Morning. Sun is coming up, temp is 30°. Heading into to upper 50’s today. Chance of a shower later on. Nothing special in my agenda today. Septic was pumped, so filled in the hole I dug to get to the cap, so they could pump the tank. Not paying extra to have them do that when I can do it myself. Will go out with my ladder later on the look over the porch beam where the dry rot is and see what the situation looks like. Then plan a course of action. Plan to work in the yard art project. The girl is done, now to trace and paint the boy. Then the outfits to put on them. Shelia, I will take and post pictures.
Velda, I’m taking 5,000 mg of D3. As to K2, my vitamin levels are good across the board except for D. I eat a lot of green leafy fresh Romaine which is good for Vitamin A, K and other minerals. It’s the healthiest of the lettuces out there.
Barbie, you’ll get the hang of the different processes, then you will good to go. Shirl, glad you are getting some nice sit outside weather.
All the talk about new cars and their technology is Interesting. I have a couple years left for my truck loan, but not in a hurry to get rid of it. Pushing the 78,000 mile mark. Michigan legislature is working on some new laws regarding the use of cell phones and electronic devices while driving. You had better not be seen talking or even looking at them while driving. if they see you doing so, you will be pulled over and ticketed. It’s driver distraction. Same goes for all the tech on the dashboard screens. GPS is okay. They are debating the looking at phone GPS if you don’t have it built in issue. The automakers keep putting all more safety equipment on the cars, but I think they are going just a tad too far by having all these information screens that are taking your eyes off the road. I often think that if they didn’t have all of that, you would be paying attention to driving and the other stuff wouldn’t be necessary. Just my two cents worth.
Need to go get my morning fruit intake, hit she shower and start my day. Have a nice day every one.