Morning. Partly cloudy and 45° here at tbe 45th. Sun is trying to peak out, but clouds are moving in. We have had sun and 4 days of record breaking hot Westher. Temps have been in the mid 80’s. Over 30 degrees above normal. Tomorrow back to normal for the most part, 40’s and 50’s. Snow/rain in forecast by Monday with showers and T-Storm later tomorrow and snow accumulations by Monday night. We need the moisture. Been under Red Flag Fire Warning for 3 days. What snow there was is gone and with the Sandy soil up here, the ground is very dry. The ice is out of the lakes as well.
I spent a short bit of time cleaning up the wInter yard debris and now have been tracing and cutting wood patterns. Spending some time on these hot afternoons painting them. Took a a break yesterday to do some bumming and shopping in town. Picking up little stuff for the emergency go bag. Need to order some collapsible dog bowls and next week pick up some food stuff to store in the shelter room. Somebody asked awhile back if I was going to put a comfty chair or whatever down there and the answer is no. Don’t want anything that might get wet down there.
Been reading all the different things you all are dong. Shirl, your bean saga gave me a laugh. I like Bush’s Baked Beans in the can. I keep some of the small cans in the cupboard. Mom used to make really good baked beans. She had and I still do, have a really good heavy crock baking dish for making them. Martha, Great Northern dried beans are usually used for making baked beans. Beth, you sound like you aren’t overly thrilled with your current job. Shelia, glad you got home safely. And Karen got a day to work outside, LOL. Constant rainy days can get boring I know. Carol, I’m with the others about Bill. He just has to do what he has to do and quit whining. Don’t envy you.
Cheryl, good luck with route planning. Judy, enjoy Zion.
Need to get cleaned up, dressed for the day and get busy. Want to run recycles up to the bin, then take leaf blower over and clean up the POA walking path between the two roads. Then see what else I get I to today. Kind of in a mood for a ride, so shall see. Have a great day.