Yesterday I went and took my son to his doctor's appointment. They want him there 20 minutes early and then didn't call him for 50 minutes. That place has their own pharmacy so then you have to wait for the nurse to call the prescription into the next office. Another 30 minute wait. His appointment was at 12:00 and we didn't get out of there until 2:00. I'm glad I remembered to bring a jacket because you could hang meat in the waiting room it's so cold.
Judy, you are so organized with all your campgrounds. I'm doing good to keep up with one reservation a month. I didn't sign up of the May campout so I will probably go to the lake with my sister. The June campout is back almost to Mississippi again.
Anita, have a safe trip. I think if I had to take a long car trip I would feel like sleeping in my car at a campground. I do not feel safe at motels. There are only 2 campgrounds around here that I won't stay in because they are in a bad area. There is a campground in Lafayette that is in a neighborhood and a friend had her trailer hitch stolen.
Yesterday I was looking at cars online so today my Facebook is full of car ads. I can't decide if I should get my 2013 Honda towable or get a new car to put the equipment on. My Honda has 93,000 miles on it but I have never had any problems with it. Or I could wait until the 2024's come out. What I'll probably do is nothing.
I wish the new Hondas could be towed.
I need to mow the yard and load the mower and go mow in Maurice. There is a 70% chance of rain tomorrow and rain again Saturday and Sunday.
When I went to feed the cats there was a snake coming up the hill in the front yard. I shot at it 3 times with the 22 and didn't hit it.
At least it decided to go back down the hill.
I need to do a better job of taking my vitamins. I have to take them after a meal or they make me nauseous. I would like to give blood to see what my numbers are but they wouldn't take it until I take my iron for a few weeks. That's probably why I'm so slow, my iron is low.