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PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:08 am
by OregonLuvr
Well my dilated eyes stayed dilated until I went to bed geez. Usually I have my eye appts early morning and by late afternoon on the days they get dilated I am good by dinner. This was an 11:30 appt so didnt work out well for me. So went to bed early, fell asleeap and was awake at almost 4am. Emma saw the whites of my eyes so she started romping on the bed and pillow all excited for some dumb reason. So no lounging in bed for me, I got up made coffee, took the dog out (33 degrees out there) and now snuggled under my electric throw. The traffic yesterday was horrible. I think everyone in town was out. I was glad I didnt need anything at the stores as all their parking lots were full. I took the back way home, no traffic as no stores on that road just the airport and some businesses. I saw 2 Fed Ex planes being loaded by 2 trucks and a van. Normally there is just one plane there that makes a few trips a day, so even the skies were busy yesterday.
I will just stay home for the next few days, safer that way I think ha ha It rained last night but right now just chilly and soon the fog will come in. They are warning of freezing fog in some areas, another reason to stay home.

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:02 am
by Bethers
Morning Karen and all who follow. It's drizzling outside. Supposed to have sun back tomorrow. I may or may not take my dinnerware back to Sam's club today. Most likely it won't happen until after Christmas. No reason to fight the crowds required to go in the store. My neighbors know I've been eating for a package and just texted that there's one in our mail area for me. Yay, it's been all over south Texas lolol. It should contain my stickers/license plates for another year on this RV and car.

So I'm going to try to get Ty out for a bit then maybe curl up on the sofa and have a day watching TV.

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:24 am
by SoCalGalcas
All of these wonderful rain storms have completely missed me. I love the rain, and heaven’s knows we need it. I’m disappointed.
Our Christmas Day here is forecasted to be sunny and cold! Lyn

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 11:51 am
by Colliemom
Morning Karen, Beth, Lyn and all who follow. Was foggy here this morning, but not a dense, can’t see anything fog. Caused by warmer air overriding the cold ground and what’s left of earlier this week’s snow.

I was awake about 4:15 this morning too and tried to go back to sleep. Finally decided to heck with it and got up. Like you Karen I don’t like laying in bed either. Better to get up and moving and get the blood circulating. So I threw a load of laundry in the washer and then hauled out the bacon I bought yesterday, put it into individual serving sizes, wrapped them individually in wax paper, put them into double freezer bags and into the freezer. Kept some out for this mornings breakfast. My dad used to do that and then just take out a serving and cook it breakfast. I did fall asleep in my chair after breakfast though for a short bit, but then got busy, Ran the vac and cleaned my bathroom. Did some financial stuff, shredded old receipts and filed a few things. So will now spend the rest of the day working on my Diamond Painting.

The both dogs to the Holistic vet yesterday. Follow up for Molly and trying to determine why Piper has incontinence at night. He did Chiropractic on both and also energy scans. Spinal alignment and energy sync are Pipers issues. Both dogs came home with drops and herbal supplement's. This is the vet that practices Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM). If you are wondering what that’s about, look it up online. It’s a fascinating thing. So it’s been quiet arond here as they are sleeping of the effects of yesterday’s treatments.

Beth, have you definitely decided to put carpeting down in the TT? As a former TT owner, I would just like to say, weigh the pros and cons carefully. I had vinyl flooring in all my trailers but put rubber backed throw rugs down as I could just throw them in the washing. I know you said the floor isn’t really cleanable, but you might be able to find somebody to lay sone new vinyl in. Carpeting is okay as it does act as an insulator, but it also needs vacuming to keep dust and dander down, gets easily tracked up in a trailer every tine you go in and out and if it’s raining you track in water too, specially if Ty is wet. Spill anything and you have a clean up job ahead. Those stick on carpet and vinyl tiles are prone to coming loose unless they are glued down, plus if water or liquid gets spilled, it could seep between where the squares come together and get under them. A friend of mine bought carpeting and cut it to lay down on the floor in her trailer because she didn’t want to walk on vinyl. But she found out after awhile, it was a big pain to keep clean etc. and took it out, going back to the vinyl and pitting throw rags in. Just my two cents worth here :)

Was going to go to town, but decided to wait till tomorrow and run to the store after church. Nd a couple things, one of which I put off yesterday till I went to vet and found out what he as gong to do as far as treatments were concerned. I use package roast beef and pill pockets to give the pills and energy sync drops, but didn’t want to stock up just yet. Now that I know, will go get more.

Guess I should get some lunch here and then spend some time on the Painting. Those things are really addictive, but a great way to relax. Maybe there might be a walk later as these two are going to come alive eventually :lol:

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 6:20 pm
by BarbaraRose
Just got home from work. Was pretty busy today but there were 3 of us working. I met the new stylist today. She seems very nice and is fast and also speaks Spanish! She worked for Great Clips out here before, moved away, and is now back. I am glad she is here!

Sue, I bought a small diamond painting kit at Hobby Lobby last week. Just 12"X12". Will see how that goes. :?

My house looks like a tornado went thru it! :o I have a lot of cleaning to do around here. Been so tired after work and with my aches and pains, haven't felt like doing anything. :(

I work 10-3 tomorrow. Then will stop and pick up some cole slaw at Vons' deli. Will doctor it up a little (pineapple and marshmallows) and take it to the dinner on Monday. Nothing planned for Christmas Eve. Just hang out with the cats and see if there is anything good to watch on TV.

Clear blue skies today and mid 70's. :D There is a slight dusting of snow on the mountain top to the west, but more on the mountains to the north which are much higher.

I should clean my bedroom and bathroom tonight and get those out of the way. Getting started is always the hard part... :roll:

Have a good evening!

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:30 pm
by JudyJB
I left WP Franklin campground and headed to the Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary, which was on the way to Koreshan, where I am now. I had made a reservation for 11:30 am, and got there just in time, but I did spend a few minutes in the gift shop and bought a couple of bird shirts--not shirts for birds, but ones with Florida birds on them. Then out for my walk on the 2.5 mile boardwalk!

It was a pleasant and sunny day today, but I did not see a lot of birds. One thing I learned long ago is that you have to stop every once in a while and just listen for birds because many are so disguised in the huge ferns and other plants. This place is one of the few remaining stands of virgin bald cypress and normally full of birds and alligators. One of the docents said it would be another 2-4 weeks before all of the northern birds arrive. However, I did see an American Bittern, which was the first I have ever seen. It is a wading bird about 15" tall, brown with stripes on its body and face. I watched it catch little mollusks for quite a while. It was great at hiding because it blended in so much with the plants. Also saw a red-headed woodpecker, a little blue heron, several great white herons, a couple of cattle egrets, and a red shouldered hawk. Only one big alligator, however. But the huge Boston ferns were in their prime, as were many other swamp plants and wild flowers. I am worn out from walking, but will head back there at the end of January. I cannot believe it, but I spent over four hours on the boardwalk!! Met quite a few people, even local ones, who had never been there and were very impressed with this gorgeous swamp.

And because of the tiny fish in the swamp, there were absolutely no mosquitos!!

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 2:00 am
by snowball
I bet that was a total win Judy... there is a bird sanctuary outside of Blythe CA not far from Q been to it a few times but usually end up being there to late in the season and the smaller birds are gone or perhaps just well hidden...
I didn't plan on going out today but it happened I forgot some stuff that was on my list come to think of it still forgot some stuff oh well not on the menu for a few days.. I decided to go to Target been going to do that for days return an item and see if I could find something for mom found a top hopefully she will like it or even wear it.... I'd rather the other sweater but it wasn't in the right size... I also found a couple of hand towels and a bath room rug... lame I know
got woke up this morning with ds calling to ask if this was the way it should be well when you wake me up and asking a question like that ... he put me on video and I said no it wasn't still enough go through getting it stiff enough when I asked do you have an hour or so for it to rise a bit??? we aren't frying it until 8 tonight I said but the yeast will die then we realize that I thought the dough was after the start had been doing it's thing not when the start was actually being started... so they had to start all over felt so bad but I totally didn't realize and should have asked some more concrete question's but they did say later that they turned out good... oh it was the sour dough scones that I make for Navajo Taco's.
still tired one of those days felt like I never totally woke up...
I will need to get my act together earlier tomorrow... then have the turkey breast to make
you all have a good night

Re: SATURDAY Up and At Em

PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:14 pm
by SoCalGalcas
Judy, lucky you being at Corkscrew Swamp! I too loved it there. In all my years of birding, I have only seen one American Bittern. I cherish the sight. Glad you are still traveling, as I enjoy the reports from whereever you are!