It's Monday

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It's Monday

Postby Bethers » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:43 am

After CBS started the Billy Joel concert late last night, I missed a lot and decided to stream it today. Doing so now. His songs always put a smile on my face. And I'm really glad I didn't watch in real time after they also cut it off in the middle of his most famous song at the end in two time zones, of which mine was one. Not they are getting deserved flak!

The last piece of mail I've been expecting at the old park arrived today according to tracking. I've texted the manager and hope she responds soon as I want to run errands and pick it up.
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Re: It's Monday

Postby IrishIroamed » Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:25 am

Mornin Beth & all that follow~~~
Still hanging around in Apache Junction. Not doing a whole lot of anything. Beautiful day in the mid '70s today, then 90s expected for maybe the next 2 weeks.

Would like to be traveling by the start of June, but no routes yet to get to the wedding in Illinois in August. Will all depend on warranty repairs to the house.

Today is scheduled to be the leaky windows. And of course no rain expected in the foreseeable future to see if the fix takes care of the problem. One thing at a time.

Have a good day ladies.
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Re: It's Monday

Postby MandysMom » Mon Apr 15, 2024 11:38 am

Today is the day! Chris is scheduled for discharge home at 1 pm, so about 3.5 hours. I'm feeling a bit beat up between all the last minute stuff for his room and hauling home all the stuff hospital said was paid for by insurance, so I could take them- mostly adult briefs because they took him off his RX for his bladder issue (which is a faulty nerve connection) . Because of his kidney injury by the sepsis, we can't restart his RX for it until our Dr rechecks kidney status and gives ok. Bed is made, dresser filled with clean clothes (vs sitting in piles and baskets in his room).!! I think I'm ready! When I spoke to him earlier, he was waiting for CNA to retrieve his clothes off top closet shelf, which his stiff (ongoing from sepsis injury) shoulders cant yet reach. He's anxious to set foot outside of that place!
Hope everyone has a good start to their week! Sun is shinng here and it's going to reach 70°.
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Re: It's Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:27 pm

Good morning Cloudy and 52 some rain may come later but nothing big. Going to be a nice week and weekend tho. Finished mudding my bathroom this morning...that is not as easy as it sounds LOL of course. Now need to wait until it dries before I can sand it so will give it a few hours. Might have to put a little more on tomorrow or later today as it hardens really quickly even tho I got the 20 minute stuff. We will see.
Velda I am sure you are excited to get Chris home, it has been a long haul for you both. Cheryl I hope you get your mobile home all fixed up. They just dont make things like they used to I dont care what it is. And service after the sale really lacks in some areas. Beth hope you got everything now and can get on the road as you have planned.
Laura is coming down in this area for her first shakedown camping trip this weekend. She is getting her little trailer all spiffed up so I will be happy to see what she has done. I am excited for our visit.
I have so darn many projects to get done around here in the next month. Need to get my raised beds ready for planting. Need to plant the plants I bought. Need to spread my mulch, clean up my back deck, power wash so when the weather turns good for a few days can apply this years second coat of stain oh lordy I need to be 20 years younger, oh heck lets opt for 30 years younger!!! Oh yeah and I need to wash my windows outside. Get rid of the moss on my driveway....the list just goes on and on. It will get done, hopefully before the heat of summer but at least our mornings are nice so can always work for a bit in the am.
Think I will get some lunch and watch something on tv I am done for a while

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Re: It's Monday

Postby BarbaraRose » Mon Apr 15, 2024 1:33 pm

Cheryl, do you have a garden hose? You could use that to check for leaks in the windows!

Velda, it will be a great home-coming for Chris and a relief for you! Hopefully, you can get a little break now and relax some.

Just got home from getting my oil change done. They also rotated the tires and installed my new wiper blades. Should be good to go other than the car wash on Wednesday!

Cooler today so far, than I expected, and breezy. Will be inside most of the day cleaning so I can open the windows for some fresh air.

I discovered that the keys for my two slider doors don't work. Not sure why the inside porch one doesn't work. It used to. I got a new used door handle from Dave for the outside slider awhile back because the new one I bought didn't fit. However, I just realized that there is no key for that one. So, no way to lock up the house. I obviously don't lock it when I am gone for the day but we don't have any issues here with break-ins because of the tight security. I can lock both of them from the inside which I do at night just for my own peace of mind. I will have my two neighbors keep an eye on the place for me. Nothing worth stealing in here anyways. :roll:

Have a good day!
Barbie, Romeow, and Sophie, missing Lola! (and lots of ferrets running around in my heart!)


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Re: It's Monday

Postby Othersharon » Mon Apr 15, 2024 3:45 pm

Good afternoon. It’s a lovely day so far today. Windy but about 70 right now. More rain forecasted to move in tomorrow and will probably deal with rain most of the week. Yesterday started out beautiful with temps in the 70’s and very windy but about 6 last night the storm we’ve been warned about started to move in. By 6:45 it was dark enough that the street lights and all of the lights around the neighborhood that normally don’t turn on until about 8. Then by 7 the storm hit with vengeance and lasted until about 11. Lots of thunder and lightning along with the wind and downpour. About the only thing we didn’t get was the hail that areas north of us got. This area hasn’t had a storm like that for a long time. So needless to say it’s a bit soggy outside still with more rain to come. My grass looks like I could easily mow it if it just wasn’t so wet. Guess I’ll hope for a dry weekend and fire up the mower. And I still have a snow shovel out where I can get it. No need to test Mother Nature. I still want to get Buddy out for a walk since I just got back from my annual dermatology appointment so need to change clothes and do that. Karen, sounds like you have quite a few things on your to do list. This time of year there always seems like it’s never ending and I tend to get sidetracked on something else that needs done. Sometimes I add it to my to do list just so I can have the pleasure of crossing it off! Barbie, can you get a dowel to lay in the track of your sliders? Or is those doors you use all the time? Bet it’ll be good to have Chris home, Velda. Maybe you can get a bit more rest now. Cheryl, hope they fix all the things that need fixing so you can get on the road when you had planned. I went out and checked Lola out earlier and didn’t see anything from the storm last night. No leaks as far as I could see. I’m still debating on when I should de-winterize her. We could still have some cold nights and days. I think I should probably wait until the first part of May just to make sure. I don’t have any plans to go anywhere until the rainy season ends or at least slows down before I think about it! No big rush. Only thing I need to do is state inspection by the end of May so will be able to get her out for a little drive to the garage. Judy, hope you’re doing okay from all the bites you got. Time to head out for our walk. Have a good rest of your day.
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Re: It's Monday

Postby JudyJB » Mon Apr 15, 2024 4:32 pm

Last night my bites really started to "bloom." Quite a few had blisters on them and others got bigger with infected middles. The night before, I had gotten about 2.5 hours sleep, and last night because they were stinging and burning, I only got an hour sleep. I kept putting ice packs on them, which seems to be the only thing that really helps, other than a pain pill. I got up at 7:30 am, quickly unplugged electric, put hose away, and headed out to urgent care. There was a Cleveland Clinic urgent care not too far away that opened at 8 am, so I drove there. A lot of my records in Ohio are at Cleveland Clinic, so they had all my health stuff. Only two other patients ahead of me, so short wait, which was nice.

I have to say that all my blistered and bright red bites impressed even the doctor! She asked what I had gotten into, but I told her that I could handle a handful of bites, but any more and my immune system goes nuts. I really had not been outside after dusk other than that walk to watch the rocket launch, so some might have been from walking around during the day. The one thing different this morning which made me go to urgent care was that my left ankle was getting swollen and the skin seemed to be infected on both ankles, where most of the bites were.

Anyway, got an antibiotic and dose pack of prednisone. I had picked both prescriptions up by 11 am, and started each one immediately. Took second doses about 3 pm and have two more before I go to bed tonight. I am hoping to see a cousin tomorrow, but it will be inside a restaurant--no walking around campground tonight or visiting with neighbors. I am going to be an indoor person for next couple of days, then heading to Florida Panhandle. Cooler there so maybe fewer insects???? Anyway, this is the worst I have had in over a year.

I did check my spray, and it was 15% Deet, so maybe I need something stronger.
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Re: It's Monday

Postby JudyJB » Mon Apr 15, 2024 6:30 pm

Karen, you need to hire a teenager!! School with be out soon, and I'll bet you could find a 15 year old to do some of the chores.
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Re: It's Monday

Postby OregonLuvr » Mon Apr 15, 2024 7:44 pm

Judy I could hire lots of people but i do enjoy doing it myself. Gives me something to do. AND it doesnt all need to be done at once. I just need to prioritize.
I made a couple of different recipes this week and both were nasty!!!!! no way even palatable. So will just go back to my old standbys. Now I am eating a couple of cookies and a diet pepsi...ahhhh the old familiar stuff. So I am swearing off new recipes for now!!!

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Re: It's Monday

Postby Acadianmom » Mon Apr 15, 2024 10:06 pm

Yesterday afternoon I went to the pond for 3 hours. Fished for a while and then sprayed more weedkiller on the weeds. Used a rake and pulled some of the weeds out so I had a place to fish and not get caught in the weeds. As usual I spent about as much time messing with my equipment as I do fishing. Instead of a tackle box all my stuff is in a Lowe's Blue Bucket. I need to go through it and throw some of it away. Still thinking about getting one of the portable fish cleaning tables from Academy or Bass Pro.

A couple of weeks ago I got a letter that I had Jury duty today. I never did go to the court house to see about it so had to show up this afternoon. I had ask the last time I got a letter to be taken off the jury duty list. Evidently that didn't happen. When the judge came in he announced that anyone 70 and over could be excused if they wanted. I got the heck out of there. I went by a fast food place and picked up a Shrimp Poboy. That thing was so loaded with shrimp. It was good for lunch and supper.

Velda, hope Chris's homecoming went smoothly. I know you will be glad not having to drive to see him.

Judy, I hope you get some relief from your bites. I'm not sure the panhandle of Florida will be any better. We have been having a lot of mosquitoes and they spray every week.

Barbie, it sure takes a lot to get ready for a trip. It's starting to feel more like work all the time. I did sign up for two camping trips in May. So far all I have loaded are some shorts.

I stoped at the vet to get Annie some Revolution flea treatments. The Revolution is $30 a dose. :shock: I think Annie is going to have to have Revolution one month and a Walmart treatment the next.

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Re: It's Monday

Postby snowball » Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:27 am

got mom to the dr appointment... he did blood work to see if there is an infection... other than that he is somewhat puzzled...I'm actually hoping it's an infection so they can get her on antibiotics but at the same time hoping it's not a bad infection if indeed there is one... afterwards we went to DQ last time I stopped in asked if the had the shrimp basket was told they did (although I do wonder) so thought that is something that mom would like so thought that she could get one today but they no longer had them if they did the gal said they are a seasonal thing so then I asked for the 5 dollar meal (here it is 7 but that is to be expected) but no they didn't
have it that is a winter thing... we are between season's skiers gone tourist not arrived they could give the locals a break but that is just my take on it :? trouble is we ate early so now feeling hungry got a chicken finger basket with onion rings guess the baskets no longer have drinks with them if they ever did I don't remember so one 6 piece fingers/ rings, with drink and sundies came to 24 could have almost gone to a sit down for not much more than that
I mentioned awhile back that I was going to try making sauerkraut but when I tried it it tasted mildewy so trashed it but at the store I had seen a bag in a cooler of sauerkraut that was made in vats so the other day I bought it and got some hot dogs it was so good... think we will have hot dogs tomorrow night so I can have some sauerkraut need to figure out what else it will go with... watched a "reel" last night on a dish that was and does look good they didn't give the name of it right off when they did it was for dirty rice now I've never had dirty rice but thought it was cajan used a very small amount of cajan seasoning and a lot more of Italian seasoning need to look up a recipe for dirty rice :lol: took a lot of rice 2 C for a 9x13 pan
dd #3 came tonight and did the laundry wasn't expecting her so had to hurry up and make sure it was all in the baskets I knew I'd taken off a sweatshirt so had to find it... so laundry is almost done she will put it in the dryer tomorrow morning before going to work
glad Chris is home it is I am sure a relief
if the slider's aren't what you normally use the dowels that Judy mention is a great idea... we use in in mom's it locks she just likes the security of it...
Hoping you got your last mail Beth... it's will be nice to not to have to go over to the other park
wow Judy I don't envy you at all hope you got some relief and get to sleep tonight
sounds like a lot of rain Sharon we were suppose to have gotten some but it didn't happen
you all have a great day
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