks for the yard. And brought inside the two planters on patio with artificial flowers in them the day of the inspection.
Bill has two to three weeks without an episode of long covid, then suddenly he gets the extreme fatigue for a couple of days. Discouraging.
Been trying to get three days of walking in a week, but need to get out very early now with the heat. Also doing some quilting.
Hope the horrid weather in midwest and east misses every one. And my thoughts are with all of you with families having health problems
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby OregonLuvr » Wed May 08, 2024 2:42 pm

Good afternoon. It is sunny but kind of breezy here today. Warm weather is a comin". Supposed to be 90 on Friday........lordy what happened to the numbers between 70-80......we never even saw those. It is 58 here right now but breezy out. I knew we were going to have some wind today but thought it would be warmer and it would feel good but NOOOOO at least not yet.

I had my Primary doc visit today. All is well, my labs were good my kidney panel was better (been trying to drink more water) and she didnt say a word about my blood glucose. She did last time BUT these arent fasting labs but I did call her on that so this time she said "well these arent fasting labs so your fine". ha ha ha get em trained LOL I like her tho, she is really pretty great. I have 6 month labs in November but dont need to see her unless I have issues with anything. I did turn down the Dexa bone density scan because I wont take those meds anyway so what is the point. My last one was normal anyway. She is okay with that. I did concede to a lipid panel but she understands I am not interested in statins. I would agree to the Calcium Heart Score CT if necessary. Anyway I have a 6 month reprieve from her medical world.

When I finished at her office I stopped at Lowe's and picked up more potting soil and compost for my container flowers. I was going to plant my strawberries but it is far too cold and windy out so will just throw a couple bags of compost in and mix it up so I will be ready tomorrow or the next day. Will soak my bean seeds overnight and plant them tomorrow along with my tomato plants, beets, and my onion sets. Then will check out the drip system on the garden area. I can fill my flower containers with soil and get my Martha Washingtons, and Impatiens planted. I love this time of year.

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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Bethers » Wed May 08, 2024 7:35 pm

Good afternoon. Ginger picked me up this morning. Our first stop was Edens Echo Farmstead in St. David. Nice little all natural store but the smells inside sent me rushing out. So I left it to Ginger to find things. She came out to check which of a couple little muffin like things I'd prefer and I said either of the choices she had with her worked for me. She bought them and the other kind as a gift for someone else. The owner came out and apologized that I couldn't shop. Told him I was used to it. He said they do make some unscented things and next things I knew we were going over products in the hallway. I purchased some lotion after trying a sample. He told me to come back anytime and he'd personally bring me things to check out. Nice young man.

Next stop was lunch. We stopped at the Copper Brothel Brewery. We split a Cuban sandwich and fries. It was excellent. We were smart as it was more than enough and we wouldn't have been able to keep anything in the car all afternoon so having no leftovers was smart. Now on to our destination...

We went to the Empire Ranch in the Las Cienegas Conservation area, on BLM land. This place was fascinating and we spent the next few hours wandering around. I took a few dozen pictures and am so glad we went. Great place.

Excellent day. Just arrived home a bit ago. Ty was out shortly, has eaten dinner and time for us to take a walk.
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Redetotry » Wed May 08, 2024 9:42 pm

So far the bad storms have missed us but there is another line that is approaching. We've had 4.3" of rain. We needed rain but not all at once! I think its going to be midnight before this is over. In 2013 on this day we had an El Drencho that took down a massive amount of trees and power was out for at least a week. When we came out of the basement we couldn't see the road and it was a whole different landscape but thankfully we didn't have any damage to our house. I'm going to bed and hope the dogs hear the warnings as our phones don't seem to be sending alerts even though they turned on.
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Acadianmom » Wed May 08, 2024 10:32 pm

Barbie, I don't think I have tried to get gas twice but I have forgotten to get some several times and was worried I was going to run out before I got to a station. Hope you get your unemployment sorted out. Those people always like to deny everyone right off. The lady in the picture with me was one of my camping friends. We were on the casino shuttle bus.

BJ, I think the campground we were at in Arkansas was Lake Chicot State Park. I think we bought the town out of ant poison. I have carried Terro in my camper ever since. I wish I had met Soos too.

Carol, glad you got your flowers in and passed inspection.

I finally got around to calling AT&T about my phone being out and someone showed up this afternoon. I got a text at 12:30 that he would be here soon. Two hours later he showed up. There is a main phone junction down the road so he headed there and I didn't see him again until almost 5:00. He says that the cable has been cut down the road. He says they will have to get contractors to dig it up and repair it.

The yard needed mowing again so I decided to try to start the small mower. It has had months to dry out. I put gas in it and wonders of wonders it started. I mowed Luna's yard with it. It is suppose to be self propelled but the cable that controls that is broken. Guess I'll have to call the hardware store and see if they still repair mowers. It's hard to push but Luna's yard isn't very big. Then I mowed the yard with the riding mower.

I did something to my foot a couple of weeks ago and pushing the mower didn't help it. Sometimes it burns like fire.

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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby snowball » Thu May 09, 2024 12:16 am

I wish it was going to be 90 it's been so cold this winspri just getting really tired of it.. although I am starting to want to think about planting the containers... we have a planter that is probably waist high that goes along the exterior of the deck all the way around except to the steps... mom usually puts moss roses in it I like to see them broken up a bit last year I put in dusty millers didn't like that so any suggestions?? the planters are about oh can't say but not very wide and get sun except for the one that is under a shrub so I tend to put shade loving plants instead of the moss roses ... not sure if impatients would work probably white as the moss roses have so much color going on... I would actually like to find something that would work with them that would trail a bit ...
I found a planter yesterday with succulents in it... not sure what two were but the third one was a strand of pearls think that is the name of it now to figure out where to hang it... there is a place in the bathroom that has a planter hanging but as much as I like the plant it's not doing well and it's a messy plant it's also not busy but is straggly may not have enough light for it ... the window is more of the cloudy so you can't see out nor can anyone see in... so perhaps it won't be light enough for the succulents :?
we had the meeting with the nurse from the company my brain isn't working and I can't at the moment pull the name nor the spelling out of it...anyway she explained it all and mom not sure if she just doesn't understand totally or she has a mind set and this doesn't fit it or what but when it came to signing the paper she want's to think about it... hospice ok found it :roll: did find out that she had a slight heart attack so we are kinda trying to figure out what to do don't want to over rule her but we all could benefit from having the help that can be there... right now she is muttering that she is cold but not covered up hurting needs a pain pill she can have it soon .... but it's one of those things that I think they can help me understand better what I can do.. I give her Tramadal about midnight in hopes that it will help with the pain enough that she can sleep told to give her a water pill every other day today was an off day and her feet are swollen again if we signed up for it she could get help in a different way it's like pulling teeth to get her to the doctor where as the nurses could come to the house and maybe have a better idea... I wonder if a full one one day and a half one the next??? just a thought that came to me
the NP said that she could feel mom's pelvic bones when pushing on her stomach to see if she had any pain... and she just eats less every day... or it feels like it ... doesn't even graze as she normally does... oh well I will quite the discourse
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Redetotry » Thu May 09, 2024 12:13 pm

It is a beautiful day here and I'm sure a lot of people are feeling their blood pressure return to normal. The last round of storms came in a little after 10:00 but the winds had subsided a little as they got closer. I did get an alert on my phone so I'm glad that is working. I just had my 6 month doctors visit and all but my levels of vitamin D are good. But as I've been expecting he is leaving and moving back to the Bahamas. All the good ones leave. :( I jokingly asked him to erase the "non compliant" comments on my files from other doctors for not taking certain medications.

Sheila, why is your mother getting to make the decision as to whether she gets hospice help or not? Is her mind clear enough to understand that both of you need assistance? I think from what you say about your health and having to be on oxygen all the time should be taken into consideration. I wish you could live where you would not need the oxygen.

Yes Martha it was Lake Chicot State Park. Thank you. Your phone service sounds like here for land lines. AT&T may be different but some people especially in more rural areas have been told they no longer can do the repairs. Not sure why unless they are so outdated.
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Cudedog » Thu May 09, 2024 1:08 pm

Redetotry wrote:Sheila, why is your mother getting to make the decision as to whether she gets hospice help or not? Is her mind clear enough to understand that both of you need assistance? I think from what you say about your health and having to be on oxygen all the time should be taken into consideration. I wish you could live where you would not need the oxygen.

Well put, BJ. I was thinking the exact same thing myself.

I really feel for you, Sheila. You are in a very tough place.

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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby Acadianmom » Thu May 09, 2024 1:13 pm

Two guys from AT&T showed up this morning and didn't tell me they were coming. It wasn't a cut cable but one of the farmers ran over one of the little 2 foot poles they have all over. I don't know why I'm the only one without service. The fish plant is a mile South of me and I know they have land lines. I am the only one on my road with a land line and the lines are so out dated it's a waste of money to get internet from them. It's too slow and I know they are not going to replace the line just for me. My son got us satellite internet. It is good but like Direct TV it goes out if the weather is bad.

BJ, I agree that Sheila and her mother need help. I hope the decision isn't left up to her mother.

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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby BirdbyBird » Thu May 09, 2024 9:26 pm

Unless family take her mother to court for a hearing to determine her competency and she is declared incompetent and assigned a guardian…… she is considered competent to make bad decisions. It is up to the family….. Doctors have to sign on before family can proceed. The comment “ being competent to make bad decisions” was told to me when my father who no longer was able to do stand transfers at 92…. Told the hospital that he wanted to just go home….. he lasted 4 hours before he agreed to go back…. And with help from a medial residence my Dad agreed to go to rehab. My brother and I knew he would not rehab his way out…….
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Re: Cool, damp Wednesdsy

Postby BarbaraRose » Fri May 10, 2024 1:06 pm

Unless family take her mother to court for a hearing to determine her competency and she is declared incompetent and assigned a guardian…… she is considered competent to make bad decisions.

I went thru the same thing with my dad. He was allowed to make a lot of bad decisions. My brothers refused to take him to court so my hands were tied and I just had to sit back and watch a train wreck. :(
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