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Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:47 pm
by JudyJB
Strong winds again today. This is first time I have been to Gamble Rogers when the Atlantic has been so consistently rough and windy to the point where a beach walk is difficult. Am going to have to stop for a truck wash in Ft. Pierce before I go to my next campground!! Have to keep cleaning salt off my front window so I can see out.

More later.....

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:22 pm
by Redetotry
It is warmer here today which makes me happy, the sudden change we had last week going from daytime temps of 80 to 40's overnight was a shock. I'm sorry the weather hasn't been better for you Judy but hopefully it will improve. I had a funny experience at the farmers market this morning. It was almost time for the market to close when I got there and some people were already packing up including the person I usually buy carrots from. As I walked by his truck I said oh I'm too late for carrots and he said, I can get you some they are close to the edge of my truck. I thanked him and left to go to the Coop down the street. As I walked into the Coop he was also going inside. When I got to the dairy section, there he was and yet again we met at the deli counter. I looked at him and said I'm really not following you. We left the store at the same time and he was parked right across from me. We both went the same way and I was behind him until the crossroad about a mile away. I had already decided to go the opposite way if he turned toward my street, but he went the other way. Another strange experience earlier this morning. I had an email from Facebook which said ...Here's XXX post from this morning your friend XXXX recently posted a photo here is a link. At the end of the message in small print it said this message was sent by Meta if you would like to unsubscribe click here.., I had seen her post but it went away for some reason as I tried to comment. I asked DH if he had seen her post and he said yes he had 'liked' it. Moments after our conversation I received the email from Facebook with the link to her post.:shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 3:14 pm
by OregonLuvr
Good wet afternoon here. We had blue sky with clouds earlier this morning but that certainly disappeared. I was even outside sitting on my deck having coffee while Emma checked out the yard. Now the wind is blowing and feels way colder than the 58 degrees when I was outside. Now it is 62 and cold out. So just had some lunch and going to have a mocha and pretty much do nothing today. Unless somehow I become inspired.
Sorry your weather isnt very good Judy, but now it can only get better...soon we hope. BJ I was going to go to our Farmers market today but then decided to just order my stuff online from Safeway as they had a few things I needed AND were on sale. So will go pick those up in a bit. Heck I dont even have to get fancy to not get out of my car ha ha BUT I always figure if something happened along the way I better at least not go in my jammies.

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 4:38 pm
by Cudedog
Redetotry wrote:Another strange experience earlier this morning. I had an email from Facebook which said ...Here's XXX post from this morning your friend XXXX recently posted a photo here is a link. At the end of the message in small print it said this message was sent by Meta if you would like to unsubscribe click here.., I had seen her post but it went away for some reason as I tried to comment. I asked DH if he had seen her post and he said yes he had 'liked' it. Moments after our conversation I received the email from Facebook with the link to her post.:shock: :shock: :shock:

I would be extremely careful on clicking on any unknown links within an unknown-origination email that comes from who-knows-where (even if the link appears to be from Meta). Frankly, I delete all such emails unopened and unread.

Opening unknown-sender emails, no matter where they might appear to come from is very risky, at best.

As we all know, just opening an email can potentially compromise our computers and steal our data - clicking on links within these emails most certainly can do so.


Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:09 pm
by JudyJB
It's windy and a bit chilly, but I still have a terrific view of the ocean directly in front of me, and I can hear the surf day and night. Got some mending done today and have a package ready to drop off at the post office tomorrow. I will need to stop and get some tissue paper--had some but for the life of me, cannot find it!! Typical.

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 7:58 pm
by Bethers
BJ, have you asked for FB to send you messages when done people post? I find that very strange. My first thought would be someone was hacked and they were getting info on their account. I would never click on a link in a message like that. Heck, I've contacted friends that sent me legitimate links to make sure they sent them. I click on no links from banks, etc. My bank doesn't send me links but tells me to access my account for more information, for example.

I have found a potential tt. I've sent outside pictures to the managers who have to show them to the owners. They could say no. It's older and needs some cleaning and tender loving care, but I think it would work well for me. Of course, the manager, if owners give the go ahead, will go back with me to go over it, my areas of possible concern and anything else. Fingers crossed.

Beautiful weather here yesterday and today and I believe for the next few days.

Don't forget to change your clocks tonight. I will hate nights coming even earlier. Ty will hate it more because I know I won't be good about getting out last decent walk in as early as necessary. I will try.

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sat Nov 04, 2023 8:00 pm
by MandysMom
It's been sunny and near 80, here today. So much for predicted showers!
My day was mostly taken up by a marathon special presentation by Art Impressions owner, Bonnie Krebs, demo of her brand new Nativity journal stamp set. We had such fun chatting live and watching. I got my sets today, so that journal is on my to do list.
I did manage to walk 45 " in sections during class, and later, walked another 20" for a total of 65". I had a great visit with a PA at the nephrology office Thursday, and feel more "heard" and more encouraged than in a long time. She changed my Losartan to a similar, but more potent form of that family to take at night, and put my hydralazine on a sliding scale. So far today, I've only needed 1/2 of what I had been taking! It's been the most problematic of the 4 RX I'm now on! in a month, I go in and they will put a BP cuff on my arm to take BP every 30" for 24 hours. She said, yes don't expect to, get a Lot of sleep, but the data will be worth it. When they take it off, they immediately download data and she will see me to do any RX adjustments needed. hoping I'm finally started on a better path. In Dec I see endocrinology, which she thought was a very good idea, to make sure nothng is missed. The PA also was first to acknowledge that this BP thing was not just random. She said, she terms this, having a triggering event- be it Vaccine, like me, or a viral infection (Covid), or a surgery, a auto accident, a psychological trauma , or something else- the person with a triggering event causing, sudden, out of control BP, which does not want to stabilize, can always name tne day and often the time it began. They don't know why, but it's a known phenomenon. Why did it take an internist, a cardiologist, a neuro surgeon, 6 ER Drs, and a PA in nephrology can tell me immediately and knows what to do!!!!!!
Past few days are looking up.
My Bowen therapy is also helping.
It's always good to hear what everyone is doing.

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 12:02 am
by snowball
Velda I didn't understand how far you walked... total of was it 65? but what was it in? glad that they are finally coming to some idea of what to do... and I personally would rather see a PA
it looked chilly today didn't go outside but looking out it looked like it was... don't know if it ever rained or not nephew mowed lawn so am guessing it didn't but perhaps this evening who knows it was dark out and didn't see... need to remember to tell mom that the time will change then we have to figure out how to change the clocks :roll:
think I have the hat going in the right direction.... it seems to been on target with the count
so glad about that ... then one more row on the afghan aside from the trimming the fringe and any extra that need to be trimmed out
I guess it was a do nothing day to the max...
you all have a great day

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 1:40 am
by MandysMom
Sheila, I walked 65 minutes, 2.43 miles on treadmill. Days total steps:11,077.

Re: Windy Saturday

PostPosted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 2:57 am
by BarbaraRose
Am up late again tonight. But I get a bonus hour tonight!

I was scheduled to work with the new girl from 9-2 today and was nervous about that but luckily, the other newer lady accidentally came in this morning when she actually wasn't scheduled to come in until 1pm. I talked her into staying the whole day. That worked out well having 3 of us there. Since they both take a really long time doing haircuts, it kind of evened out having both of them there.

Came home and took a short nap. My stings were itching really bad at work so I bought some Benadryl spray which works pretty quickly. I discovered I have 3 more stings than I originally thought. One is right next to one on my ankle that I already knew about. And there are 2 more really small ones that were probably from baby ants that don't itch very much, luckily. All of those are on my right ankle. The other bad one is on the top of my left big toe.

I had stopped at a grocery store on the way home and picked up 3 ears of nice looking corn. Cooked them up in the microwave tonight and they were SO good! Nice and sweet and crispy!

Beth, I am always leery about RV's, trailers, etc that are not clean. Makes me think they haven't taken care of the place and not done much if any maintenance on it. I quickly pass on those. I hope the one you are now looking at is in decent shape. What size trailer have you been looking for? Is it an actual travel trailer, or a mobile home type?

I have tomorrow off and need to get back to cleaning which I didn't finish the other day once I found out the showing was cancelled.

Will be 90* the next couple days and then start cooling off again. Still in the 50's at night tho.

Judy, I hope it warms up there soon so you can enjoy the beach some.

Good night!