Saturday in Tuscon

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Saturday in Tuscon

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:03 pm

Good morning gals!

Yesterday morning, Julie, David, and I went down to Tubac for the day. It is a small town that is very artsy. Lots of little shops and art galleries. Was fun looking at everything there. The highlight for me was finding the shop I had heard about that has the gourd art of a famous gourd artist. Her work is absolutely amazing! I have seen photos but seeing it in person was stunning. Julie was so impressed too! Then we had lunch at a Mexican restaurant which was very expensive! :o I just ordered a quesadilla for $15 which was the cheapest thing on the menu. Julie picked up the tab tho.

I bought a few little things. Most things I would have loved to have bought were way too expensive. It was fun to just look at it all tho. Lots of metal wall art, and brightly painted pottery. There was a shop that was closing and had everything on clearance. I saw a really pretty metal shelving unit about a foot wide and 4 ft tall, with baskets on the shelves and it was marked down to $25! :shock: I talked Julie into buying it which she did. Now I wish I would have just bought it for myself! Not that I need more stuff, but it is so pretty!

Today, I think we are going to an art gallery in Tucson and a crafters mall.

David is pretty quiet nowdays but I have been able to get him talking about the "old days" back in MN, some. He does remember quite a bit from further back. I was really surprised by how thin he is. :( He doesn't get around very well so we left him in the car yesterday with the AC on while we shopped.

My pet sitter, Debbie, texted me last night. She and Sophie are slowly getting acquainted when she visits. However, she still hasn't seen Romeow. Hopefully, he will eventually come out from hiding.

Beth, I too was wondering what a "picnic area" is.

Judy, hope you get to the cool coast soon.

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby JudyJB » Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:18 pm

It is cooler here and supposed to rain tonight. Tomorrow is supposed to have a wonderful high of 72!! My mosquito bites are mostly healed, but I am still staying in most of today--no beach walking for a couple of days. Got a handicap space so it is right next to laundry room.

Sheila, I really sympathize with you and meals for your mother. My mother spent most of the last few years of her life living on Dove bars with vanilla ice cream and dark chocolate on the outside. Sometimes I had to go to several stores to find the right ones!

Got a very good night's sleep last night. I think it was because I woke up too early yesterday and then drove 210 miles. I was really tired and campground here is very quiet, which is nice. Made some crepes for breakfast and watching TV now to relax.
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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby asirimarco » Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:34 pm

Good Morning to All - well I guess it is afternoon for most every one. Been reading but not posting. Just got cooled down from morning walk, unless we get started a whole lot earlier, I'll have to stop. We left at 8:15 got back about 10"15 - already in high 80s. We did 3.5 miles. But spent a lot of time watching baby owls. Bill has had a really rough week. That darn long covid just never goes away. The light bothers his eyes, so all blinds are closed and I try to be quiet when he is laying down. Hard to see him trying to keep his balance and walk. I don't dare suggest he get a cane or walker. At least he had a few weeks of feeling really good - but that just gives us hope it has gone away. Have workers here today touching up a lot of things on the outside of the house. Things that he would have done a year and a half ago. I try to get out and walk 3 times a week. Supposed to cool down again next week I hope. Finished one small quilt and starting on another one. KInd of using rainbow colors. Looks pretty. Son came over and he got RV started and smogged so that is done. He has a mechanic that we'll take the Jeep to to check the AC which stopped working. Need it working to use here in Vegas. Will try to do a blog post today, I just haven't felt like doing any thing the last week. Glad things are getting done for a lot of you and relatives health getting better.
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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby Bethers » Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:22 pm

Picnic areas were everywhere when I was growing up. When we'd drive from Chicago to the relatives farm in Iowa, we'd stop at one for lunch. Basically a pull off area with picnic table(s). Because so many travel only interstates you only see the rest areas. Similar idea, but not the same. Some of the states and counties that still maintain picnic areas have some awesome ones. Some in Texas are great, some less so, but mainly because of people who trash them. The one I stayed at last night only had one picnic table with a grill. I've been to some with three or more. They aren't designed to handle big rigs and I'm careful with my toad. Last trip there was almost always at least one other small RV at any I stayed at. This year I'm almost not even seeing any RVs on the road. And I'm passing RV parks that are not anywhere near full or even 1/2 full. So my last two nights I stayed at picnic areas. Tonight I'm at a Harvest Host winery. They have 30 amp hookups (actually have one 50 amp, 2 30 amp and a few 20 amp) and I took one for $10. No water or dump, but it's the first time I've had electric at a HH. The few with it wanted more than I was willing to spend when I could boondock there free. That said, I decided to splurge at the $10 offering. And I purchased 2 bottles of wine. Martha, last wine I bought was at the winery before meeting up with you and you and I drank that bottle without a problem. Last wine I've probably drink, too. But it is fun to try some different ones.

Barbie, I'll be arriving in Benson Monday. How long before you leave?

Night before last I managed to sleep when it was super hot. Last night I added a blanket over my comforter lol. Nights will still be cooler now in the dryer climate. Since we have electric, I turned the AC on for Ty while I went in for wine.

Gained one hour and will gain another Monday. So now I'll watch TV and catch up on some of my shows.
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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby JudyJB » Sat Apr 20, 2024 5:56 pm

I grew up in Michigan, and we had picnic areas or "roadside parks" along a lot of two-lane roads. That was way before freeways. There would usually be an outhouse and a couple of picnic tables, as well as some grills. My dad used to always keep a cardboard box in his trunk with a cast iron frying pan, knives, metal spatulas, paper plates and silverware. Often, he would stop at a store, pick up a loaf of bread, some butter, eggs, potatoes, and a package of bacon, and then he would find a roadside park and cook a big breakfast.

I kept his wonderful cast iron pan that had been given to him by the grandfather of one of his brothers-in-law for many years, and then gave it to my niece. Her husband is a professional chef, as is her brother, so they appreciated the incredibly smooth ancient surface!!

They are still common along Michigan roads and maintained by local areas.
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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby Bethers » Sat Apr 20, 2024 7:26 pm

Common in much of the country and have been useful to me for overnights all these years. Most no longer have outhouses. I forgot to mention the one I stopped at for a break yesterday had a bicyclist traveling many miles. He was on break but would be stopping at another for the night. He definitely uses the bbqs provided. I always have fun talking to any of them I meet.
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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby BarbaraRose » Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:27 pm

Beth, how do you find those picnic areas? I will be leaving here on Wednesday morning.

We headed out around noon today. Went to a mall with galleries but they were also having an art fair. Lots of really beautiful artwork, altho very pricey. Also found a gourd artist there with really pretty gourds, and chatted with her for awhile.

We ate lunch at Culvers and then went home. Now we are having a late dinner of burgers and tots. I am really tired tonight. Not sure what the plan is tomorrow yet. Will have to check with my "tour guide" :lol:

The cactus out here are just getting buds on them. I will miss them blooming, altho the ocotillo are in full red bloom right now.

Have a good night
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby Acadianmom » Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:27 pm

I didn't do much except go to the post office and Lowe's. I wanted a new blade for my saw and something to kill some of the clover in the yard. It grows so thick and clogs the mower. I'll have to see if what I got does any good. I looked at the push mowers. The battery powered mowers now have lithium batteries and I would not have one stored anywhere near my house.

I can't think of any picnic areas in Louisiana and very few rest areas. For some reason the state took out most of the rest areas along I-10. That makes it hard to find a bathroom. Even having my own bathroom I have to find a place to park. I know I often pass picnic areas in Texas. Texas also has pull out areas with no facilities along the interstates so you can stop. Barbie, in Texas the picnic areas are on the secondary roads and they usually have a sign that says one is coming up.

Carol, sorry Bill is still having problems from the covid.

The 10:00 weather said it's going to get down to 58 tonight. It's still 77 now so it better get a move on. I'm not sure if we will get any rain or not.

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Re: Saturday in Tuscon

Postby snowball » Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:50 pm

thanks for the information on the picnic area I sorta thought that was what it was... one of my husbands complaints with the state of Wy was their lack of rest areas and or roadside areas...
the midwest does those so well and something he was used to and simply couldn't understand why with tourism being such a business that they wouldn't be more accommodating....but perhaps things have changed in the past few years ... guess we will see
did get the plants watered didn't get packed yet can so talk myself out of doing something even when I know that it really needs to be done... I keep telling myself that it shouldn't take too much time... more my extra's will take the time than the putting stuff in suitcases
mom has been more not sure if confused is the word or if forgetful or what her feet tend to swell up so she normally elevates them with the footrest but I've noticed lately that she either can't remember how to put it up and have seen her several times starting to get out of the chair with the footrest up so need to get her to figure out how to operate the remote... and I wonder how many times I don't see... she does enjoy ice cream but the sandwich type ones I need to avoid her hands get way to messy as it takes her awhile to eat them... although I wonder if she would eat one with a fork in a bowl...might have to try that
Carol that is too bad that Bill is still having issues... guess those geese are protective of their space...
sounds like you are having a good time with your brother and sister in law Barbie
Beth safe travels
Judy when to you get to the coast? hoping for a safe trip for you as well
you all have a great day
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